Wednesday, June 6, 2012

May 2012 Inspire You Article - Comfort Zone vs. Change

Comfort Zone vs. Change

ChangeI received an article from my manager this week to read for our staff meeting. In the article (find it here) it states five different types of sales representatives. And it further states that the Challenger type is better at making sales than the Relationship Builder sales rep. The Challenger takes on a bit of all five characteristics but can go further into knowing the complexities of the product and the sale while taking into consideration the highest goal for the client and his own company. He can then make a sale by challenging the client further out of their comfort zone, pushing buttons ever so perfectly in the right way to get the client to see the potential; the positive solution that will work if they take the right action - this right action recommended by them.
Take this lesson into real life now. I read this article all the way through and it makes total sense to me. You can't make a shift in your life if you are comfortable and stay in your comfort zone. Change is the only way to continue to evolve and shift to anew. To change you must challenge what IS and work towards the "better" way, the goal at hand, see the true deeper issues, actually be authentic with yourself and truthful about said issues. The be willing to change and actually TAKE that ACTION that is required. Love it! 

So we can allow ourselves the awareness that challenging experiences are actually a blessing in disguise for positive uplifting change. Since change is our only constant, embracing what IS, is key in every moment. The more we can see these challenges as opportunities to have a more uplifted, fulfilling and *connected* life, the better we can move through these challenges with more ease, efficiency and expediently. 

In the very moment, ask yourself what is the true solution to this issue. Take note of your very own authentic reactions, actions, thoughts and emotions. Be totally honest with yourself withOUT guilt. Guilt is a hinderance to succeed here. Just allow yourself your humanity. Then be totally honest with yourself. Be your authentic self. See the goal you desire, feel the uplifted state it can and does bring, see the actions you need to take in order for this to occur and take action. Action is not always going to be taken here, perhaps non-action is what is required. Each situation is unique. My point is take that action or non-action when it comes up.

For example, we are constantly receiving messages from our intuition. If we don't listen to those messages as whispers they will soon come as "screams" either by striking experiences and harder challenges and/or it will fall into our body as medical issues. Our body is always speaking to us so it is helpful to always listen to the wisdom the body provides. Many of us can easily connect with our intuition through the art of presence that can be cultivated through meditation and yoga.
Here is another thought to keep in mind, "Although financial adversity can cause challenges in our lives, it is also a gateway
to awareness and spiritual growth." ~ Eckhart Tolle
Denise Linn, founder of Soul Coaching and well-known Feng Shui expert, was in the local grocery store recently and ran into one of her neighbors. This woman was pleasant enough. She went into the current financial crisis and how sad she was for so many that are having a hard time with their businesses and/or finding job, her included. Then she politely asked Denise how her business was doing. Denise is not into lying and had no thought of such a thing, so she told the truth. Denise told her that her business was doing quite well and she was very humbly grateful. The woman immediately did an about-face and stormed out of the grocery store. Goodness! 

This woman was so much into playing the victim and so comfortable staying with the masses in their victimhood that she was astounded that Denise wouldn't comfort to her comfort zone and agree with the "bad financial" times by staying her business was not doing well. We do not want to manifest something or be a part of something that we are not, just to make someone else feel better in the zone they are in! So it's not always about staying in your comfort zone, many time we get into others' comfort zones to make them feel better insead of standing in our unique vibration and allowing our truest expression to be seen. Our light can help others. So by getting that woman to thinking about a "better way" she, perhaps, went home to ponder her blunt and rude behavior and hopefully saw that if Denise Linn is thriving, so can she! So, too, can we all. It's a mind set. 

Let's shift our perspective and we will be there for ourselves! One positive person is more powerful than 1,000 negative people! Let's make that change.

I wish you uplifting positive changes,
~ Spiritual Cheerleader

Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."

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