Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Share your True Essence as your Gift this Thanksgiving!

Share your True Essence as your Gift this Thanksgiving! (I have to be Me!) What better way to celebrate Thanksgiving than to not only recognize your true essence but to share those unique gifts that God has given you to the World! This is the best way to raise your vibration and contribute in a positive way! Add to this your gratitude for these gifts and this ability to share them and you are well on your way to living blissfully Now and Always. Bless the world with your blessings and you will receive those blessings back a thousand fold. It's in the sharing the true magic happens.

It's becoming clearer every day that the message is to always remain true to the core of who you are. Be authentic. Don't worry about what others think. Only be who you truly are. That is all you can do. For me, I am living as authentically as possible while being grateful for all I've received and all I can share with others. Gratitude is one of the highest vibrational states out there! And it feels oh so good!

So my advice is to do you best not to sell out for money, fame or another persons happiness. You must follow *your* own happiness and passions. THAT is where true bliss lies for each of us. You only delay the inevitable and cause more roadblocks in your life that make it much harder to get back in the groove of your happy life. I'm not saying give up your job before you've even taken a moment to make a plan. I'm saying if you are in a job that is paying the bills, that's wonderful. Stay there and reevaluate if you are happy with the job. IF you are, fantastic. If you are not, then see if it's a new hobby you'd like to pursue while keeping the day job. Or maybe there is something entirely new you'd like to explore as a career. Start looking into those options and work your way towards it one step at a time. When there is a plan you can have more peace doing a job you are not so happy with, knowing you are getting to the career you will truly enjoy. It is about living happy now even doing something that is not completely in line with your bliss but always being true to your authentic self even in the not-so-great moments.

It's about becoming aligned with your true self and being in alignment with that true self in every moment possible. Remove attachments to the "negative" of the job and simply enjoy being wherever you are while continuing to stay and bring to yourself into proper alignment with your true self. Do your best no matter what job you are doing. You'll feel so much more aligned with truth and integrity when you do this and your days will go by happier and more peaceful.

You might think you are doing the right thing because society or someone you care about says it's what you are "supposed" to do. But we must stop listening to those past conditionings. They are out dated!!! Don't let anyone limit you or say you are "this" or you are "that" when you are soooo much more than whatever it is they say. It's time to follow your heart and be strong in order for the essence of who you are to shine.

Whatever it is you can bring it out! You can take it one step at a time little by little or go for the big-juicy-winner-takes-all for whatever is your passion in life. Listen to your inner guidance. It will never steer you wrong. Know that everything has divine timing and you are always right where you need to be. Lose the cords of needing to be elsewhere while following the divinely inspired actions that come your way of things that get you to an even higher vibrational space. If you get a pang of doubt, LISTEN UP! It's your wake up call. Please listen to the whispers or sooner or later the screams will come. Remember guidance that comes will always be framed in a positive gentle tug and never negative or mean or doubtful or fearful (that is ego). Be who you are in the small circles of conversation and in the large ones.

Be who you are all the time. THAT is part of why we are all here! To express the Divine through us. And each of us have a unique expression to shine! So let it shine! :) Sometimes I find myself being the old me, that meek little girl who didn't speak up or say how she felt. She didn't want to be seen and she didn't want to cause any ripples that would lead back to her. She wanted to slide through life easily and quietly enjoying it here and there. But the Universe had other plans. I have to be seen to teach workshops. I am in school to be a Yoga Instructor and I have to be seen to teach yoga. I have to be seen in my family as an equal member with a voice! These newsletters I send out to you all have been a true testament to my putting my voice out there. These newsletters afford me the opportunity to express myself as well as channel messages that are meaningful to those that are drawn to reading them.

It is part of my voice, my expression to uplift. So reach into the core of your being so that you shine your light and ascend naturally to the light beings you already are. I try my best to be as authentic, true and REAL as I can in what I share (and how I live) because that is all I can do. Being another fake person with fluffy messages will not evolve my soul or anyone else's. So what I share is from my heart, my higher self, the Angels and God/Universe/The All That Is. It is all of us.

As much as my awareness is in every moment it is as real as can be. I am not poetic or seductively eloquent with my messages for the most part. Usually I'm just me, up front, upbeat, corny and a die-hard romantic for those happy endings. Sometimes when my Guides (ultimately a part of me) speak through me they sometimes have a higher fluidity in the tone and message that comes through very strong. And sometimes it is necessary for only my voice to speak the message. It is whatever the present moment calls for and it is Divine. My awareness will change/evolve and my beliefs will change and so too will the messages. And that's all about ascending. So the message this month for all of you reading this is to be real to yourself. Put your voice out there where you can and go wherever you are Divinely guided to go. Don't let another out-of-date belief stop you in your tracks anymore. Wake up. Share your gifts no matter how "small" you think they are or how "big" they are. Each sharing is a major contribution to the World's ascension. Be grateful for your gifts and share what has been given.

I have something to share (we all do) and it might not make it to the larger audiences but it will make it to the circle of family, friends and students that are divinely guided to be around me. Just as their unique presence will be felt by me. And our special sharing's are what being a part of this world is all about. Share with each other the unique special essence that you are. Live your life now, not when you're dead with a nice quote on a tombstone.

Sometimes I want to dance to music in my car. So I dance! I have to start not caring if I look "crazy". I'm hoping this will rub off on my kids. I'm starting to learn to beat to the heart of my own drum. I'm still shy. I'm a work in progress but I'll get there and enjoy it while I do! I might not be the sexy sensual writer or the Tony Robbins of this century but there is a middle ground for me there. I'm happy with who I am right now. And there are many underlying layers I have yet to comprehend about myself. I'm still exploring what those are. We can't quite know everything about ourselves right? There is fun in the mystery of who we are. Explore who you are and play with the open mindedness of the many possibilities that you are more than you think you are! :)

The message of this month's newsletter is to express yourself in every moment that you can. Now that doesn't always mean talking or doing something. Sometimes that may actually mean saying or doing nothing as your expression; not feeding negative gossip, or not taking part in something that does not feel right to you, or taking quiet time for yourself for once. Whatever your expression is for every moment, share it. Get in touch with the real you. Many times I find that simply being is the best answer. Simply removing myself from the "positive or negative" of a situation and becoming neutral. In this place there is peace. This is where I live most times from within myself. This is where my true essence is felt most. This is where there are no attachments and it is only bliss and peace no matter what is going on in the outside world. This is where we know that all is Divine and everything that is happening is happening for a reason. It's all Divine.

"Life begins at the end of the comfort zone."
~ Unknown

Self-acceptance comes into play here. In order to get down deep to the depths of your true essence you must accept it as a part of who you are and be willing to share it or release it in some fashion. Accept that there is more to you that even you haven't explored yet. We have our lives here to pull out new expressions of ourselves. Now is no longer a time for self-judgment so let go! It's time to have some fun with it! :)

A great affirmation to recite many times a day or whenever you need a reminder is: "I am perfect just as I am," by Judith Lasater, PH.D., P.T., Living Your Yoga.

You are always moving in the direction of your soul's highest calling whether you know it or not. But you can do this consciously and blissfully. We mine as well enjoy the physical reality as much as we can while we're here. There must be a reason for all of these gifts we've been given. What you have to share is valid and true and necessary to the whole. Share with us what is special to you. Embrace your true essence. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Enjoy, live, laugh and love always!

Follow your bliss,
~Spiritual Cheerleader

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's So Easy To Forget

It's so easy to forget. It's so easy to fall back into unconscious living. You're on a high of universal bliss and then wammo the ego steps in due to a distraction or chaos with day-to-day living.
We need to remember even especially during mundane or busy times that we are always and can always be in a constant state of peace and centeredness even then!

Breathe in the Peace and stillness within you. Drink it in. Stillness is with you always. For, it IS you. Bliss, Peace, Love, Stillness, Consciousness; whatever you call it, it is all the same. And it is your essence. Breathe and feel the peace underneath all the chatter, thought forms and ego perceptions.

You can never be lost as you are always found. The more you shed the unnecessary portions of your ego the more awake and aware you become of your true essence; your stillness; your presence in every living moment. Every moment is ALIVE. And you become aware of it as you recognize those thoughts as not good, not bad, but just bubbles of energy that you no longer need to attach to.

As long as there is attachment to the thought, it will exist. Release the attachment and pure freedom is yours. When you have that thought of a co-worker conspiring against you or a wrong-doing by your boss or anyone, release that thought. Release the attachment to the thought that it is real. Whether that is true or not matters not. When it is released you suddenly feel a peace and bliss you never thought possible. Magic occurs in this moment. The peace you feel is "proof in the pudding" with regards to your thoughts and emotions (emotions that attach to those thoughts thereby creating more experiences that create those thoughts and emotions to continue to stay in existence) really only being an illusion and only in existence if you believe it.

While in stillness you will sometimes receive intuitive guidance that will assist you. You know and feel it is true because it is something that comes from within, out of that stillness. And then you listen to the guidance given (whether that is to take divinely inspired action or not take action on something). So then move in that present moment whatever it calls for. If it calls for nothing, then be in that peace. The more you stay in touch with this inner knowing the easier it is to remain present and fully conscious.

Flower in your own time. We are all flowering in our own space and time. Some are at a slow pace and others faster. We each have a set pace that works for us. Some will flower immediately and most will go gradually. And for the gradual folks, blissful stillness starts to show up in spurts and sputters gaining in momentum. It seems to disappear at times. And that is our unconsciousness coming back in. Just check in as often as you can and remain present. Be with the present moment always. Breathe and remember.

If a thought comes in and you notice suffering (Resistance & Attachment = Suffering), just come to the remembrance of your true essence and release the thought to the ethers. Do not resist the uncomfortable emotions or thoughts, but rather let them pass on by. Allow them to exist rather than burying them deep down. These will only boil over for an explosion later. By allowing them to exist they dissipate much faster. Kim Eng notes that you can release an emotion in 20 seconds if you remain present with it. 20 seconds! That's amazing. Not minutes, or hours, or days or weeks or years! 20 seconds if you allow it to be what it is. It's made manifest so it must run its course. It doesn't have to build upon itself by repressing it or dwelling on it in a wallowing state. If can be allowed and most important ACCEPTED as it is and it will disappear.

As Kim Eng shared during the seminar I attended, become the bamboo. Inside a piece of bamboo it is hollow. This is a wonderful goal to strive for within the self. Allow thoughts and emotions to flow in and flow back out. It need not stick for long. Simply follow divine guidance that comes in and allow the thoughts and emotions to flow on through.

If you are in an enjoyable moment, enjoy it but have *no* attachment to it so that it can be what it is to be and you do not suffer if or rather when the enjoyable moment passes.
Remaining in stillness you will always have a peace with you no matter what "good" or "bad" moment is happening in the present.

So become conscious. Really check in with yourself in every moment. Bring more of you out and more of your higher self through you to the world by being conscious. Pay attention to your environment, your feelings, your thoughts, your reactions, synchronicities that happen in your life, to nature, your loved ones, and strangers. Pay attention. Connect with the Self and the world. Staying conscious allows your light to consistently shine. It also feels so much better! When you go through emotions they can transpire in the present moment and dissipate much faster! Allow what is to exist and transform all you see into light simply by recognizing the light within all you see! :)

Here is an awesome exercises in consciousness from Matt Kahn of True Divine Nature: "Close your eyes and ask: Is there a who that is here or is here what's here?" Pause to feel the knowing. Here is what's here. "If there is no specific who that exists out of a temporary image, how do you know that the thoughts in your mind are yours? For example if you are thinking, 'I am ____/blank'. It's just a thought that suggests that there is an I seeing or feeling this way. How do you know that that thought that you are hearing pertains to you if there is no "who" that is here? Everything is consciousness, there's a thought and consciousness is believing it. "Who" is the consciousness of thought believing in itself." This exercise is found in the video section of Matt's website dated 8/19/09. When I do this exercise I become so aware of the true awareness that is within. I am that and it has always been and always will be.

I've received a question this month that has turned into Part 2 of this article, so I must send you on down this web page to read the "Dear Maggie" column for more on remain present, conscious and staying in your peace and bliss. :)

To see my full October 2009 newsletter, please go to: www.SpiritualCompassConnection.com/October2009.html

Enjoy, live, laugh and love always!
Follow your bliss,
~Maggie, Spiritual Cheerleader