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My passion is to inspire you to pursue your passions and assist you through your awakening in these Ascension times. Our beliefs are ever changing and evolving. It is time to Embrace our Destiny. I’d like to share my unique flowering of consciousness via this blog and also my website at www.SpiritualCompassConnection.com. Bliss, Maggie
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Your Chakra Awakening Meditation is Available now! :)
Thursday, December 1, 2011
December 2011 Newsletter - What's New
Merry early Christmas! It's that time of year again. We started this month out with Mercury in Retrograde and unusually warm weather for this time of year in New England. Love it! :) Mercury Retrograde is all about practicing your Re's. Re-evaluate your core beliefs, re-review past life issues and patterns, etc. We get our re-do's or do-over's! :) So we can make the best of it by taking this offered time to do just this. Mercury goes direct on December 13th just after the Full Moon on the 10th.
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing &Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
Dear Maggie Column - Dec. 2011
Click here to submit *your* question for the Dear Maggie Column
I found you surfing the web last night "by accident" as alot of others have I'm sure. I was googling "Does the Universe give you signs". That's when I found your amazing website. Your website and deep insights really uplifted me. I fell asleep last night feeling hopeful and woke up in a good mood.
Deb :)
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing &Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
Spirit Will Meet You Where You're At - Dec. 2011
Spirit Will Meet You Where You're At
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
Yoga Pose of the Month - Warrior II
Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana II
Photo of Maggie Anderson taken by Morayo Sayles
- Strengthens and stretches the legs and ankles
- Stretches the groins, chest and lungs, shoulders
- Stimulates abdominal organs
- Increases stamina
- Relieves backaches, especially through second trimester of pregnancy
- Therapeutic for carpal tunnel syndrome, flat feet, infertility, osteoporosis, and sciatica
Stand in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) and take one giant step back with your right leg, allowing hips to open up. Point your left foot out to the side and turn your right foot slight in. Lower down by bending your left knee so that the knee is over the ankle. Extend your arms shoulder-height out nice and strong, palms down. Gaze or Drishti is over your left middle finger. Think good posture here, growing nice and tall. Torso is centered. Drop the shoulders down away from the ears. We can even flip our palms up here for a moment to assist the shoulders in dropping down. Push through the outside of the back foot. That front bent knee wants to fall inwards. Be mindful of this and keep the leg press back and feel as if you are in between two panes of glass. Tuck the pelvis in a bit to keep good alignment with the spine. Draw the belly in and strengthen your core. Great for relieving lower back pain. Feel your legs in the floor nice and grounded, good foundation. See if you can have your left thigh parallel to the floor. Take five deep breaths here or hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
Diarrhea, High blood pressure, or Neck problems: You do not need to turn your head to look over the front hand; instead continue to look straight ahead with both sides of the neck lengthened evenly.
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
What's New - November
Submit your request
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
Inspire You Article - Your God Moment
you can come here....
Enjoy, live, laugh, love always!
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
Reverse Warrior - Yoga Pose of the Month
Sanskrit: Viparita Virabhadrasana
Photo of Maggie Anderson taken by Morayo Sayles
Reverse Warrior has amazing benefits. Such as, helps fatigue and lower back pain as well as strengthens the legs, abs and thighs, stretches the inner thighs, hips and groin, increases flexibility of the back and spine, clears the mind, reduces overall body weight and burns excess of calories. (The last two are my fav! teehee.) And it's great for releasing energy all the way up the body through and out the raised arm. Love it! :)
Directions on how to come into the pose:
Standing in Warrior II (legs wide and apart, hips open, bending left knee so knee is over ankle, think good posture and reach tall). Take the back (right) hand down and slide it down towards the ankle, resting on the back leg. As you take a side bend, reach up and over with left hand making a crescent shape or willow tree action. :) Maintain good foundation in the legs. Gaze forward or up towards sky. You are feeling this in the side waist and not the back per say. But you will receive mooch-o benefits in the spine! :) Hold and breathe. Five deep breaths here.
To come out, release the arms down to shoulder height back into Warrior II. Switch sides! Gotta have balance! :) Then release the arms down, straighten the back and legs. Heel toe your way back in to Mountain pose, palms together for Namaste. Close your eyes and breathe deeply.
When not to do this pose or to modify / Contraindications:
Serious injury in spine.
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
Friday, November 11, 2011
How I Found My True Inner Peace - My book is READY! yay! :)
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
Thursday, October 20, 2011
What's New ~ October 2011
What's New
HAPPY early HALLOWEEN!!! I say it every year but I'll say it again. I love halloween. I haven't seen as much by way of decorations yet, but the Autumn colors are in full bloom so I'm getting a natural nature fix either way. :) Did everyone enjoy another Full Moon this month that happed to be on another gateway day: 10-11-11.
It's official. My book, How I found My True Inner peace, will launch on 11-11-11! What a perfect day. 11-11-11 is another beautiful gateway day - or rather *the* gateway day! All 11's! I can't think of a better day to have my book launch. This is Book One of a two-part series. Book Two will launch 2-12-12. You'll be hearing more about my book launch very soon!
As I mentioned last month, I am adding a new yoga class to my schedule very soon! I will be teaching Vinyasa Flow Yoga at the YMCA in North Attleboro every other Sunday from 9:30-10:30, alternating with another superb Yoga Instructor. My official start date is November 6th. So check my class out if you are in the area!
If you would like to be a part of my book launch please shoot me an email. I would love to have you! I will send you the email that you will send to your email list on the morning of 11-11-11, as well as facebook & twitter comments. If you have a free bonus to offer as well I can include it with the launch. Great exposure to a larger audience!
UPCOMING CLASSES - What do YOU want to see!?
Submit your requestI offer a variety of classes for your enjoyment and empowerment! Please email me with any classes you'd like to see on the schedule or any new class ideas that I haven't offered that you'd like to learn more about (offered in-person and online). I love to expand as the need arises! I look foward to hearing from you all soon! Please check my calendar for the most up-to-date schedule!
Why not!?
Why not! Why not go for your dreams! Why not live in peace now while we reach our goals! Why not REMOVE the fear and anxiety of it all while we open up to our truest blessings and abundance. There's no reason for us to be filled with worry and fear (of whatever - not having enough money, not getting that raise, not getting that new goal we strived for). Instead ask yourself why haven't you given peace a chance. Why not see if you can just breathe right now and be peaceful. No matter what is going on around you! No matter what anyone else says, thinks or does! No matter what! I say it's in the being peaceful, happy and joy-filled NOW that is what gets you the goals that you strive for.
It's in the RELEASE of the pain, anxiety and fear that brings you what you truly desire. Desires like being comfortable, peaceful and also joyful, alive, happy, awake and giving your life a feeling of having meaning and purpose.
More often than not, our drive for more is out of fear and out of thinking we need to be working 90% of the time at a very exhausting rate. When really it's the opposite. If you could just work a little, have balance in life and then simply put the energy of what you desire out there and release it, let it go, you would be receiving more of that at a faster rate. Instead we tend to live in the fear of the opposite of what we desire so more of *that* is what we get instead. It's time we stop living in the energy in fear of... Instead live in the energy of that which we desire. Be happy and filled with gratitude for the abundant blessings we have now and more of *this* will be our constant.
We are all deserving and in the flow of whatever it is we resonate with. We are as abundant as we allow. No more excuses. I was at a wonderful workshop this past weekend with Jackie Eaton, of Angelights.net, where she talked about a client who kept giving her excuses why so many good things that are awaiting her "can't come". So Jackie stopped her and said, "Are you done making excuses for your limitations?" The client finally paused. Took a breath. And realized that's exactly what she was doing. She was DRIVING AWAY all the good that could come to her at ANY TIME! Phew! What a relief that is when you find that out! We can justify the good or justify the bad and we can just be in the neutral witness state of it all and just let it go. Let go and let God, as they say. :)
It WILL be handed to you on a silver platter. Maybe not the way you envisioned but that's where the fun of it all comes in. That's where we leave it all up to the mystery! See what the Universe has in store for you! Don't let your gifts and blessings pass you by because you don't think you deserve it or haven't "worked hard enough" for it. We are deserving of abundant blessings now! And when we receive those blessings that is when we can share more of them with others to complete the circle! :) We all want to share with others and it's easier to share when we are abundant ourselves. It's so easy to give give give and never receive because we think we don't "deserve" it. And on the flip side it's so easy to receive and grab hold of whatever it is we receiving, thinking we won't have enough and therefore block the flow of our very own blessings. So stop giving without receiving. Stop receiving without giving. Trust and allow the flow. A win win!
And because abundant in financial prosperity is a big one for many of us, I want to share an easy though POWERFUL visualization I do every day for financial abundance:
Center yourself. Call in any guides, angels and your God/Source to assist you with being in the flow of abundance and financial prosperity. Take a few deep breaths. Relax. Begin to visualize gold coins flowing down from the sky coming into your energy field (aura) and falling all around you. See these golden coins accumulate around you. Feel them. Actually feel, see and hear the coins clanking into your awareness and aura. Allow as many as you'd like fill your hands. Then begin to see this flow not just falling all around you, but flowing from left to right (our left is our receiving and our right is our giving), see this as you being in the FLOW of Financial prosperity, receiving and giving. The gold coins still flow to you and all around you in this visual. Feel this and be in this space. If you'd like to take it up a notch, see yourself giving the month to all those you can think of and more, knowing there is plenty to give and still even more in your savings and even more to flow after that. Feel and know there is a limitless amount for you and everyone! Enjoy feeling the energy of these blessings.
I want to leave you with the perfect quote from Steve Jobs to drive home the point of having FAITH in your path and knowing, reaching and being only the best most alive, awake and present person you can be in every moment:
"You can't connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well worn path."
~ Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Address, 2005
Enjoy, live, laugh, love always!
Blessings to you on your path,
Maggie ~ Spiritual Cheerleader
Yoga Pose of the Month for October 2011
Sanskrit: Bakasana
Photo of Maggie Anderson taken by Morayo Sayles
Crow (or Crane) is a great pose for strengthening the arms and the core. This pose challenges your balance and you want to be sure you head into the pose in just the right way and in the right time for you. You might not get right into this pose on your first shot. I know I didn't. It took a few years of practicing till I could have the abs and arm strength as well as the determined focus on my mind and body awareness for the supreme balance that comes with working in Crow Pose. I love that I can do it now and know that doing this pose shows off my hard work. But coming into this pose now, I enjoy more of the mind-body connection and ultimate meditation that occurs. I can really feel myself going deep. I feel my mind release if only for a moment and utter peace can be felt. :)
Directions on how to come into the pose:
This pose is sometimes easier to watch someone flowing into the pose first and for first timers it's best to have a teacher nearby to be sure you are not flowing into this pose improperly and therefore possibly cause an injury. That being said, first being in Tadasana (Mountain pose). With feet only a few inches apart, bend down into a squat position. Separate your knees wider than your hips. Hands pressed firmly down on the mat in front of you about shoulder distance apart, elbows slightly bend. Position your shins just behind your upper arms and knees almost nestled into your armpits and/or beginning to rest on your upper arm. As you lift up onto the balls of your feet, slide the upper arms down as low onto the shins as possible, leaning forward even more. Weight shifts to the upper arms even more. Rounding of the back may occur to assist you in positioning yourself here and then a lengthening of the spine thereafter. Continue to shift the weight forward and see if you can begin to lift one foot off the floor and then maybe both. Keep head in a neutral position looking down or gazing slightly up. If this isn't challenging enough, see if you can straighten your arms even more.
Hold for 20 seconds to one minute. Slowly lower to come out and back into squat position. Roll out your wrists here to release the tension. Lot's of pressure on the wrist in Crow pose.
When not to do this pose or to modify/Contraindications: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or any wrist issues, Pregnancy
Sunday, September 25, 2011
What's New: September 2011
My book is weeks away from being published! Yay! Finally! :) You'll hear all about it when it's finally available for purchase. I am now simply awaiting my very first hard copy proof and then it's good to go!
So fall is literally around the corner, school is in full swing and our routines are getting back "on track". How did everyone do during our Hurricane excursion on the Northeast coastline (in America--I know I have a number of Australians, Canadians and UK folks reading here too!)? I heard someone call is Hurricane-induced Amish vacation. That is funny!
I was actually pretty lucky. No electricity for five days but my work was in full swing, as most large corporate companies were. So my daughter and I enjoyed dinner and a movie at work the first evening. My son was with his father still since school was canceled. At night I would ready by flash light my Wayne Dyer book, "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life". I LOVED IT! That book has been sitting on my shelf for years. So now, I've vowed to read (even by flash light if I have to) before going to bed a few pages of that book or a book with equal spiritual quality. It was just what I needed to unplug, in order to PLUG BACK IN to Source. :) We might have had to throw away a weeks worth of groceries but we gained more in connecting with each other, our neighbors and ourselves at a deeper level. Priceless.
I am adding a new yoga class to my schedule very soon! I will be teaching Vinyasa Flow Yoga at the YMCA in North Attleboro, MA, every other Sunday from 9:30-10:30, alternating with another superb Yoga Instructor. Check back soon for the start date!
Friday, September 23, 2011
September 2011 Yoga Pose of the Month: Warrior I
Warrior I
Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana I
Image provide by YogaJournal.com
This month's article (below) goes perfectly with this month's yoga pose. Feel the energy surging within your body all the way up your spine and out your arms in this pose. We are powerful beings and in holding this pose we can choose to tap into that power and believe. This pose brings out a force within us that isn't always tapped into.
Directions on how to come into the pose:
Stretching back in Down Dog inhale. Exhale, and bring your left leg forward in between your hands for runners lunge. Keep your knee in a 90 degree angle, ankle over knee. From Down Dog to runners lunge. Ground your back foot down, angle it flat towards the top corner of your mat. Bring your hands to your thighs as you lift your upper body up. Maintain good foundation in the legs. Take hands to hips for a moment. Keep your hips both facing forward, like to headlights shining in front of you.
Then raise your hands up high on either side of your ears. Reach tall, pull your ribs away from your waist. Keep that knee over your ankle, no jutting out or in. Open the chest. Open your heart. Bring the energy up from your feet, through your legs, your torso, all the way up your spine and through your arms. Inhale, exhale and lower down a little more. Find your edge in this pose.
If you'd like, and if you are familiar with Warrior I, you may take a gentle arch in your spine for a gentle back bend. Look up towards your hands and if you'd like, take a temple mudra here with your hands. Clasping your hands together, with index fingers straight up and pressing together. Breathe deeply. Five deep breaths here.
To come out: Lower arms down to the mat, press both legs back into a plank pose. Both feet out behind you, hips not too high, then press into your hands and through your tailbone into Down Dog. Stretch and breathe here. Keep shoulders back and away from the ears, open up your heart and press your hands into the mat. Elongate the spine. Do the other side!!!
When not to do this pose or to modify/Contraindications:
High blood pressure, Heart problems, those with shoulder problems should keep their raised arms parallel (or slightly wider than parallel) to each other and those with neck problems should keep their head in a neutral position and not look up at the hands.
~ Maggie
Do You Know What Your Destiny Is? ~ September 2011
Do You Know What Your Destiny Is?
You are destined for Greatness. Yep. That's right. Each and every one of you are destined for something beautiful and wonderful and totally unique to you. There may be simiarities to another's path, but it is a totally different expression that is coming from you. It's your experience and your expression.
It's time to find the Warrior within. No more procrastination. Because it IS there. Within us all. Always has been. And we can dig down deep and bring it to the surface. If you've ever had to hold a pose, such as Warrior I in Yoga (above description under this month's yoga pose and check me out on the right in Warrior I :)), or been working out with weights or pushing through a cardio routine and you've just about had it. You'll know what I mean. Because there comes a point, maybe it's something the instructor said or maybe you finally realize it's inside of you, but there comes a point where you suddenly get your second-wind, you feel a renewed sense of energy, your focus is intensified and you feel a fire deep inside of you that keeps you holding that pose, repeating those last few reps or pushing through the last of your cardio routine. There's usually a look in your eyes when you feel this. It's an intense focus like nothing you have ever felt before but during these pure moments of potent energy. You've found the warrior within you and nothing can get in your way. When you've finished, there is a euphoria you can't explain and the endorphins are a wonderful rush to boot!
It's this pure intense fire that is within us all. Whatever it is we are meant to do, push through or endure we can find this place inside of us to help us to keep going and feel more utterly connected to Source (God) like never before. It's this intense focus I tap into during energy session, meditations, yoga, and my workouts for sure! It's also an intense focus that comes up when I am doing design work and even writing these newsletters. It's my Source connection coming further to the surface to bring out more of the "Me" that "I" am.
We each have something we are meant to do and Be. It is something that has been within us forever. It is something that comes very naturally to us. Whatever that may be it is within you and you know to your core. It keeps coming and coming to you; it is constant. It is you. It is your divine expression.
And if we can get off the couch, stop listening to those insane excuses our mind repetitively give us and push through knowing an uplifting outcome for all is awaiting us, we will be more ALIVE, more AWAKE and more consciously surviving and THRIVING in life. It's what's inside of us that we are meant to bring out and show to the world. Not what others think we should do or be, not what your ego mind said do it out of fear, but what is our blissful passion, what makes us happy and joyous to live every day. That may not be your full time job, but it has to be something you tap into at least a few minutes every day, whatever that is.
Take a challenge and meditate a few minutes away. Or sit quiet. Imagine that you are doing something you so much love! And if you don't know what that is, imagine the feeling of doing something you love. Just feel the joy, happiness and fulfillment that comes. Be peaceful. Breathe into this. See it, feel it and be it as INTENSELY as you can. You'll start to see signs and synchronicities coming your way to answer your daily moments of clarity. Perhaps your destiny is to spread peace and be that peaceful center. So maybe you are not "doing" something but in fact by BEing peaceful, you are assisting the world with your vibration. We are all assisting the world with our vibration as we reach our potential for greatness and our deep inner Source connection.
And when you do your Warrior I pose in Yoga or get to those moments in your workout where you think you just can't go one more second, or even those moments in life that make you want to just give up, breathe deeply, know you can do it, know it's ALWAYS mental and spiritual as well as physical, and you can decide to find that FIRE within you and let it out! Get your second-wind for life! Find that fire within and use this intense clarity of focus to reach YOUR Greatness. It's your destiny.
Enjoy, live, laugh, love always!
Blessings to you on your path,
~ Spiritual Cheerleader
August 2011 Yoga Pose of the Month: Warrior III
Warrior III (Balancing Stick)
Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana III
Photo of Maggie Anderson taken by Morayo Sayles
I chose this pose to work in conjunction with this month's article. It's all about being challenged and facing those challenges in your body as well as in life. Then taking it (the pose) as far as you can within your body. So maybe you don't get totally into that balancing stick pose just yet. Maybe you still have your leg on the mat but you are attempting to lift off while lowering the upper body down in graceful balance.
As long as you are holding your center, remaining balanced and not wavering (in faith) then you are holding the pose just right for you today. Perhaps next time you can take it a little farther. And with this pose as in life, you can face those challenges and know that you receive only that which you are able to handle for right now. You are stronger than you think you are! So bring your awareness to the strongest version of you in this pose and in life!
Warrior III can show us so much about ourselves. How much balance we have in life. How focused we can become. We are called upon to tap into our deepest level of focus and concentration as well as having a little faith that we can hold this pose in its proper form while we await the queue from our instructor to slowly and gracefully come out of the pose. Likewise, we can slowly and gracefully enter into and out of life's challenges if we so choose. :)
Directions on how to come into the pose:
Standing in Mountain Pose inhale as your bring your hands out and up, palms together. Exhale, clasp your hands together and take index finger out and press them together for Temple Mudra. Bring your right foot slightly behind you about six inches. Then inhale. On your exhale, begin to lower your upper body at the same time you are lifting your right straight leg off the mat behind you, so remaining in a straight line from your hands all the way down to your pointed toes. The stopping point it where you reach your edge today. Perhaps only a few inches off the ground or if you are able lift your leg up and upper body down to meet at hip level. Hold wherever your edge is today and breathe. The leg and knee your are balancing on is straight not locked and also not hyper extended. Pull the navel in towards the spine. Keep hips parallel to the mat, so you're not opening the hips and stacking them but rather keeping them side by side. Gaze is down to keep your head in alignment with your spine. You are working your gluts - the buttocks - and hamstrings as well as your core here. You are strengthening your shoulders and muscles of your back while improving posture.
You may try working with Ouija breath here. Breathing deeply while constricting the throat to make a sort of ocean sound in the back of the throat. The focus on the breath keeps you breathing and oxygenating the body, as well as fueling yourself to hold the pose. Remove thoughts here. Only be. Hold for a 30 seconds to a minute or longer if you'd like. Then slowly lower back down and shake the legs, especially the leg you were balancing on. Then do the same on the other side..
When not to do this pose or to modify/Contraindications:
High blood pressure
~ Maggie
Stronger ~ August 2011
There's been a theme that keeps repeating itself to me this week so it must be shared. When life presents challenges to us it's so easy to fall into pity-mode and viewing ourselves as the victim. As is probably a pattern for many and something I fought hard against and feel that I am so close to having surpassed that hurdle. It occasionally still pops up. Sometimes I succeed in realizing I am no longer a victim and will not wallow. Other times my self-empowerment is low and I bring it down even lower when I allow myself a little victim party. So I say enough's enough! We are stronger than we think we are! It's all about how we speak to ourselves and what we believe! Truly!
We are not victim's of our circumstances. In fact, we created them. Each and every one of them. 100%! And more than half of that creation is a co-creation with many others in our lives from those in our lives at present and those who planted seeds throughout our life (from parents, teachers, friends, our culture and society as a whole). So we must take ownership of what is happening to us. We cannot possibly know every minute detail of they "Why's" and the "How's" of what is happening in our life. Sometimes we get the message and other times we are not meant to know, and yet again other times it is simply an experience to assist us to continue to grow stronger and more evolved. Better able to face our challenges and move through live with more ease in our center.
When a challenge comes up we can remain optimistic. We must see the reality for what it is and then begin to tap into the mysterious magical creative beings we are. We could wallow, but enough of that. That's boring. Been there. Done that. Instead it's even been proven scientifically that if you are an optimistic person even in the face of adversity you will make it through the challenge smoother, faster and more uplifted on the other side. Instead if you wallow and stay in that lower vibration muddling through the experience with a negative outlook it will be that much harder to get through the challenging experience and you will FEEL bad. Not only that, you will also be attracting more negativity into your life so you can continue to feel this low. Now who wants that!?
Use the Law of Attraction in your favor and be, see and feel the positive outcome. Solutions present themselves more easily to you when you have an open mind. If you are closed off due to negative monkey mind thinking you won't hear the solution. If you are free, open and clear it will just come to you naturally.
Challenges are a blessing in disguise. Sometimes something not-so-great happens and you realize in the end that it was truly exactly what you needed. It might have been a change in circumstance, that at first seemed awful but instead presented a huge opportunity for growth, maybe a move to a better more uplifting place or job, and maybe a new friend or relationship comes of the experience. You will get through it. We always do. Just know that you are always supported, loved and this too shall pass. So why worry. You will only manifest more experiences that will bring more worry to you. Instead get back to your center and know that whatever is happening: It's not good. It's not bad. It just is.
"Thinking isolates a situation or event and calls it good or bad, as if it had a separate existence. Through excessive reliance on thinking, reality becomes fragmented. This fragmentation is an illusion, but seems very real while you are trapped in it." ~ Eckhart Tolle
There are ways we can get into our center that will truly help us in the long run to rise up through the ashes of challenging experiences and remain in our balanced center. Below are seven beautiful and valuable tools to do just that and more:
1. Meditation is huge!: Just by taking a mere 15-20 minutes a day of quiet time you not only gain better balance and center, you also make it more possible to be more productive throughout the day. Your brain works at a more efficient rate and things get done. You are more in tune with your intuition and working in conjunction with your Soul!
2. Yoga: Need I say more. In yoga, you are also meditating as well as moving the body. Our bodies were made to move. Through yoga you are able to work with your mind, body and soul together, integrating these for a healthy and whole being. The health benefits to yoga are insurmountable and magical. I hear stories every day of folks being cured of asthma, arthritis, spinal and bone injuries and more! Just because they began a dedicated yoga practice a few times a week. You will feel better and more uplifted too!
3. Music: A magical cure for your moods. Music can bring you down or lift you up. So choose wisely the music that makes YOU feel GOOD, uplifted and even singing along. Music resonates at frequencies that can get in deep to our core and move blockages at a faster rate. Music can refresh you and leave you better able to make it through the tougher days.
4. Breathe: The power of our breath is key to everything. If you are getting stressed out, take a breather literally. Stop what you are doing and breathe in deeply, exhale slowly. Do this through your nose a few times. Close your eyes and imagine your breath going into every cell of your body, even as white light. Our breath is our prana life force energy, as we breathe we fuel our mind, bodies and soul's.
5. Use a mantra such as: Ommmm. Another good one is: It's not good. It's not bad. It just is. And breathe deeply!
6. Be the Witness: Try not to get caught up in a challenging experience. Take a step back and just observe what is happening around you. Come at it from a neutral state of mind and let the experience be. Then things will almost magically take care of themselves. Solutions will come, actions will be taken and peace can be felt even amidst the chaos.
7. Visualize: Our imagination is our tool of creativity. Since we are creating everything from our thoughts and emotions, it helps to visualize a positive outcome or at least to conjure a feeling of peace or bliss as the outcome to something that may be challenging in the very moment. Olympians and other athletes utilize this tool often as a way to gain momentum in training and ultimately winning the gold (or whatever the end result goal is in mind). I used this technique to shed over 90 pounds! Our brains do not know when we are actually experiencing something or just reliving it in our minds or, in this case, visualizing something new. Creating a new outcome of wonderful resolution with new solutions abound. The brain will still react and act as if it's happening right now and you will feel the same feelings again and by the Law of Attraction attract that which you are remembering or newly envisioning. Tap into this valuable tool for a more peaceful, enriching and happily loving life!
I do hope you all enjoy the last few weeks of summer!
Blessings to you on your path,
~Spiritual Cheerleader
July Yoga Pose of the Month: Frog Pose
Frog Pose
Sanskrit: Mandukasana or Bhekasana
First Photo courtesy of venusrisingmagazine.com
You are literally looking like a frog in this pose. One of my favorites because it opens the hips and works your thighs, throat, chest, abdomen, groin and quads as well! Helpful for rejuvenating knee joints while providing a deep stretch to the quadriceps and psoas muscles. Not only that, but it also strengthens the muscles of the back and improves posture, improves digestion and (my favorite) helps reduce excess fat in the body especially in the thigh, hip and abdominal region. It also assists in the cure of pain in the knees, ankles, and back. I just love yoga. Each pose comes with it so many benefits. This pose is also relaxing for me. I can go inward for a bit. Love it!
Directions on how to come into the pose:
There are many ways to come at this pose. First it's helpful to warm up a bit with a few sun salutations and other yoga vinyasas to be sure your body is ready to get deep into this pose (as deep as it will go for your body that is; our anatomy is unique for each of us). You can start from your belly or from a seated position. I like to begin in a wide standing down dog pose. So just like downdog but legs are very wide. Then walk your hands forward while pointing your feet out and bending your knees. Dropping the knees to the mat. Take your knees as wide as they will go. We can have our hands either under our legs with wrists under shoulders or I like to come down onto my forearms and rest here while I play with how wide I can take my knees. The most challenging is to have feet out. To make it easier while still getting an excellent stretch, have feet come in towards the center and each other. Lower the head if that feels good or gaze forward.
Hold till you feel like your reached your edge in time. To come out press your hands into the mat or floor and bring your knees in slowly and gently. Come into child's pose and rest for a few minutes.
When not to do this pose or to modify/Contraindications:
High or low blood pressure; insomnia; migraine; knee, neck, should or lower back injuries.
~ Maggie
Do It Anyway ~ July 2011
Do It Anyway
Have you ever felt unworthy of feeling good? Like whatever it is you did in your past or whatever happens to be going on right now means you are not worthy of feeling good or receiving good in your life. I'm sure we all have at one time or another. Maybe it's a conditioned thing from our parents or society and, perhaps, many religious beliefs being instilled in us.
But I'm here to tell you that you ARE worthy and you ARE supposed to feel good. Now. Not later. You are worthy of receiving Love. You are deserving of all the good you have in your life and can even share how great you feel with others guilt-free! It's up to you. It's your choice how you feel in every moment! Not only that it's your divine purpose to feel good and find that divine connection within! It's not time to wait on feeling that special connection, it's time to go for it and enjoy it! Have faith and dive in, in spite of what's going on around you.
A few months ago my Husband's Grandfather passed away. He was feeling down on himself and wasn't feeling deserving of feeling good about things going on in his life. It can be tough to see a loved one hurting or leave this plane. But we can tap into our knowing and our faith that life does go on even when our physical bodies die. We ascend to an elevated life closer to the Divine. It is my belief and faith and even if you don't have that particular belief, it might be close to that or something like this...maybe. :) Yes, we will grieve in the time that is right for us but when it's time to move forward and embrace all that life has to give us, we need to be open to it. So we grieve....and we move on. Your heart will guide you.
So I invite you, that no matter what you are feeling today, even if it's not attached to anything but you might be feeling low for whatever reason, to: Push through those old patterns of energy. Feel good ANYWAY. Do it ANYWAY.
Know that your loved ones are right where they need to be right now. And your challenges, relationship or job will work itself out as you have faith and believe and KEEP DOING IT ANYWAY. Enjoy it while you do it. THAT is the way to make more good things come your way. Tomorrow's a new day. Take the rest of today to rejuvenate, reflect and feel good (even if you're doing odds and ends of work stuff). You have permission to feel good! Even when you're having a not-so-great day at work or with others.
You have permission to be divine. You ARE deserving of embracing and feeling and being that Divine being that you are! Just because you may have lost your temper with your child or lost your cool at work with a co-worker or farted in front of someone, you are STILL a Divine Loving LIGHT being or even BECAUSE you've done all of those things. We are humans right now and living and learning through the human experience. But underneath it all we ARE divine. We can be happy even if someone else is feeling low or even if someone we loved has passed away. We can feel happy because they can too. Those who are feeling low can lift themselves up. Those who've passed away truly already ARE feeling good and it's only us who are missing them right now.
Yesterday, I was feeling like I needed a pick-me-up so when I randomly went into the grocery store to kill some time waiting for my son's father to drop my son at our meeting place, I passed by some flowers. Beautiful colors of yellow, pink and green with a large sunflower nestled inside. I grabbed them right up and placed them on my kitchen table at home. Flowers are high in vibration and naturally pick me up and may have that same beautiful affect on you too! Do something kind for yourself today, you deserve it! We all deserve the best life has to give us.
I wish you abundant blessings and happiness and may you know the peace that dwells within.
Blessings to you on your path,
~Spiritual Cheerleader
June Yoga Pose of the Month: DownDog
Downward-Facing Dog (aka Down Dog)
Sanskrit: Adho Mukha Svanasana
Photo courtesy of my Husband:
Me at WWI Park in Plainville, MA next to a bridge over a teeny river :)
Okay, so usually you are on a flat surface, not working your way over a little river. :) But I loved doing it and the pose is so awesome! What nice it this still illustrates the perfect pose for Down Dog. You'll find this pose in most yoga classes and always in Sun Salutations and vinyasa sequences.
This is an amazing pose that over time works out to be your resting pose. You will enjoy more challenging postures and then come into this pose and stretch your *whole* body in the process. Not only that, but Down Dog calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression; it helps relieve the symptoms of menopause; it relieves menstrual discomfort when done with the head supported; it helps prevent osteoporosis; it improves digestion; it relieves headaches, insomnia, back pain, and fatigue; and it is therapeutic for high blood pressure, asthma, flat feet, sciatica, and sinusitis. It's just all-around excellent for your health. Why would you *not* do this pose during your yoga practice. :) Enjoy!!!
Directions on how to come into the pose:
Begin in Tadasana/Mountain pose, feet can be hip distance apart or close together.From here inhale arms all the way up, and hinging at the hips with a straight back, swan dive arms down towards the mat for a forward fold. Place your hands on the mat and step both feet back into a plank position. Body is straight, good straight line of energy from your head all the way down to your heels (no hips up to the sky in plank pose), then push your hands into the mat as you life your hips up high, press your body back into an inverted V position. Push up up up through the tailbone. Press your chest down as it reaching towards the mat or floor. Shoulders are wide and back and away from the ears. No air bubbles in those hands and your heels are reaching towards the mat. They don't need to touch just have the action of reaching. Elongate the spine here. Allow your head to hang loose and drink your breath.
Hold for five deep breaths. To come out, perhaps you can drop your knees down onto the mat from Down Dog and slide your hips back to your heels, coming into Child's pose. Rest here. This is a pose you can do when Down-Dog becomes a bit much. But as you strengthen your body, you will be able to hold Down-Dog longer and enjoy it more fully and deeply. Slide your hands up to your knees sitting up and roll out your wrists. Down Dog works a lot in the wrists, so it's helpful to loosing them up.
When not to do this pose or to modify/Contraindications:
Carpal tunnel syndrome; Diarrhea; it's not recommended to practice this pose during the last term of Pregnancy; High blood pressure or headache: Support your head on a bolster or block, ears level between the arms.
~ Maggie
Ignite the Fire ~ June 2011
Ignite the Fire
Ignite the fire within. It's never too late to feel the passion we are so naturally given in life. We can be drawn into melancholy as a goal to find inner peace and stillness. But there is a difference. Inner peace can be misconstrued and turn into melancholy. There are ebbs and flows in life. And we ride that wave. However, if we begin to grow lazy or complacent in one area, thinking that is how we are meant to be in order to steer clear of ups and downs we never enjoy the fire innate within us.
No matter what age we are, we have a purpose and we are constantly changing and evolving. The fire within us can always be ignited for a purpose, a goal to live life happily in joy rather than something that the same old same old.
In my "prior life" I was overweight and very lazy with not much by way of pursuing my passion. I didn't know what that meant. I didn't think life was more than working as an administrative assistant, food and the occasional personal connection. But there was something deep inside me and it was stirring. It finally burst when I was pushed even more into situations and relationships that were unhealthy and emotionally abusive. I just knew that there was something more for me. And I craved it!
And that's when I finally decided on a lifestyle change. I began eating better and exercising - finally! I chased after what drove me to my happy place and became an even more spiritually connected person. This spiritual connection was missing from my life and for most of the beginning stages of my life. But once I found this, I felt complete for the first time in my life and I wasn't about to lose that connection ever again.
Those around me still resonating at that destructive frequency were not happy with my uplifting change that stirred inside me. Eventually, these people got out of my life, either by my choice or there's. It was time. I changed.
This particular change began seven years ago! And now I am passionate about awakening that fire within others! To empower others to find that within themselves! Because it's there; always. Even today I will get complacent. So I have to be mindful and totally conscious to ask myself if this is a "rest" period in my life or ask myself: Am I going back into "unconsciousness land" and moving away from being truly totally ALIVE! Because there are rest periods, as we need balance in our lives.
However, we must watch these rest periods and not wallow too long because that can turn into a static state of being and become an unhealthy pattern. We might miss a window of opportunity because we fell into the pattern of rest rather than flowing with life like ocean waves! So yes, rest; maintain balance; recharge your system; and then flow, live, empower yourself to strive for a new version of yourself always.
Ask yourself today: What Sparks you today!? Then find a way to make it happen and be in that uplifting energy! The energy this month and this entire year is especially strong for our desires and manifesting those results! So take advantage!
May you know the peace that dwells within.
Blessings to you on your path,
~Spiritual Cheerleader
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Focus ~ May 2011
by Maggie Anderson
I find it truly symbolic for me that just last year I purchased a new vehicle, a Ford Focus. The names of our vehicles usually give us a vibrational match to what we are needing to learn or continue working with. So I have been seeing "Focus" as a message for me to truly zero in on my goals and intentions and add *my* energy to these endeavors. To me, the idea of focus brings with it the idea of living totally awake and truly honing in on the most potent of energies for a desired result. It makes me want to beam light powerfully at my goals. (Which I do on occasion, don't you?) :)
We affect the energy around us all the time. Just by our focus. We focus and light builds on the area of focus. This can be a body part or an intention of an experience. We can assist the experience with our focus; our energy; our light! Or not. It's our free will choice.
Yes, we do answer to a higher power. The ultimate Source of All That Is. It is there that things occur or not occur and at what level. It is the wise highest energy that knows all and knows what path we are to take to lead to our individual destiny. Our individual plan we set up prior to coming here.
But it is our own desires and what brings us the most joy and happiness that is where we are meant to *focus* our energies. When we do this with our energetic effort we add so much more to the project or intention than if we just went through the motions and took a lazy complacent stance about it happening or not happening. We must put our own energy totally INTO IT. There is an element of allowing "what will be to be", as a mode of surrender to the Divine. But there is our light that manifests the goal or intention. So let go of the end result happening, but allow it to grow and blossom before you by sending it love and light and beautiful joy-filled energy. The more you love it the better it will manifest and the more potent and powerful the experience will be!
It is helpful to not split our focus either. This splits our energy. When we have so many things we want to accomplish and have sent energy in too many directions, we are scattered and spreading our energies too thin. So take some time to focus only on one goal at a time.
Focus like a laser beam on your goal or intention! For example, if you have an ache or pain (or even if you don't) focus your beam of light (your attention) on that body part. Fill it with beautiful light. Imagine it. Our imagination is where our creative lies and where our connection to our highest potential can flow in. So send light. Focus on that body part feeling better and/or looking better. You can do this for weight loss as well. That's what I did to shed over 90 pounds. (This along with eating less and listening to my body by exercising.) You may feel tingles, cold spots or most common is feeling heat energy. You are a natural born healer. :) You can do this to an experience or relationship that you would like to have a positive outcome for the highest and best good of all, too. Think light, think light, think light. Think love. Focus love and light. :)
You can also choose to aim your focus negatively. We do it all the time. Someone makes us mad at work or at home or cuts us off while we are driving, etc. The list goes on. We aim our beam of "madness" at the person, as if that's going to make it all better! Instead we can fume, let it out positively and aim laser beams of light at whomever it was that upset us. We can choose to be in a place of forgiveness, not necessarily for them to begin with, but mostly for US. For our well-being. And once in this new place of forgiveness we can move from here. Our laser beam focus can be used for good once again! :) We already know that what we send out comes back to us three-fold, so why not make it uplifting and loving as much as possible. We can let out our tension in positive ways, like exercise, running, walking and even screaming at the top of our lungs in our car (when no one is around) and even breathing nice and deep. Whatever works right! :)
So remember, it is still our free will choice to get there and we must take action and be in the "game" of living LIGHTLY. Focus light. Share light where we can. And harm none. Love, Live, Laugh always.
May your Journey into Self always be blessed.
Blessings to you on your path,
~Spiritual Cheerleader