Downward-Facing Dog (aka Down Dog)
Sanskrit: Adho Mukha Svanasana
Photo courtesy of my Husband:
Me at WWI Park in Plainville, MA next to a bridge over a teeny river :)
Okay, so usually you are on a flat surface, not working your way over a little river. :) But I loved doing it and the pose is so awesome! What nice it this still illustrates the perfect pose for Down Dog. You'll find this pose in most yoga classes and always in Sun Salutations and vinyasa sequences.
This is an amazing pose that over time works out to be your resting pose. You will enjoy more challenging postures and then come into this pose and stretch your *whole* body in the process. Not only that, but Down Dog calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression; it helps relieve the symptoms of menopause; it relieves menstrual discomfort when done with the head supported; it helps prevent osteoporosis; it improves digestion; it relieves headaches, insomnia, back pain, and fatigue; and it is therapeutic for high blood pressure, asthma, flat feet, sciatica, and sinusitis. It's just all-around excellent for your health. Why would you *not* do this pose during your yoga practice. :) Enjoy!!!
Directions on how to come into the pose:
Begin in Tadasana/Mountain pose, feet can be hip distance apart or close together.From here inhale arms all the way up, and hinging at the hips with a straight back, swan dive arms down towards the mat for a forward fold. Place your hands on the mat and step both feet back into a plank position. Body is straight, good straight line of energy from your head all the way down to your heels (no hips up to the sky in plank pose), then push your hands into the mat as you life your hips up high, press your body back into an inverted V position. Push up up up through the tailbone. Press your chest down as it reaching towards the mat or floor. Shoulders are wide and back and away from the ears. No air bubbles in those hands and your heels are reaching towards the mat. They don't need to touch just have the action of reaching. Elongate the spine here. Allow your head to hang loose and drink your breath.
Hold for five deep breaths. To come out, perhaps you can drop your knees down onto the mat from Down Dog and slide your hips back to your heels, coming into Child's pose. Rest here. This is a pose you can do when Down-Dog becomes a bit much. But as you strengthen your body, you will be able to hold Down-Dog longer and enjoy it more fully and deeply. Slide your hands up to your knees sitting up and roll out your wrists. Down Dog works a lot in the wrists, so it's helpful to loosing them up.
When not to do this pose or to modify/Contraindications:
Carpal tunnel syndrome; Diarrhea; it's not recommended to practice this pose during the last term of Pregnancy; High blood pressure or headache: Support your head on a bolster or block, ears level between the arms.
~ Maggie
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