Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dear Maggie
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Dear Maggie,

My Mum passed away in December 30th 2008. I miss her so much. I feel that since she passed my life as descended into depression, poverty bad luck and I cant see me ever feeling positive. I don't know how too function properly without her. Please help.
Bless you,

Dear Lorna, 

I'm so sorry for your loss. Know that the pain truly does dull and heal over time. You will always have her with you and this loss will always feel like a deep wound but you will heal. You grieve and you move on. Know that there is always divine timing for everything, especially the day we are born and the day we die. Death is not final. We do continue to live after our physical bodies die. A great quote by Abraham ( came in my inbox today: "Because we know that life is eternal, and we know that there is no ending to that which you are about, if one of you is killed in an earthquake or crashes your plane, or any number of other very creative ways you have found to make your exit into the Non-Physical, because we know the whole picture, we grieve not a moment for any of you. But from your more shortsighted point of view in physical, a lot of you grieve tremendously." 

Always always always the message from our deceased loved ones is: They are okay and in a beautiful loving place now, they love us deeply and they want us to be happy and thrive in our life here on Earth until it is our time to cross over as well. Feel the blessing for the time you were able to spend with your Mum before she crossed over.

Many times the death of someone close to us offers us a gateway to a new realm. A new way of being and feeling the Divine. It is your choice to choose this gateway for yourself. Having someone close to us go to Heaven causes us to question life and death more closely, to examine what truly IS Heaven and God. What is OUR truth about these questions? It allows us the time (or sometimes even forces us to take the time) to dive deeper into ourselves and find those truths inside ourselves. The answers are there. They always have been and a death is a trigger to go deeper to find our true essence. 

Our light shines and we can shine it more brightly when we feel the truth of the Divine. The light is in each of us and as we get closer to that truth we can shine our light even bright for the world to see. It is always your happiness that your Mum wants for you. She does not want you to continue to wallow in despair. Each of us grieve differently and each of us grieve for different lengths of time. So honor that grieving process and begin to move on.

Take it one day at a time; one step at a time. You have to learn to live again. Follow the synchronicities that are being laid out for you, as I feel there are signs you must pay attention to now. Your Mum and your Guides and Angels are sending you messages to pay attention to. When you are walking down the street, notice with a new awareness what is happening around you. See common signs coming to you. Things in threes or a constant flutter of a butterfly where you wouldn't expect it. Overhearing a conversation that answers your prayers. Synchronicities are all around us. So as you notice them, you will begin to be able to listen to them and your intuition to guide you on your path to a deeper meaning for life.

There is life to be lived still. Try something new. Even if you are resistant. Get out of your comfort zone to feel more alive. Have you ever tried yoga. Yoga postures offer amazing movement for the body that has tremendous health benefits physically as well as mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Yoga is perfect for those people suffering from depression or who are going through a period of loss. A great yoga practice to try is one that includes supported backbends and inversions. These are great for keeping sadness at bay and you are able to go more inward as you practice inversions (like Downdog, Wide Seated or Standing Forward Bend, etc.). Finish up a yoga practice with Legs-Up-The-Wall pose. This is great for reducing anxiety as well! If yoga doesn't resonate, perhaps Tai Chi, Qi Gong, walking in nature or something else entirely that resonates for you! We are waking up our true essence to feel the deeper truth of it all.

Find that deeper meaning in your life. We are all here for a reason. We have a purpose. Our main purpose here is to remember who we truly are, to know we are the Divine experiencing itself. And secondly, we are here to take inspired action for whatever it is we are meant to do as our Divine destiny of service. What will make you feel fulfilled while you are here on Earth? What can you do right now that will honor your Mum's presence in your life? Perhaps something you can do as a way of service or give that your Mum would have wanted. Listen inside for what feels good, for as we learn to share and give to others who are in need as much as us, we then begin to heal our wounds.
I wish you fulfillment, joy and a deeper awareness for life. :)

Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass." 

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