Monday, December 20, 2010

You Are More - December 2010

You are more than the problems you create. You are more than your decisions and choices. You are more than your regrets. You are more than your joys. You are more than you think you are. You are more than you believe you are. The intensity and aliveness that which you are is incomprehensible to the mind.

You are a divine being capable of so much more than your mind tells you. Release the resistance of your mind and emotions. The more you release resistance the more you open up to the higher vibrational being that you are. Just know that you are more.

"Beloved ones, you are the power of the future. You are the ones envisioning the future, and the future does not exist except as you will mold it and shape it and envision it. You are the power of the future, and it will be as you decree it. The future has not been made yet." Jeshua Online,

All the experiences of our lives and most of what we can be aware of is just surface stuff! Go deeper. Feel more. Be more. Each moment holds more divine power than the surface awareness that we usually see. Each and every moment is holy. Each and every moment.

So come as you are. The full aliveness that which you are. Everyday starts new. Everyday starts fresh within you - the powerful being that you are. You are more than you think you are. Start anew. A clean slate. More than this, you can dive down deep and cultivate even more than you think you can. You can do this in every moment, just upon waking for the day. And you can do this right now! Don't wait for tomorrow. Start fresh right now. Breathe slow and deep. Feel refreshed.

Say you have a past regret. A mistake you might have made. Let's put aside the fact that this "mistake" helped you grow into the person you are now and assisted you in appreciating what you didn't back then to now. You are wiser. However, even this regret you hold too close to you now is not who you really are. You are forgiven because you are so much more than this. You can decide to remake yourself today. Live anew.

It's not about what you've done or what's been done to you. It's about your core essence and what you share of your true self now. It's about what you realize within yourself. Our first and primary goal in life is to realize our Divine True Selves. In that awareness we are FREE. In that awareness we can truly live. In that awareness we can truly give of ourselves as we are pulled to do so. In that awareness we can Be. Bliss is at our reach. It's up to us to realize we are more. We are light. We are Love.

Please check out the video by Tenth Avenue North, called "You Are More", that truly drives home the emotion of the essence of this message. And also, Firework by Katy Perry, an amazing song and uplifting video!!

Matt Kahn of asks, in his most recent video, this profound question: "When there is nothing to be aware of, is awareness still there?" Does awareness still exist. YES! And when you feel that answer from deep within an amazing connection occurs. A divine presence awakens. Always there, never not there.

Enjoy, live, laugh and love always!

Blessings to you on your path,
~Spiritual Cheerleader

Live An Authentic Life ~ November 2010

Like I said above, what better way to give thanks this Thanksgiving than to live your authentic self and true essence. That which you are is a gift to this world. The gift given to you is the ability to share yourself with everyone you meet.

Living authentically is sometimes very easy and other times a challenge. There is a fine line between telling it how it is and be utterly cruel. There is a kind way to speak your truth when the call to do so occurs. There are times when you should listen to your gut and share your heart felt feelings and there are times when it is best to remain silent. Still. And allow what will be to be. Allow others their experience as you sit blissfully silent in your own unique experience.

Being authentic is becoming aware of your truest self to the core. A natural progression can get you to your true self. My heart tells me what I need to do. I share with you that we must stop listening to what others think about us. Stop only receiving validation from the outside and look within. Every time I look within, I truly feel more validation from Self…mmm... even beyond validation to truth and bliss and surrender. And things I don’t like are there, but I am doing my best to be truthful to that mirror. I know I ignore and resist at times. And as I get these reminders over and over I resist less and less and become more aware, more mindful. Even now I wonder of what you, who are reading this, might think of my inner process and writings. Will it be felt as my truth? It feels like truth at this moment. More surrendering, breathing and being reminds me that it’s all divine. No matter what. And so, I breathe.

It’s time to live in your truth, integrity and bliss. Be your authentic self. Not what anyone else wants you to be. It’s all about your bliss barometer! What makes you feel good is your path to your authentic blissful self. Just because social conditionings have said certain actions or ways of living aren’t “normal” doesn’t mean it’s not a part of YOUR path. You could be one of the few that brings out a better way of living simply by following your bliss barometer. Be open to new possibilities that truly awaken your path to live life to your fullest! Shine your inner light now!

I desire living a life that is spiritual, meaningful, authentic and blissful. One that brings me to the depths of the divine soul itself; a deep spiritual connection. So even in writing my book (that is now in its editing stages) I have been constantly tested to be authentic and truthful in my writing. These articles and the book I am writing are my learning ground. I have caught myself many times writing what I thought people would like to hear rather than writing from MY HEART and MY AUTHENTIC SELF. So I have deleted a lot of text throughout the writing process of my book, simply because I realized it wasn’t me. Being authentic means no more artificial smiles or self-centered purposes. Pay attention to inner qualities. That is being authentic.

Now being authentic will not make everyone happy. Those people are feeling uncomfortable in their own skin watching your authentic self. This is their issue. They will get angry and mean or spiteful. Again, stay within your true divine self. It’s time. You do not need another’s approval in order to follow your dreams and live in your truth.

Likewise, be aware of what is pushing your buttons. As others live their true divine self this holiday season there may be many times where you want to blow a gasget and scream or cry. This is the mirror they are showing you. It's within you to learn the lessons of another's Divine expression. Our relatives may get on our last nerve, but sit back in the witness state instead. Ask yourself why. Really ponder and witness. Surrender to the emotion rather than run wild with it or resist it. Allow it to be there so you can find the truth that comes from it.

Living your truth is also allowing you to go deeper within your soul, one beautiful step at a time. Denise Linn says it best here, “I'm examining ways, within myself, to speak straight from the heart as much as possible in every situation (but in a way that is kind). I have found that when I communicate my truth with joy, clarity and focus (and the willingness to allow folks the opportunity to respond in whatever way feels right to them without judging them for their reaction) my relationships flourish.”

Feel the truth of your soul that lies within. Express it as you are called. Share your Divine expression as that is your gift of giving to the world. Give thanks for who *you* are because you *are* a gift. Blessings.

Enjoy, live, laugh and love always!

Blessings to you on your path,
~Spiritual Cheerleader

November 2010 Yoga Pose - Shoulder Stand

Shoulder Stand
Sanskrit: Salamba Sarvangasana
Image courtesy of Yoga

Should Stand is one of my favorite poses. It's a pose great for shifting the gravity within your body and circulating the blood flow in a new that our body doesn't always receive. This allows for many health benefits. To name a few:

* Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression
* Stimulates the thyroid and prostate glands and abdominal organs
* Stretches the shoulders and neck
* Tones the legs and buttocks
* Improves digestion
* Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause
* Reduces fatigue and alleviates insomnia
* Therapeutic for asthma, infertility, and sinusitis

I find an inner peace while in this pose. The excellent counterpose (Fish Pose) is also my favorite (that we will discuss next month). I think this is a great pose this Thanksgiving as it triggers your Thyroid into action that will therefor then work on your metabolism and digestion (especially if you move into Plow pose from this pose). Play with works best for you and your body and never go further than what works for your body today. You do not want to injur you neck to please take care and listen to the directions below. Honor the wisdom of your body always.

Directions on how to come into the pose:
(This can also be started against a wall for beginners.) Set yourself up with a blanket thick enough to allow for your neck to have no pressure. So your head and neck are aligned and the top of your shoulders are at the very edge of the blanket. Fold a firm blanket into rectangles measuring about 1 foot by 2 feet, and stack them. You may need more than one. If you do not have a blanket, use your mat and even place a mat over the blanket. This will help your elbows from slipping while in the pose. From here, lay down on the blanket so that shoulders are parallel to each other on the blanket and/or mat with your head on the floor.

Bend your knees and begin to raise your legs up in the air. As you do this you will begin to curl your body, pelvis first and raise them legs up in the air. All while fully supporting your body with your hands on your lower back. The weight is in the shoulders and arms, not the neck or head. If you notice the weight in the neck or head, come out of the pose and readjust yourself. As you raise up, straighten your legs as much as possible and notice if your legs are angled or straight up. The goal is to get them straight up. Bring your shoulder blades in towards the center of the back. Allow the weight to fall into the hands only.

As you progress you can move the sternum closer to chin. Eventually your upper back will be in alignment with the torso and legs. Go slow. Take your time getting into this pose. Listen to your body always. Hold this pose for 30 seconds to even up to five minutes.

Then slowly begin to lower down bending your knees and then rounding your back, one vertebrae at a time roll on out flat on the floor. Nice and easy. Immediately go into a counter pose such as the Fish pose that we will discuss next month.

When not to do this pose or to modify/Contraindications:
Keep in mind this pose is considered an intermediate pose. So please take it slow and go one step at a time. Try Plow pose first to see how that feels on your body. Other things to consider to not practice this pose is if you have Diarrhea, a Headache, High blood pressure, Menstruation (a controversial idea, so use your intuition and listen to your body during menstruation), Neck injury, Pregnancy (If you are experienced with this pose, you can continue to practice it late into pregnancy. However, it's not recommended you start this for the first time after you become pregnant. Your body is not ready or prepared.)

December 2010 Yoga Pose - Fish Pose

Fish Pose
Sanskrit: Matsyasana
Image courtesy of Yoga

Fish pose is commonly followed by the Should Stand pose we discussed in last month newsletter. It's a great counterpose. This is an amazing pose that seems to tap into your entire chakra system. A great opener. And a funny sychronisticity occurred when I was describing this pose. I went to yahoo for a moment and right there was a photo of a fish and its story about really not being extinct (as they thought for 70 years!) So do this pose, it's a great pose and don't allow *it* to become extinct in your practice. It holds such tremendous value physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Directions on how to come into the pose:
To come into Fish pose, lay flat on your back on the mat. Bring your hands under your buttocks palms facing the mat. Rest your buttocks on the back of your hands and do your best not to lift your rear end off the hands or mat during this pose. Legs are straight and activated. Feet pointed. From here the weight will fall into your elbows and forearms. You will be arching and lifting your back up while allowing your head to fall back and the crown of your head rests lightly on the mat. There is no weight in the head, only the forearms. Drop your shoulders back and down. If tilting your head back is uncomfortable take it where it is comfortable for your neck. Modify where you need to and always honor the wisdom of your body. Tilt your pelvis to assist the back into its arch and if you like take a gentle lift and hold in the pelvis. Remember to breathe. Hold for a minute or two and come out fully refreshed. Bring your knees into your chest and give them a nice hug.

When not to do this pose or to modify/Contraindications:
Any neck, head or back issues. This is also not a great pose if you have a migraine or insomnia. Listen to your body and it will tell you if it's able. If you feel strain or pain, come out. Sweet discomfort is all we look for is most poses. And for this particular pose even that is a bit much because this is more of a stretch and hold allowing for an opening in the chest and neck.