Sunday, February 20, 2011

February 2011 Yoga Pose: Pyramid

Sanskrit: Parsvottonasana
Photo of Maggie Anderson taken by Morayo Sayles

Pyramid pose is a fantastic variation of a runners stretch. It stretches and strengthens the legs and most especially those hamstrings (back of the legs). It's one of my many favorite poses. What's great is this pose is also great for calming the brain and improving the digestive system, as well as stretching the spine, shoulders and wrists (if in the full pose with hands flat on mat facing behind you). To boot your abs are also being stimulated. It's an all-around great pose. If you're an athlete this is a must-have pose. And even if you're not! :)

Directions on how to come into the pose:
Begin in Tadasana (Mountain Pose). Step your left leg out behind you about 3 1/2 to 4 feet wide. Both feet can face forward with a slight turn out of the back foot. Align the front heel with the back heel. If you feel the back foot needs to be out further for the first few times you do this pose for better balance that's perfectly divine. It's great to warm up to this stretch a few times with a micro-bend in the front knee and eventually you'll be able to straighten it out. Turn your hips forward and the front (right) hip pulling out and back a little so that the right kneecap is center line with the right ankle. Take a breath.

Now inhale, and on the exhale hinge at the hips as you bring your torso forward. It's here you will know your limits in flexibility. You may only go slightly forward in the forward stretch and rest your hands on your upper thigh. Or you may find you can come foward and down a little more. Maintain a straight back, good posture throughout the entire pose. Lower down where your edge is. It's not about going low. It's about going where you feel the stretch deep. Sweet discomfort. No pain. If your hands can reach the mat, fantastic. Be mindful of that straight back. Shoulders are not rounding and are back down and away from the ears. The crown of your head may back parallel with the mat here. Breathe. From here, if you'd like to take it one step farther, allow your hands to turn around to face behind you, palms on the mat. Hold and breathe. Nice deep cleansing breaths here....if you'd like to take it to another level you may take your hands, while maintaining the pose up and behind you to clasp behind your back. You can rest your hands on your back or lift them off the back for an extra stretch in the arms and shoulders. Hold here and take 3-5 deep cleansing breaths.

When you're ready, slow come up, again hinging at the hips, straight back, hands still clasped behind your back (if you took that variation). Maintaining the leg foundation, allow slight arch support in the back and open up the chest, the heart, look up and allow for a mini-backbend here. Then release the hands. Release the legs coming up into Tadasana. Take a breath.

When not to do this pose or to modify/Contraindications:
If you have back injury or high blood pressure you may not want to practice this pose at its fullest length, but rather only come down halfway.

Template Shifting

Template Shifting

World Puja sends out periodic emails with a free newsletter that I just love. The energy is always palpable. The message timely and always with practical action steps that we can take right now. Their latest one is no different (click here).

It's about hitting the replay button on moments of unlove. It's about shifting our consciousness to a higher realm of being. And it's moved me to utilize this method going forward in my offerings as a Soul Coach and Energy Healer. It's a key component in the ways of shifting ourselves out of the lower vibratory energies that like to sneak their way in. It's been said in different ways and I've used different ideas of it, such as doing a meditation and visualizing a hurtful past memory as new, uplifted and different, turning out the way we would like.

But it's more than even this. It's about shifting our actions from one of unlove to love. So when we hit the replay button we are not simply changing or requesting to change something or our negative actions against someone into something we desire. We are actually changing a prior unloving action to a higher loving action by shifting into the love vibration from that point going forward. To a higher vibration for the highest and best good of all. Also, doing this shift with another person or group is more powerful because the energy is quadrupled; a synergy effect. How it works is if you've just done or said something unlovable, don't waste time. Don't wait. Make the shift right now. Ask for that replay button to shift your template. If it's with someone else, ask them, too, if you can start over and begin again to do it right with love. Doing it with another gives them permission to also raise their consciousness to a higher way of being. It's an amazing experience for everyone involved.

There are many things that happen internally that you can make the shift with. Like the time you knew you should have allowed that car to turn in front of you, taking the mere seconds to extend loving grace. Or like the time you felt horrible thoughts towards a co-worker for actions they may not even realize they are doing. You can stop right there in that second and say "wait a minute. I need to hit the replay button here. I want to come from a place of Love always." Go with grace, change your thoughts to love and know that the "Sun still shines on a closed mind". The light is always there even if they are clouded with their stuff/ego/issues, etc. Begin consciously again from this very point of awareness and start acting and being Loving again. Just shift back. No more guilt or negative feelings. Make that shift in that very moment. Don't wait. Forgive yourself immediate for everything and begin being kind, graceful, joyful and loving once again.

We are coming to an age of true light in this world and this year is more important than ever to shift our thoughts, words, actions and deeds to that of love for our highest and best good to be the best US we can be. We are growing and evolving into the graceful loving light beings we've always been. Use this tool and share it. Share the love.

Blessings and Happy Valentines day,
~Spiritual Cheerleader

Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."

January 2011 Yoga Pose: Plow Pose

Plow Pose
Sanskrit: Halasana
Photo taken by Morayo Sayles

Plow pose is sometimes followed by the Shoulder Stand pose we discussed in November's newsletter. This is a wonderful calming pose that also stimulates the thyroid gland & abs. Your shoulders and spine are getting an excellent stretch. And if you're a woman it's wonderful for relieving symptoms of menopause. Other wonderful benefits are a reduction in stress and fatigue, as well as therapeutic for backache, headache, infertility, insomnia and sinusitis.

Directions on how to come into the pose:
Set yourself up with a blanket thick enough to allow for your neck to have no pressure so your head and neck are aligned and the top of your shoulders are at the very edge of the blanket. Fold a firm blanket into rectangles measuring about 1 foot by 2 feet, and stack them. You may need more than one. If you do not have a blanket, use your mat and even place a mat over the blanket. This will help your elbows from slipping while in the pose. From here, lay down on the blanket so that shoulders are parallel to each other on the blanket and/or mat with your head on the floor.

Bend your knees and begin to raise your legs up in the air. As you do this you will begin to curl your body, pelvis first and raise them legs up in the air. All while fully supporting your body with your hands on your lower back. The weight is in the shoulders and arms, not the neck or head. If you notice the weight in the neck or head, come out of the pose and readjust yourself. As you raise up, straighten your legs and allow them to come over your upper body and head. See how far you can gently guide your legs further above your head and possibly reaching the floor above your head about a foot or so away. The feet flexed may eventually touch the floor. This is considered a more intermediate variation of the pose. So it is helpful to have instructor guidance. If your feet do not touch the floor do not remove your hands from the lower back. Maintain good posture and never move your head in an uncomfortable unsafe manner. If your feet do touch the ground, you have the option to remove your hands from your lower back and straighten the arms out, even clasping the hands together. Hold for 1-5 minutes. Then slowly roll out.

When not to do this pose or to modify/Contraindications:
When not practice this pose is if you have Diarrhea, a Headache, High blood pressure, Menstruation (a controversial idea, so use your intuition and listen to your body during menstruation), Neck injury, Pregnancy (If you are experienced with this pose, you can continue to practice it late into pregnancy. However, it's not recommended you start this for the first time after you become pregnant. Your body is not ready or prepared.)

Power to Change

You have the power to change. You create change every day.

It's entirely up to you to continue through an unconscious world or to open up to avenues of possibilities.

It's imperative that we be open to change. Change is our only constant. In that openness all is possible. If we are closed minded to change, we close the doors that would have been opened for us. We lose the ability to see what opportunities and solutions would have been given to us. We are blocked.

However, if we are simply open to something more, even if we don't know what that is, especially if we don't know what that is, then the Universe can rush in to assist us. Solutions can be felt and known from within. Opportunities can more easily flow our way. And with ease we allow grace to envelope our being.

If we just create that vacuum within our being to be open for anything and listen, the Universe can rush in and help us be the best we can be. In that way, can be become more creative than ever before. We can tap into the deepest depths of our soul that we have yet to even know. We can profoundly shift our lives to something even more evolved. And we can not only allow but expect Miracles to come our way! Bring your awareness and consciousness to the expectation of miracles and uplifting change.

"Find the courage to seek out your big dream, regardless of what anyone else says or thinks." ~ Oprah

We do not have to sit in a situation that is unhealthy or energy draining anymore. We do not need to listen to others thoughts or opinions about *our* lives or decisions. It's up to us. It's up to us to CHOOSE to lift ourselves up. It's our time right now to choose a higher way of being. To listen to our hearts and move in that direction and that direction only. We can choose to be closed minded and guard our hearts or allow vulnerability to shine forth a new innocence and love for our life, our family & friends and fullfill us with our divine destinies. We truly CAN be the change we are looking for in this world. And we can start right now, with just a conscious decision to shift and uplift ourselves. The light is within US. It's always been there and now we are being asked more than ever to shine our lights.

So get creative. Take at least 10 minutes, just 10 minutes every day to focus on the light within you and listen. Just listen. Just feel. Feel the love in your heart. In this time creative ideas and solutions may come. You may choose to focus on something you'd like create. Feel the creativity in your bones and bring forth new possibilities. They are all within you.

Many blessings to you on your journey into self! :)

Blessings to you on your path,
~Spiritual Cheerleader

Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."