StrongerThere's been a theme that keeps repeating itself to me this week so it must be shared. When life presents challenges to us it's so easy to fall into pity-mode and viewing ourselves as the victim. As is probably a pattern for many and something I fought hard against and feel that I am so close to having surpassed that hurdle. It occasionally still pops up. Sometimes I succeed in realizing I am no longer a victim and will not wallow. Other times my self-empowerment is low and I bring it down even lower when I allow myself a little victim party. So I say enough's enough! We are stronger than we think we are! It's all about how we speak to ourselves and what we believe! Truly!
We are not victim's of our circumstances. In fact, we created them. Each and every one of them. 100%! And more than half of that creation is a co-creation with many others in our lives from those in our lives at present and those who planted seeds throughout our life (from parents, teachers, friends, our culture and society as a whole). So we must take ownership of what is happening to us. We cannot possibly know every minute detail of they "Why's" and the "How's" of what is happening in our life. Sometimes we get the message and other times we are not meant to know, and yet again other times it is simply an experience to assist us to continue to grow stronger and more evolved. Better able to face our challenges and move through live with more ease in our center.
When a challenge comes up we can remain optimistic. We must see the reality for what it is and then begin to tap into the mysterious magical creative beings we are. We could wallow, but enough of that. That's boring. Been there. Done that. Instead it's even been proven scientifically that if you are an optimistic person even in the face of adversity you will make it through the challenge smoother, faster and more uplifted on the other side. Instead if you wallow and stay in that lower vibration muddling through the experience with a negative outlook it will be that much harder to get through the challenging experience and you will FEEL bad. Not only that, you will also be attracting more negativity into your life so you can continue to feel this low. Now who wants that!?
Use the Law of Attraction in your favor and be, see and feel the positive outcome. Solutions present themselves more easily to you when you have an open mind. If you are closed off due to negative monkey mind thinking you won't hear the solution. If you are free, open and clear it will just come to you naturally.
Challenges are a blessing in disguise. Sometimes something not-so-great happens and you realize in the end that it was truly exactly what you needed. It might have been a change in circumstance, that at first seemed awful but instead presented a huge opportunity for growth, maybe a move to a better more uplifting place or job, and maybe a new friend or relationship comes of the experience. You will get through it. We always do. Just know that you are always supported, loved and this too shall pass. So why worry. You will only manifest more experiences that will bring more worry to you. Instead get back to your center and know that whatever is happening: It's not good. It's not bad. It just is.
"Thinking isolates a situation or event and calls it good or bad, as if it had a separate existence. Through excessive reliance on thinking, reality becomes fragmented. This fragmentation is an illusion, but seems very real while you are trapped in it." ~ Eckhart TolleThere are ways we can get into our center that will truly help us in the long run to rise up through the ashes of challenging experiences and remain in our balanced center. Below are seven beautiful and valuable tools to do just that and more:
Meditation is huge!: Just by taking a mere 15-20 minutes a day of quiet time you not only gain better balance and center, you also make it more possible to be more productive throughout the day. Your brain works at a more efficient rate and things get done. You are more in tune with your intuition and working in conjunction with your Soul!
Yoga: Need I say more. In yoga, you are also meditating as well as moving the body. Our bodies were made to move. Through yoga you are able to work with your mind, body and soul together, integrating these for a healthy and whole being. The health benefits to yoga are insurmountable and magical. I hear stories every day of folks being cured of asthma, arthritis, spinal and bone injuries and more! Just because they began a dedicated yoga practice a few times a week. You will feel better and more uplifted too!
Music: A magical cure for your moods. Music can bring you down or lift you up. So choose wisely the music that makes YOU feel GOOD, uplifted and even singing along. Music resonates at frequencies that can get in deep to our core and move blockages at a faster rate. Music can refresh you and leave you better able to make it through the tougher days.
Breathe: The power of our breath is key to everything. If you are getting stressed out, take a breather literally. Stop what you are doing and breathe in deeply, exhale slowly. Do this through your nose a few times. Close your eyes and imagine your breath going into every cell of your body, even as white light. Our breath is our prana life force energy, as we breathe we fuel our mind, bodies and soul's.
Use a mantra such as: Ommmm. Another good one is: It's not good. It's not bad. It just is. And breathe deeply!
Be the Witness: Try not to get caught up in a challenging experience. Take a step back and just observe what is happening around you. Come at it from a neutral state of mind and let the experience be. Then things will almost magically take care of themselves. Solutions will come, actions will be taken and peace can be felt even amidst the chaos.
Visualize: Our imagination is our tool of creativity. Since we are creating everything from our thoughts and emotions, it helps to visualize a positive outcome or at least to conjure a feeling of peace or bliss as the outcome to something that may be challenging in the very moment. Olympians and other athletes utilize this tool often as a way to gain momentum in training and ultimately winning the gold (or whatever the end result goal is in mind). I used this technique to shed over 90 pounds! Our brains do not know when we are actually experiencing something or just reliving it in our minds or, in this case, visualizing something new. Creating a new outcome of wonderful resolution with new solutions abound. The brain will still react and act as if it's happening right now and you will feel the same feelings again and by the Law of Attraction attract that which you are remembering or newly envisioning. Tap into this valuable tool for a more peaceful, enriching and happily loving life!
I do hope you all enjoy the last few weeks of summer!
Blessings to you on your path,
~Spiritual Cheerleader