Ignite the Fire
Ignite the fire within. It's never too late to feel the passion we are so naturally given in life. We can be drawn into melancholy as a goal to find inner peace and stillness. But there is a difference. Inner peace can be misconstrued and turn into melancholy. There are ebbs and flows in life. And we ride that wave. However, if we begin to grow lazy or complacent in one area, thinking that is how we are meant to be in order to steer clear of ups and downs we never enjoy the fire innate within us.
No matter what age we are, we have a purpose and we are constantly changing and evolving. The fire within us can always be ignited for a purpose, a goal to live life happily in joy rather than something that the same old same old.
In my "prior life" I was overweight and very lazy with not much by way of pursuing my passion. I didn't know what that meant. I didn't think life was more than working as an administrative assistant, food and the occasional personal connection. But there was something deep inside me and it was stirring. It finally burst when I was pushed even more into situations and relationships that were unhealthy and emotionally abusive. I just knew that there was something more for me. And I craved it!
And that's when I finally decided on a lifestyle change. I began eating better and exercising - finally! I chased after what drove me to my happy place and became an even more spiritually connected person. This spiritual connection was missing from my life and for most of the beginning stages of my life. But once I found this, I felt complete for the first time in my life and I wasn't about to lose that connection ever again.
Those around me still resonating at that destructive frequency were not happy with my uplifting change that stirred inside me. Eventually, these people got out of my life, either by my choice or there's. It was time. I changed.
This particular change began seven years ago! And now I am passionate about awakening that fire within others! To empower others to find that within themselves! Because it's there; always. Even today I will get complacent. So I have to be mindful and totally conscious to ask myself if this is a "rest" period in my life or ask myself: Am I going back into "unconsciousness land" and moving away from being truly totally ALIVE! Because there are rest periods, as we need balance in our lives.
However, we must watch these rest periods and not wallow too long because that can turn into a static state of being and become an unhealthy pattern. We might miss a window of opportunity because we fell into the pattern of rest rather than flowing with life like ocean waves! So yes, rest; maintain balance; recharge your system; and then flow, live, empower yourself to strive for a new version of yourself always.
Ask yourself today: What Sparks you today!? Then find a way to make it happen and be in that uplifting energy! The energy this month and this entire year is especially strong for our desires and manifesting those results! So take advantage!
May you know the peace that dwells within.
Blessings to you on your path,
~Spiritual Cheerleader
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