Do It Anyway
Have you ever felt unworthy of feeling good? Like whatever it is you did in your past or whatever happens to be going on right now means you are not worthy of feeling good or receiving good in your life. I'm sure we all have at one time or another. Maybe it's a conditioned thing from our parents or society and, perhaps, many religious beliefs being instilled in us.
But I'm here to tell you that you ARE worthy and you ARE supposed to feel good. Now. Not later. You are worthy of receiving Love. You are deserving of all the good you have in your life and can even share how great you feel with others guilt-free! It's up to you. It's your choice how you feel in every moment! Not only that it's your divine purpose to feel good and find that divine connection within! It's not time to wait on feeling that special connection, it's time to go for it and enjoy it! Have faith and dive in, in spite of what's going on around you.
A few months ago my Husband's Grandfather passed away. He was feeling down on himself and wasn't feeling deserving of feeling good about things going on in his life. It can be tough to see a loved one hurting or leave this plane. But we can tap into our knowing and our faith that life does go on even when our physical bodies die. We ascend to an elevated life closer to the Divine. It is my belief and faith and even if you don't have that particular belief, it might be close to that or something like this...maybe. :) Yes, we will grieve in the time that is right for us but when it's time to move forward and embrace all that life has to give us, we need to be open to it. So we grieve....and we move on. Your heart will guide you.
So I invite you, that no matter what you are feeling today, even if it's not attached to anything but you might be feeling low for whatever reason, to: Push through those old patterns of energy. Feel good ANYWAY. Do it ANYWAY.
Know that your loved ones are right where they need to be right now. And your challenges, relationship or job will work itself out as you have faith and believe and KEEP DOING IT ANYWAY. Enjoy it while you do it. THAT is the way to make more good things come your way. Tomorrow's a new day. Take the rest of today to rejuvenate, reflect and feel good (even if you're doing odds and ends of work stuff). You have permission to feel good! Even when you're having a not-so-great day at work or with others.
You have permission to be divine. You ARE deserving of embracing and feeling and being that Divine being that you are! Just because you may have lost your temper with your child or lost your cool at work with a co-worker or farted in front of someone, you are STILL a Divine Loving LIGHT being or even BECAUSE you've done all of those things. We are humans right now and living and learning through the human experience. But underneath it all we ARE divine. We can be happy even if someone else is feeling low or even if someone we loved has passed away. We can feel happy because they can too. Those who are feeling low can lift themselves up. Those who've passed away truly already ARE feeling good and it's only us who are missing them right now.
Yesterday, I was feeling like I needed a pick-me-up so when I randomly went into the grocery store to kill some time waiting for my son's father to drop my son at our meeting place, I passed by some flowers. Beautiful colors of yellow, pink and green with a large sunflower nestled inside. I grabbed them right up and placed them on my kitchen table at home. Flowers are high in vibration and naturally pick me up and may have that same beautiful affect on you too! Do something kind for yourself today, you deserve it! We all deserve the best life has to give us.
I wish you abundant blessings and happiness and may you know the peace that dwells within.
Blessings to you on your path,
~Spiritual Cheerleader
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