Wednesday, June 6, 2012

March 2012 Inspire You Article - Abundance through Peace

Abundance through Peace

Peaceful Mourning DoveIn Peace you can find all you need. In that moment of pure bliss, tranquility, serenity and peace you resonate closely with the Divine. You are relaxed, less stressed and free flowing as well as freely receiving and giving naturally (el-natur-al, as I like to say it).
This quote from Stewart Pearce, creater of the Angels of Atlantis cards, says it perfectly, "It is from the state of serenity that you can always feel the abundance of the Source providing for you - as it always will."
It makes total sense to me! Whenever I can get out of my head and out of my emotions, I am free. Whenever I can just step back, breathe and BE in the present moment, a blissful peace comes over me. And in that moment I know I have all I could ever need or want and am fully supported always. 

It is especially crucial to get in this state of presence during challenging experiences. Literally right in the moment of the challenge, the exasperation, frustration, anger, fear, etc. Right at that moment, step back, breathe and be.

It's a daily practice of mine to get into this state immediately upon waking up, as it sets me up for the day. Once in this peaceful state of being, either in bed, by the window watching the dawn sky wake up, sungazing, etc., I am then most easily able to feel the serene security inside me. I feel the safety and the knowing that the Divine God is always and has always and will always support me in EVERY WAY. My shoulders drop, my body relaxes and I am free. 

I then create my intention for abundance tapping into visualizations, Ascended Masters and the Angels. I literally feel the energy of my abundance flowing. (I share these methods in my Angels In Training Boot Camp program.) It's amazing and there is so much to go around. There is plenty for everyone and then some! There is no drought of abundance in all good things for us, when we can get peaceful, surrender the ego mind, have faith and trust, then let it flow. 

So, here are only a few of the many things we can do to get peaceful and achieve abundant flow in all things wonderful, beautiful and uplifting:
  • Witness your emotions before you react. Bare witness, by stepping back. Just take an "aerial" view of what is happening without getting involved. Slow deep breaths will truly make all the difference to gain this perspective and get present. Remembering you are a Divine being having a spiritual experience. Find the lessons. Ask yourself or Greater Self, without attachment, what you can learn from this experience and what a solution could be. Then breathe, accept what is right now and move forward. You can be free of these outbursts by getting present with what is happening, surrending to what is and the outcome and knowing you are safe, secure and always fully supported.

  • Meditate: Create a consistent practice of stilling the mind. Remember what is important; let go of what isn't. I have recorded a couple meditations that assist you in clearing your energies and manifesting what you desire. If you desire an energy and chakra clearing, Divine Embrace Chakra Awakening Meditation is for you. To work further on mind clearing and manifesting abundance and all good things you desire, my Create the Life You Desire Meditation CD will be perfect for you as well. And there are a ton more online that you may resonate with. Or simply listen to music without words or nothing at all. My favorite is to listen to the birds singing in the early morning hours. Love it! :)

  • Chant: Chanting is great for getting out of the mind. A simple "Om" (Aaaa-uuuu-mmmmm) over and over again is perfect. This is the divine sound of all of creation. Feel the sound resonance fill you up with the Source energy. I share several mantras that may intrigue you as well in my recently published book, Divine Embrace.

  • Breathe: Your breath is your prana life force energy so tapping into even simply deep full breaths will assist you in getting present and peaceful! Other breathing techniques are discussed at length in my book, How I Found My True Inner Peace.

  • Tap into your Joy! When you are happy and joyful you are in total alignment with the Divine. You have permission to feel good! You deserve to be filled with joy, peace, bliss and serenity always! Allow this to flow into your life. Do work that makes you feel happy and fulfilled. Create hobbies that tap into your imagination and allow you to just let go and have fun! Be Playful!

  • When you feel something icky inside, shift your perspective. Or shift whatever the current situation is. Sometimes it's our perspective alone that is off. We are seeing something through our filters; our rosefilled glasses if you will. And when we can gain a new perspective or step back into a witness state, we can see the forest for the trees. Take a higher view of what is happening. Or simply know that we can't possibly know the full amount of the intricacies of the Universe and its plan. Know that everything is Divine. This too shall pass. But this too is a Divine lesson to make us stronger. Kelly Clarkson's song rings in my head, "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!" It's true!

  • Read books and watch movies that help you feel good and tap into the Divine Source of peace. In my book How I Found My True Inner Peace, it's all about finding true inner peace! All of the ideas above are expanded upon. And through that you find all you ever needed and wanted. It's always been there and always will be. I recently received a note from someone who read my book. She said, "Hi Maggie. Your first book has helped me so much to balance and shift my energies. I had some displaced anger and it helped me work through it. My life is so much better since reading your book. Looking forward to reading the second book. Thank you."
You are fully supported always. Remember that! Take heart in that. Have faith in this knowing. Abundance is yours! 

Many Abundant Blessings to you on your path,
~ Spiritual Cheerleader

Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."

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