Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sweet Nothing ~ August 2013

Subject: Sweet Nothing ~ August 2013

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Spiritual Compass Logo

August 2013 Newsletter

"Spiritual growth is not for the faint of heart!"
~ Ann Albers, 

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Class Schedule
 Warm Vinyasa Yoga
 Saturday's at
Humble Warrior
Walpole, MA

Vinyasa Yoga
Tuesday's at
N. Attleboro, MA

Vinyasa Yoga
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Members Only
Smithfield, RI

Email me for more info!

More classes are always being adding to the schedule! Click here for classes I offer. Check back soon. And email me if you'd like to see something on the schedule!

Move into your Empowered Bliss!

Soul Coaching for Deep Powerful Transformations


Energy Healing (Reiki & IET)

Soul Journeys

"Maggie is an energetic healer truly in touch with her soul & her inner Goddess. She personally carries the energy of lightness & openness and this enables her clients to benefit from her considerable experience in energy healing. I have had the pleasure of participating reiki, reiki drumming, bell & feather clearing, soul journeys, and feel priviledged to have done so. The positive results that I have found are testament to her skills, her truth and her energetic integrity."
~ Helen Williams

What's New 

Enjoying the lull of Summer still.
It's August and I am so happy that it's still Summer! A few August's ago it was got cold quick and I could even see a few leaves turning early here in the Northern Hemisphere. So I am so happy and grateful for the awesome Summer warmth that is still basking us with all it's energy! We've had several humid days here this summer, however, this week is blessing us with warm temperatures and more breathable air. Love it! Wherever you are I do hope you are enjoying expansion and openness in nature.

Sun Salutation finally! In my down time I have been working diligently at creating my 200-hr. Vinyasa Flow Yoga Teacher Training. And in that creation, I've realized that several of the poses included in the Sun Salutation (a popular Vinyasa sequence) were not included in my Yoga Poses directory yet! I couldn't believe it because I do these poses every day and teach Sun Salutation variations in every one of my Yoga classes! So now, finally, I have captured all of the poses individually and as a whole in the traditional Sun Salutation sequence. So this month, instead of a Yoga Pose, I have the Sun Salutation A Yoga Sequence and all poses included in this sequence for your reading and viewing pleasure. The image opens up to a much larger one if you'd like to practice along visually instead of reading the text. See this month's Yoga Pose/Sequence section.I do hope that you enjoy the last bits of summer (here in the northern hemisphere) and are able to transition smoothly into beautiful autumn!

Inspirational Article below, Sweet Nothing and this months question for my Dear Maggie column, Is it possible to absorb someone else's energy?.

How I Found My True Inner Peace or Divine Embrace 

Please leave a review on Amazon for us! Help spread the word, everyone can tap into their Soul and achieve true inner peace.

Leave a review for Divine Embrace


WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY - Testimonials

HIFMTIP Book Cover
"Hi Maggie. Your first book has helped me so much to balance and shift my energies. I had some displaced anger and it helped me work through it. My life is so much better since reading your book. Looking forward to reading the second book. Thank you." ~ Jane  
"Amazing class! This was the best yoga class I have taken in eight months!"~ Elizabeth
I wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for your work on this web site! I'm very impressed with what I've read so far about the energy vampires and am sharing your information with others whom I know also need to learn more about this topic. May you always be blessed.
~ Debbie

"Hi Maggie, You have been so helpful you have no idea! I will keep you posted on my progress. I was overwhelmed a week ago when my gift was brought to my attention, but I am embracing it better this week and think I am making good progress with meditation and opening up my inner self. Thank you kindly for responding. It is so appreciated." Warmest regards, Gina

"I thank you for what you wrote, It's been an amazing journey so far. I found comfort in reading them almost 7 months after my awakening. It's been a road alright. I am ever so grateful for finding your words of caution & comfort." ~ Contessa


I offer a free Bliss Healing List for anyone who requests it. Every day I send healing energy with the intention of blissful healing connections to all who ask. If you sign up for my FREE newsletter you are automatically signed up! You can sign up for my newsletter and/or the bliss list via email or my Contact form. It's always FREE. Go to my Bliss List page to learn more and feel the healing vibes from this new page!. :)

Yoga Pose of the Month
Sun Salutation A 
Sanskrit: Surya Namaskar A   
Photo of Maggie Anderson @ Humble Warrior, Walpole, MA
taken by Maggie Anderson
The traditional Sun Salutation A Sequence is the most common and widely used Vinyasa out there today. Literally translated as "bow to the sun". This sequence is great if you have low energy or poor circulation. As yoga teachers we will build off of this sequence into more dynamic or complex sequences to focus on certain areas of the body for our goals in each individual class. As with all Vinyasa flows, each time you flow through this sequence, synchronize your breath with your movements.

Even the most experienced Yogi and Yogini have difficulty with some of the poses held in the Sun Salutation. You may modify this sequence, for example, by placing the knees down on the mat for Chaturanga and Runners Lunge (low lunge) or skipping Chaturanga completely if you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. This sequence is great for warming up the entire body, as well as strengthening and stretching. It is recommended to we practice at least six rounds of the Sun Salutation daily, preferably in the morning when we are more energized.

Inspire You Article
Sweet Nothing
The Point of All Creation
Did you know it took flowers millions of years, eons, to blossom for the very first time? Flowers are fairly new geologically (within the last 100,000 years or so). It started with one flower only opening for a very short period of time. Then, over the span of several million years, more would bloom and stay open longer. Now we have a variety of flowers all around us for long periods of time depending upon the season. Today, we humans are blessed to utilize flowers as beautiful decorations, as well as parts of rituals, medicine and food!

The planet continues to evolve. Who knows what more beauty lay before us! It does not end here. It just takes time to percolate. Things are happening beneath the surface. We may not be able to see it but we are always changing and evolving, just as planet Earth is.

What's my point? Sometimes we are content with life and the blessings we have. Other times we struggle with life's challenges. And there are other, seemingly rare, moments where we bask in nothingness. The point of creation rests here. Bubbling and ready to explode within you. But it's the graceful focus that you allow this to unfold naturally from you; like a blossoming flower.

The point of all creation holds peace, clarity, serenity and creation! All possibilities rest here.

Dear Maggie Column
FloralClick here to submit *your* question
for the Dear Maggie Column

In this months question, read Maggie's response to a woman questions if you can truly absorb someone else's energy and what to do if this happens
It is my desire and intention always that you take away from my newsletter feelings of empowerment, aliveness, divine connection and peace. Click here to read the entire newsletter online. (The online version includes my favorite movie, video or link of the month.)

May You Always Know the Peace that Dwells Within.

Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."

Laugh uncontrollably, it clears the mind!
Gifts Certificates are available upon request!

Spiritual Compass | Online since 2000 | Cumberland | RI | 02864