Warrior III (Balancing Stick)
Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana III
Photo of Maggie Anderson taken by Morayo Sayles
I chose this pose to work in conjunction with this month's article. It's all about being challenged and facing those challenges in your body as well as in life. Then taking it (the pose) as far as you can within your body. So maybe you don't get totally into that balancing stick pose just yet. Maybe you still have your leg on the mat but you are attempting to lift off while lowering the upper body down in graceful balance.
As long as you are holding your center, remaining balanced and not wavering (in faith) then you are holding the pose just right for you today. Perhaps next time you can take it a little farther. And with this pose as in life, you can face those challenges and know that you receive only that which you are able to handle for right now. You are stronger than you think you are! So bring your awareness to the strongest version of you in this pose and in life!
Warrior III can show us so much about ourselves. How much balance we have in life. How focused we can become. We are called upon to tap into our deepest level of focus and concentration as well as having a little faith that we can hold this pose in its proper form while we await the queue from our instructor to slowly and gracefully come out of the pose. Likewise, we can slowly and gracefully enter into and out of life's challenges if we so choose. :)
Directions on how to come into the pose:
Standing in Mountain Pose inhale as your bring your hands out and up, palms together. Exhale, clasp your hands together and take index finger out and press them together for Temple Mudra. Bring your right foot slightly behind you about six inches. Then inhale. On your exhale, begin to lower your upper body at the same time you are lifting your right straight leg off the mat behind you, so remaining in a straight line from your hands all the way down to your pointed toes. The stopping point it where you reach your edge today. Perhaps only a few inches off the ground or if you are able lift your leg up and upper body down to meet at hip level. Hold wherever your edge is today and breathe. The leg and knee your are balancing on is straight not locked and also not hyper extended. Pull the navel in towards the spine. Keep hips parallel to the mat, so you're not opening the hips and stacking them but rather keeping them side by side. Gaze is down to keep your head in alignment with your spine. You are working your gluts - the buttocks - and hamstrings as well as your core here. You are strengthening your shoulders and muscles of your back while improving posture.
You may try working with Ouija breath here. Breathing deeply while constricting the throat to make a sort of ocean sound in the back of the throat. The focus on the breath keeps you breathing and oxygenating the body, as well as fueling yourself to hold the pose. Remove thoughts here. Only be. Hold for a 30 seconds to a minute or longer if you'd like. Then slowly lower back down and shake the legs, especially the leg you were balancing on. Then do the same on the other side..
When not to do this pose or to modify/Contraindications:
High blood pressure
~ Maggie
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