Thursday, May 28, 2015

Butterfly Effect | March 2015

March 2015 Newsletter

“You cannot miss anything that you are destined to experience.”
~ Matt Kahn

Classes Schedule

Reiki Master Teacher Certification
Coming in June!!
Please email
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Spiritual Compass
Cumberland, RI
Master IIIA (Attunement) Certification
Master Teacher IIIB Certification
| $150

Vinyasa Flow Yoga
Fidelity Investments
Smithfield, RI
Members Only

Vinyasa Flow Yoga
Fidelity Investments
Smithfield, RI
Members Only

Email me
for more info!

More classes are always being added to the schedule! Check back soon. And email me if you'd like to see something on the schedule!
What's New
Maggie AndersonWaiting to Exhale. So last month was a challenging month for my family. My son ended up in the emergency room and eventually diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Quite the shocker for us. He's always been thin with a fast metabolism and never needed to watch what he ate. Now because this just happens to be something in his genetic make-up he has to keep track and is insulin-dependent. But he can still live a happy full life either way! I realized I was holding my breath for a couple of weeks till we finally found a rhythm with this new diagnosis and way of living. I had to practice a few deep breathing techniques, relax my shoulders and let go. Practicing what I preach! A couple weeks after that I had to go in for surgery again to have one ovary removed. At least I have the other one, teehee. :) Life deals us only that which we can handle. And I'm so grateful for all the family & friends in my life who came to help with all the odds and ends that needed helping (including my very supportive hubby).
That being said, this month is a beautiful one to celebrate. Spring equinox just passed! I can't wait to open my windows and hear the birdies once again! My favorite season and I can already hear the dozens of birds outside my window in the early morning. yay. :) Simone Matthews of ULT states: “The Equinox is a powerful portal gateway to ascension into higher levels of consciousness. At this time of unity, the feminine & masculine merge as one, opening opportunities to unify duality within our selves, and expand our awareness to greater dimensional/light octave levels.”
Also astrologically, we had a Super Moon on the 5th and the Equinox with a Total Solar Eclipse in the New Moon all happened on Friday, the 20th. Simone Matthews of ULT also reports: "We have the 7th and last Uranus/Pluto Square.... creating a most divine quantum potential, to move beyond perceived limitations and to transform through the heart...." It's a powerful month to move. Take a few meditative moments and allow the energy to sink in on these special days and every moment you can.
It is my desire that you enjoy this month's Inspire You Article below, Butterfly Effect, the Yoga Pose of the Month and this month's question for my Dear Maggie column, 11:11 and Parth Synchronicities.

HAVE YOU READ: How I found My True Inner Peace or Divine Embrace?
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WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY - Testimonials
"Hi Maggie. Your first book has helped me so much to balance and shift my energies. I had some displaced anger and it helped me work through it. My life is so much better since reading your book. Looking forward to reading the second book. Thank you.” ~ Jane
Click here to purchase your copy today
"I thank you for what you wrote, It's been an amazing journey so far. I found comfort in reading them almost 7 months after my awakening. It's been a road alright. I am ever so grateful for finding your words of caution & comfort." ~ Contessa
"Thank you Maggie......... I'm a fan. I just want to thank you with all my heart because I ran into your article on signs from the universe and synchronicities and coincidence and all of those fascinating things, and I have to say it came to me at the PERFECT moment of my life.... I needed to be reminded of all the incredible blessings I have after a very traumatic experience that I went through and also because I have been having so many signs lately in regards to a guy I'm in love with, I keep seeing his name everywhere and hearing our song everywhere, so reading your article just helped me a lot, guided me and reminded me... It was the sign I have been looking for and asked God to send me.. You are wonderful!!!! I will keep looking for your articles because they are incredibly helpful!!!!! God bless you and I truly believe he made me read your amazing article in response to the answer I was wanting.... After I finished reading, I could not stop crying but with this immense sense of peace and happiness I can't explain.... I thanked God for that wonderful article and for each of my blessings. I will be your #1 fan from now on.
? Thanks again!!!! " ~ Carla

I offer a free Bliss Healing List for anyone who requests it. Every day I send healing energy with the intention of blissful healing connections to all who ask. If you sign up for my FREE newsletter you are automatically signed up! You can sign up for my newsletter and/or the bliss list via email or my Contact Form. It's always FREE. Go to my Bliss List page to learn more and feel the healing vibes from this new page!. :)

Click here for Newsletter Archives

"Hi Maggie,
I wanted to say thank you for sharing yourself in your past newsletter, as it helped give me courage to release unhealthy ways with my children's birth father. You are a beautiful being, and I enjoyed 'being' with you…I hope our paths cross in the future!"
Blessings, Chrystie

"Amazing class! This was the best yoga class I have taken in eight months!”
~ Elizabeth

Yoga Pose of the Month
Runners Lunge (High Lunge with arms on mat)
Sanskrit: Ardha Hanumanasana

Photo of Maggie Anderson taken by Maggie Anderson
at Humble Warrior in Walpole, MA

Maggie Anderson in Runner LungeRunners Lunge is a main component of the Sun Salutation Sequence. This pose is fantastic for stretching the hips, hip flexors, groin, inner thigh and calves. You are also strengthening your legs, back and arms in the process. It's also great for indigestion, backache, constipation and sciatica. A softening occurs in the groin and hip muscles, releasing tension.
Directions on how to come into the pose:
From Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold), bend your knees and, with an inhale, step your right foot back toward the back edge of your mat, with the bottom of your toes and the ball of your foot on the floor. Be sure your front bent knee is over the ankle forming a right 90 degree angle. Your torso will be right on or hovering above your front thigh and lengthen your torso forward. You may choose to place your hands on blocks on either side of your front foot to lift your torso up and assist you in straightening your back. To soften your right groin, imagine that the thigh is sinking toward the floor under your torso's weight. Look forward (down if you have any neck soreness). To modify, lower the back knee down to the mat. Exhale and step your left foot back beside the right into Plank pose. Repeat the above instructions on the other side. You may also do this from DownDog, stepping one foot back at a time.
When not to do this pose or to modify/Contraindications:
If you have knee injuries you may need to modify, by lowering the back knee down on to the mat, or avoid this pose until you are in better condition to enjoy the benefits of this pose. Also, if you have neck issues be sure to look down at the floor instead of straight ahead. Place the back knee on the floor for support until strength and flexibility increase.
Move into your Empowered Bliss!
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Soul Coaching for Deep Powerful Transformations


Energy Healing
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Soul Journeys

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"Maggie is a remarkable and compassionate Soul Coach. She creates a safe and nurturing environment for discovering your soul's truth!"
~ Denise Linn, Founder
of the International Institute
of Soul Coaching®
"Maggie is an energetic healer truly in touch with her soul & her inner Goddess. She personally carries the energy of lightness & openness and this enables her clients to benefit from her considerable experience in energy healing. I have had the pleasure of participating reiki, reiki drumming, bell & feather clearing, soul journeys, and feel priviledged to have done so. The positive results that I have found are testament to her skills, her truth and her energetic integrity."
~ Helen Williams
  Inspire You Article
Butterfly Effect
Butterfly EffectIn chaos theory, “The butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. The name of the effect, coined by Edward Lorenz, is derived from the metaphorical example of the details of a hurricane (exact time of formation, exact path taken) being influenced by minor perturbations such as the flapping of the wings of a distant butterfly several weeks earlier. [Data found that] a very small change in initial conditions had created a significantly different outcome.” ~
Whether you know it or not you have an effect. You are a part of the whole. You affect the outcome no matter what you do. But it’s important to mention you will never miss anything you are meant to experience. Everything that happens is perfectly Divine and as it should be. And a part of that is to know and empower yourself in creating the life and outcome(s) you desire. Your bliss is your compass for fulfillment and enjoyment in life as well as how you affect the Universe. It’s your divine expression. We are all but one drop in the ocean, but each drop DOES count. Create YOUR inspired expression.
Even just in meditation and experiencing peace, you are affecting the whole with your vibration. Everything we do affects the whole.
Remember Jesus and the mustard seed. If you haven’t read this quote from the Bible, here is the quote from Jesus: “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Jesus talks of just needing faith the size of a mustard seed and the effects are astounding.
From the beginning of time we’ve been able to affect our reality. Many masters throughout time have been teaching us just that in many different ways. Yes, the Law of Attraction can and does affect the reality around you. However, life on Earth is yin and yang. We are on this planet to experience contrast. The good and the not-so-good. We can truly see the light at a deeper intensity when there is dark. We know where to look and gravity towards it. But yes, stuff happens and we must deal and flow with the waves.
The ups and downs are a part of our experience on Earth. It’s up to us in how we react to these challenges life brings us. And as a part of our experience we also have the free will to let beat us down, roll over us and drag us to that downward spiral of negativity. Or we can rise above, be more uplifting and positive, gravitate towards light ANYWAY, in spite of the circumstances feel the highest power of the Universe (which is LOVE) ANYWAY and emit that from the deepest core of ourselves always.
Energy is real.
Angels, Fairies, Spirit Guides, Energy/Universe….all real. Alyssa Milano has said, “When you walk out with blinders on, you cut yourself from the Angels and the Fairies.” I believe.
I’ve experienced the magic that comes from asking for their help. I’ve seen those miraculous things becoming easier because I’ve asked and allowed for assistance. Be open to: Anything is possible. Anything. Everything. We can’t possibly know all that is out there. But we can have faith, even just a little and watch miracles happen. Your gut, your intuition is going to tell you the truth. Your soul always knows the truth and you will feel that knowing. Be open.
You might not be able to see it/them but it/they are there. Other times you DO see the signs from the Universe and choose to ignore them. Or, worse, you allow others who can’t see them decide your fate. It’s up to you to spread your light. Your energy is felt. Even the tiniest burst of energy creates a ripple in the Universe. The Butterfly Effect. Imagine what effects you have when you are at your optimum highest energetic happy peaceful faith-filled Self! Intensity is amazing. And intensity can be felt in the quiet peaceful moments.
It’s doesn’t always have to be a big physical action. It begins inside. A feeling or energy deep within, always there untouched by the outside world. If you are pulled to create. Create. If you are pulled to be at peace. Be at peace. Follow your heart. Love is the highest, purest energy of the Universe.
Be in the light.
May you always know the peace that dwells within,
~ Maggie, Spiritual Cheerleader
Dear Maggie
Click here to submit *your* question for the Dear Maggie Column

flowerDear Maggie,
I am Kashmira, emailing you from India. The article that you have written has helped me a lot. Thank you for that. But I am still far from understanding why I keep seeing the name Parth and the numbers 11.11 everywhere. I am seeing that since three months now. I tried to decipher the meaning of that but failed. If you can, then please help me. Thank you.
~ Warm regards,

Dear Kashmira,
Thank you for your email. :) Sounds like you are definitely waking up/awakening. One of the first symptoms people notice when they awaken are those signs & synchronicities you are experiencing. These signs happen when we are “asleep” in life but we just don’t notice them as much. Now, you’re spirit is awakening and it’s magical, amazing and a wild rollercoaster ride for your life!
Since you’ve read my quick article regarding Signs & Synchronicities. There is more I have to say about this in my book, Divine Embrace. Also, I think you’ll really enjoy the Angel Numbers book by Doreen Virtue. She has a dictionary of numbers and their meanings! 1111 is the gateway number and so often the first number folks will see as a synchronicity. 333 is a beautiful vibration that I, too, receive often and is said to be the vibration of Jesus. 888 is abundance. Many signs are confirmation from the Universe that you are right on track with receiving that which you focus on. Be sure not to counteract any intention you have with opposite beliefs. Our core beliefs usually trump our wishes. Align and believe, have faith and then surrender it all to the Universe your wishes.
Yes these are ALL signs from the Universe. The Universe sends us signs to not only confirm we are on the right path, but to help us wake up. Keep it up!
Parth could be a name of your Spirit Guide trying to let you know they are near (unless you know of someone with that name). These signs are messages for you and you alone. I looked up Parth and the meaning I got is: Smart, cool, and a very great person and very damn sexy too. Parth can be taken to the extreme and be considered: a bit conceited and arrogant at times but that’s because of their confidence.
Also, I find this very synchronistic: When I looked up this name on Google, the second link was to a meaning for “Arjuna” and not Parth. Odd. But worth exploring. Follow your intuition and the right messages are received. Arjuna is a person in the famous book Bhagavad-Gita: The warrior prince in the Bhagavad-Gita to whom Krishna expounds the nature of being, the nature of God, and the way humans can come to know God. To me that says, grab a copy of the Bhagavad-Gita. An amazing book that even has a western interpretation that may be easier to read. Up to what pulls you. But this will align your spirit, connect you and awaken you even more as you read. It’s an amazing read! It’s also the second time in two days that this book has been referenced for me, so I know I need to pick up that book again. :)
What comes next for you is learning about Kundalini. Our Kundalini is our core Divine Essence. It lays dormant at the base of our tailbone, our Root Chakra, until something wakes it/us up. We receive many symptoms during our awakening process as methods to assist our body, mind and soul in connecting more deeply, and eventually leading to enlightenment.
Please read below first more information I have from my book regarding signs & synchronicities. Then I’d like to discuss further (below) with you Kundalini. Excerpt from my book, Divine Embrace:
Serendipities/Synchronicities. This is one of my favorite symptoms of them all. This is one of the first symptoms that people become aware of. Your awakening starts with many synchronistic events. As you become more aware you realize you are guided and connected to the Divine. Synchronicities, including the “right” Teacher, Master, Guru, Energy Worker, etc. will appear right when you need them in order to assist you in ascension.
Synchronicities are sometimes tricky things to diagnose. My very first set of synchronicities that I actually started to notice were of the name "Michael" and the number "13". It wasn't just three times, it happened over and over again for weeks and to this day I still get them. It's been over a decade since those started. I'm sure that these (most of the time) happen because of a friend of mine named "Michael" who died on the 13th of November in 1990.
He was the beginning to my awakening from living an unconscious life (for the most part). Michael died when I was sixteen and living almost totally unconscious. Seeing those synchronicities helped me in ways I can't even begin to comprehend. I know that just by having them occur it helped me question God more closely, the Universe and what it does "to" us and "for" us.
How much of a pull do WE have and does the Universe have? Are synchronicities just happening do to the Law of Attraction because we asked for them or is it more? These are questions to ask. I feel much is our creation and since we have angelic helpers and spirit guides that assist us I believe they also have a hand in our creation at times to at least gently GUIDE us on our path. They know better than us what we set out to do in this life for our blueprint in life.
God/Universe knows what we are meant to do better than we can, since we are blocked from this memory ourselves. The memory block is something we can work on. It’s there so we can freely choose to search out our Divine connection once again. (Or so I believe.) It's our choice if we want to primarily seek out our connection to the Universe again and I feel one of the MANY reasons for these signs is to do just that.
Synchronicities and signs cause us to question and to BE IN THE MYSTERY of the Universe. It tells us there is unlimited potential, power and answers to our question that can be created in an instant. The vastness of the Universe just cannot be comprehended by our minds as they are in this 3D dimension.
The more we meditate and consciously choose to be awake and follow our intuition and guidance the closer we become to our true Divine Connection.
Sign and synchronicities are also a GINORMOUS sign for awakening within. They come up if you are about to or have already had a Kundalini spike that will lead you on a path to new heights. These signs DO come up when we wish them to via the Law of Attraction. What we focus upon expands. Where your attention goes energy flows. And then there are times these signs are coming even without us realizing we are attracting them by our thoughts or even when we are not attracting them. When this happens I ask that if these truly mean something and if I am meant to take some sort of action to please send it in three's.
I also know that ALL of the answers are held within us. Answers to everything we could possibly question can be answered by us within us. We just have to focus, research if we are called, listen to our intuition and feel the answers when they come up. Another thing I know is that sometimes when I try to gain an answer to something that I just don't know or have doubts about and am totally blocked, a part of me DOES know the answer. Sometimes it helps to get an outside person to interpret and maybe come up with opinions and ideas. Other times hearing another’s opinion totally clouds my vision and makes my decision even more confusing to make.
I then have to wipe the slate clean, remind myself that I always knew the answer (and I mean always) and go forth. If there is ever any confusion I know it is a sign to me that I must not do what I am pondering, but wait. Wait to see if it feels right later. Wait to see if nothing happens and suddenly I would know that I was never meant to do what I was pondering. Or the huge pull from within my gut basically drags me to do what I was putting off; calling it confusion but really it was procrastination.
There's no right answer. Each of us are so totally unique so I could only give my opinion. But the answer truly is within you. Remember that Fear is not a basis for any decision. Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. I've found if the timing is not right with a relationship with someone or something else, then it's just not the right time and it may never be but sometimes it's just timing that will work out later. There is no need to rush. Life is happening only for the pure joy of it. We are here for our pure joyful experience. There is no other reason. Only our mind playing tricks on us. So perhaps many signs that come to us is the reminder is do what feels most joyful, living life in the flow of it and loving when you can.
I have several articles regarding Kundalini and the awakening process. And both of my books take this subject to a deeper level. After reading my articles, you may feel drawn to purchase on or both. In order, How I found my true inner peace lays the foundation. Divine Embrace takes it even deeper. You can find purchase options for both on my Store page. Below are several articles that I have written to help you get started on the Kundalini wisdom that will really help you going forward. :)
Please do email me if you have any other questions! Looking forward to hearing from you.
Enjoy living in the mystery of the Universe.

It is my desire and intention always that you take away from my newsletter feelings of empowerment, aliveness, divine connection and peace. May You Always Know the Peace that Dwells Within.
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass.”
Laugh uncontrollably, it clears the mind!

Gifts Certificates are available upon request!

If you are guided and would like to schedule a workshop or would like more information,
please contact me anytime via email, phone (508) 369-9967 or my Contact form!

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