Wednesday, June 6, 2012

March 2012 - Dear Maggie Column

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Dear Maggie,

CONGRATULATIONS for your SECOND book! I come to you for some guidance and help for my brother, who recently awakened Kundalini energy and is going thru all sorts of experiences. Would you please talk to me, so I can talk to him? He speaks German and Romanian only. He started to have hot, very hot hands/palms. Kundalini was activated thru a dream. He told me he had a dream about a snake talking to him in french - (he doesn't speak this language) and since then a series of things started to happen. WHY and How was Kundlini activated? He is going thru some very rough times... although satisfied with his evolution, his life style changed a lot. But one of the most significant is the very hot hands/palms... which is not constant but very often during the day. What is this and what can he do with it?  C an  it be directed onto himself and others for healing ? I suggested he takes Reiki classes to become certified, at least he will have some guidance of how to use this energy. I hope  I gave him some good direction. What do you suggest? 

Also, is kundalini going to be activated for the rest of his life? or it could stop anytime.. these are more my questions to understand... Kindly please explain to me - when you can - how all this affects ones life, what exactly Kundalini is, and what can he do next.
With Immense appreciation,

Dear Florence,
Thank you so much for the congrats! :) I'm excited that it's finally out there for all who resonate and can be assisted by it!

Synchronistically, your question is addressed at length in my newly published book, Divine Embrace! :) But to answer it in a brief way, I do have a few articles right on my website about Kundalini and a few questions answered, found in my articles section: (direct links to these articles are also below). If you cut and paste them into Google's Language Translator, you shouldn't have to retype them into German or Romanian for the most part:
The first article above "Kundalini Pathway" will tell you what Kundalini is. And "Success through Kundalini Symptoms" is another great one to read first as well! Kundalini will bring experiences to us to help us work through our blockages and old past patterns to cleanse the body physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally on the deepest energetic level. 

Kundalini can be activated in several ways or methods or even when we do nothing at all, rather it is just our "time" to work with an activated Kundalini. The second link (above) answers your question about what awakens Kundalini. Initially our Kundalini is active during our birth into this world and then, for most, it lies dormant until it is awakened or awakens later in life. I love that your brother's Kundalini was awakened in a dream. For me, I was awakened in the middle of the night to an amazing and surpising spinal sweep of a blue electrical charge up my spine. Of course, I love my sleep so after my fascination wore off I went back to slumber till the morning. It happens uniquely for everyone.
Snakes are soooo common when your Kundalini awakens. They represent the Kundalini itself and the spinal sweep that commonly fires up the spine initially or often for some. It is a Kundalini synchronicity or even Totem, if you will. Dragons, Tigers and Spiders are also very common to come to you in dreams and waking life. They bring messages to you as well as a confirmation of your path to enlightenment. :) 

Once your Kundalini is activated, yes, you are *always* activated. There will be times of ups and downs, ebbs and flows, challenges and ease with times or nothingness and void. There will be so many things going on all at once and nothing at all. He may experience a few "Dark Nights", also known as the Dark Night of the Soul. I talk a lot about this in my book. It's the ego/shadow self work. It WILL Pass. Surrender, surrender, surrender. 

Hot hands are definitely one of the many symptoms and in the hands is found our natural ability to heal ourselves and others. We do have Chakras in the hands as well (it's just not mentioned as one of the main seven Chakras). This could be Kundalini's first goal with your brother; a tapping in of his natural healing abilities. Or he may just be receiving it as a symptom, as the Kundalini will go through our entire biological and melecular structure, nervous system; basically our entire body - physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

The Kundalini may or may not be activating the natural healer within him or it could be a symptom all for himself to work with. If he is truly guided, learning a healing modality will be a great benefit. Especially, if he has no way of knowing what to do and would like that guidance. Some Kundalini masters do not like Reiki as this is considered separate from the Kundalini. Our Kundalini is not Reiki, per say, as it is energy from the Divine Universe (love) that flows through your crown chakras and out your hands to heal yourself and others. Kundalini energy is coming from *within* your own Divine spark and out to heal others at it sees fit and as it may guide you the activated Kundalini person. It is a unique quandry for the individual to decide. It's like the chicken and the egg syndrome. Which came first? Kundalini energy is the Divine Source as well, as we are all made up of God/Goddess/Divine. We are God living and experiencing as God. I love utilizing both healing modalities, personally. :) They seem to work together nicely for me.

Signs and symptoms happen in our body at random. It's different for EVERYONE. Once Kundalini is active within a person, She will transform the person on all levels for however long it takes. There are common Ascension symptoms, but the transformation process is unique for each individual. Ascension symptoms will affect ANYONE around you and in your life because you are raising your frequency, your vibration (through working on yourself, receiving energy awakening, attunements, etc.). Soon you will notice that whoever does not resonate with the "new" you and your raised vibrations will either have to MATCH your vibration by aligning with you energetically or they will leave (or you will leave). You'll notice certain people of lower vibrations will naturally fall away from your life. You and they do not match anymore in vibration and when they leave, you are open to and receiving new people that better align with the new vibration/person you are. This happens OFTEN throughout our entire lives, with friends, relationships, co-workers, jobs, etc. Ascension is a FUN process as we start to become aware of it and see the awesome changes that occur. As long as we are awake enough to see the lessons, go through them and release them it goes faster in that sense.
The third link above will give you a list of symptoms. In my book, Divine Embrace, I discuss these and more at length. But this is a very good starter to find out what is most common during the K awakening. Our body is changing; evolving; becoming the angelic light being we have always been. Kundalini is the catalyst for that change. It's amazing and can be pretty scary at times and mostly only if we "fear" what's happening. As long as we surrender, surrender, surrender to what is, the Kundalini will do her work. It's our Divine essence at work. Completely intelligent to itself and will do what we need when we need it on its own schedule, not ours, for the most part. 

There are things we can do and work with around the Kundalini so that we can make the symptoms more smooth, less severe or happen only during better times frames rather than innopportune times, like during school or work. We can provide the Kundalini a time we promise to set aside and meditate or allow kriyas (a possible symptom) to take over our body and then usually this timeframe will work as long as we stick to our promise and our schedule. But I am getting ahead of myself here. :) Check out the link above about Success Through Symptoms for more. 

Please shoot me an email with any other questions or if anything else comes up that is confusing! Glad to help in any way I can! :) I wish you and your brother smooth fulfilling awakenings!

Blessings and happy seeking,

Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."

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