Thursday, May 28, 2015

Open Up | January 2015 Newsletter

January 2015 Newsletter

“You are never more essentially, more deeply, yourself
than when you are still.”
~ Eckhart Tolle

Classes Schedule

Reiki I Certification
Saturday, Jan. 31
Spiritual Compass
Cumberland, RI

Vinyasa Flow Yoga
Fidelity Investments
Smithfield, RI
Members Only

Vinyasa Flow Yoga
Fidelity Investments
Smithfield, RI
Members Only

Email me
for more info!

More classes are always being added to the schedule! Check back soon. And email me if you'd like to see something on the schedule!
What's New
Maggie AndersonHow's your energy this new year? I heard some good energy news about this year just this past weekend. Mary Volk shared that we are at the end of an 8-year cycle. 2015 marks the beginning of a new cycle. This is the year to take advantage of starting anew, doing what YOU love; not catering to others whims or goals, but YOUR VERY OWN. Yay! I was dancing the jig in my head when I was listening to Mary relay this message. I wanted to leap from my chair. It felt so true and such a relief!
As I said last month, set your authentic 2015 intentions! Make this all about YOUR truth and not someone else's wishes. What is it YOU want!? Anything you desire! This is YOUR time and your life to express in your perfect Divine way. Happy New Year to you all!
It is my desire that you enjoy this month's Inspire You Article below, Open Up, the Yoga Pose of the Month and this month's question for my Dear Maggie column, Awakening in High School.

HAVE YOU READ: How I found My True Inner Peace or Divine Embrace?
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WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY - Testimonials
"Hi Maggie. Your first book has helped me so much to balance and shift my energies. I had some displaced anger and it helped me work through it. My life is so much better since reading your book. Looking forward to reading the second book. Thank you.” ~ Jane
Click here to purchase your copy today
"I thank you for what you wrote, It's been an amazing journey so far. I found comfort in reading them almost 7 months after my awakening. It's been a road alright. I am ever so grateful for finding your words of caution & comfort." ~ Contessa
"Thank you Maggie......... I'm a fan. I just want to thank you with all my heart because I ran into your article on signs from the universe and synchronicities and coincidence and all of those fascinating things, and I have to say it came to me at the PERFECT moment of my life.... I needed to be reminded of all the incredible blessings I have after a very traumatic experience that I went through and also because I have been having so many signs lately in regards to a guy I'm in love with, I keep seeing his name everywhere and hearing our song everywhere, so reading your article just helped me a lot, guided me and reminded me... It was the sign I have been looking for and asked God to send me.. You are wonderful!!!! I will keep looking for your articles because they are incredibly helpful!!!!! God bless you and I truly believe he made me read your amazing article in response to the answer I was wanting.... After I finished reading, I could not stop crying but with this immense sense of peace and happiness I can't explain.... I thanked God for that wonderful article and for each of my blessings. I will be your #1 fan from now on.
? Thanks again!!!! " ~ Carla

I offer a free Bliss Healing List for anyone who requests it. Every day I send healing energy with the intention of blissful healing connections to all who ask. If you sign up for my FREE newsletter you are automatically signed up! You can sign up for my newsletter and/or the bliss list via email or my Contact Form. It's always FREE. Go to my Bliss List page to learn more and feel the healing vibes from this new page!. :)

Click here for Newsletter Archives

"Hi Maggie,
I wanted to say thank you for sharing yourself in your past newsletter, as it helped give me courage to release unhealthy ways with my children's birth father. You are a beautiful being, and I enjoyed 'being' with you…I hope our paths cross in the future!"
Blessings, Chrystie

"Amazing class! This was the best yoga class I have taken in eight months!”
~ Elizabeth

Yoga Pose of the Month
Reverse Plank/Upward Plank Pose
Photo of Maggie Anderson taken by Maggie Anderson

Maggie Anderson in Reverse Plank PoseReverse Plank Pose is wonderful opening for the heart, belly and shoulders. This pose can be modified by simply coming into Reverse Table pose. This pose is part of Rite #4 in the Five Tibetan Rites and is great for strengthening the arms, wrists and legs, as well as stretching the shoulders, chest, and front ankles. It's also therapeutically great in fighting against fatigue. yay!
Directions on how to come into the pose:
Begin in Dandasana (Staff) pose, legs extended in front of your and arms at your sides. Feet are about walking distance apart. Place hands 4-6 inches behind your hips, palms down, fingers pointing torwards your feet. Now, pointing your feet, press into your hands and heels of the feet, inhale and lift your hips up as high as they will go for you today, straightening your arms. Legs are extending straight out and diagonal to the floor. Allow your head to drop back without compressing the neck. If this is uncomfortable you can keep the head slightly lifted. Feeling this pose along the whole backside of the body. Press shoulder blades against your back torso to support the lift of your chest. Hold for 30 seconds and then, on an exhale, slowly lower back down coming back into Dandasana.
When not to do this pose or to modify/Contraindications:
You may need avoid or modify this pose if you have Carpel tunnel syndrome, or have a shoulder, neck or wrist injury. If you have a neck injury, you can support the head on a wall or chair.
A regular tabletop position just includes extending your legs straight but keeping them diagonal.
Move into your Empowered Bliss!
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"Maggie is a remarkable and compassionate Soul Coach. She creates a safe and nurturing environment for discovering your soul's truth!"
~ Denise Linn, Founder
of the International Institute
of Soul Coaching®
"Maggie is an energetic healer truly in touch with her soul & her inner Goddess. She personally carries the energy of lightness & openness and this enables her clients to benefit from her considerable experience in energy healing. I have had the pleasure of participating reiki, reiki drumming, bell & feather clearing, soul journeys, and feel priviledged to have done so. The positive results that I have found are testament to her skills, her truth and her energetic integrity."
~ Helen Williams
  Inspire You Article
Open Up
Maggie Anderson Recently, I had a discussion with a friend about our connections with other people. We pondered the why’s behind the disconnect we have with some folks and the extreme connectedness we can have with others. Though this is completely normal as we feel close to certain people at a soul level right off the bat. And other people we have to work at it a bit or are not meant to. However, I feel like one way we can connect more deeply to the core with the Divine is if we connect more deeply to the core with people (at least most people).
Sometimes we have been open with others. And sometimes we had the chance but didn't take the opportunity.
We all have those family members or friends that keep us at arm’s length. We all have those people in our lives. Sometimes maybe it's a generation gap and how they were brought up; something in how they were taught to act and be back then. Other times it's a fear thing. Perhaps many of us are now more authentic or at least some of us are trying to be. These people we may have a disconnect with seem to only share the surface stuff.
Playing it safe all the time is no way to live. Safety and security has its place in life, but then we must honor our divine expression. There's more to life than surface chatter.
So for those people who only share the surface stuff, I might choose to also only share the surface stuff with as well. Sometimes there is a feeling that they chose this disconnected way of being and will refuse to come out of it, so my soul chooses at times to honor their disconnected way of being. Could be that they're not ready. Or they are in a position in my life where sharing would not be wise. However, on the flip side, the other times I'm like, "F&%$ it". I want to be me. And if I'm sharing at a deeper level maybe that gives them permission or the courage to share at a deeper level themselves; giving them permission to be a little bit more authentic with themselves and with those people around them.
It’s a feeling. I try to honor where people are always and then when the Divine pulls me, I will share, do or say more in regards my inner truth and what feels right to share. It’s perhaps at just the right time for that person or persons to hear what I have to say. I've planted the seed at least. Or if not them, perhaps someone who is listening nearby. I might get the tug to share something and the person I am talking with is still totally out of sync but someone heard nearby and perhaps later shares how they totally GET what I was saying and it helped them. You just never know. I just go with the pull from the deep Divine connection and honor that within me.
Bottling up emotions isn't healthy either. It can cause actual physical manifestations of illness in your body. There are healthy open ways of releasing what's inside you. And opening up to a friend or relative when it feels right is one beautiful way of releasing emotions and being authentic. Allow yourself to embrace a more open way of being. Embrace that change, if only a little bit at a time. It's better than staying stagnant. Change can't occur if you are unmoving/stagnant. Stepping into the unknown causes beautiful new experiences. 'There is pain in staying the same. And there is pain in changing. Pick the one that moves you forward'. ~ Dear Viola
You’ll notice that by being more authentic, being the real you, others will relate in a more authentic way with you and connect more deeply. It shouldn't feel like trying. You don't have to try to share authentically. It's harder to force yourself to hold back at times. Instead be authentic and if sharing and being more open finally calls to you, allow that to flow through you.
The hidden truths are there. If you are holding back, there is a part of the other person near you that can sense it. Even if only a little bit or subconsciously and they may react to that. So even if you are keeping someone at arm’s length, even if with good reason, just be sure you are honorable and acting with truth and integrity either way.
I know there are people that might feel they were given permission to share and even when given permission they still don't feel they can (be authentic). So hopefully, this article can help people realize, it's now or never. Say it now. Say what you mean to say as often as possible. But say it authentically. Please check out my article on being authentic because it is a link to this article that is totally relevant to the message I am meant to share here.
I'm an introvert and sometimes socially awkward. But many of us are. Some are better at masking it. I tend to get "right" into my own skin when I'm teaching a class or workshop in my wheelhouse (yoga class, meditation class, Reiki & IET certifications, etc.). So over time and practice I've opened up more. I'm more me out in the open than I ever have been. I'm a work-in-progress. :)
Radio show host, Delilah, described Introverts and Extraverts amazingly! She explains that introverts tend to gain more energy when they have their alone time. Whereas extraverts thrive and build their energy more around people. We all need our alone time and we all need our connection to life and the living. But as an introvert I really understand alone time. I mean I GET it. And feel energized with my alone time (whether it’s meditating, yoga or just being). But there is balance with connecting with others and being alone. For the extravert, they need more time with people but still require a little downtime. For the introvert they require more downtime and still need a little people time too. The yin and yang of introverts and extraverts are that we still need that connection to people. They are a part of us and us them. We are all truly one. “I honor the Light in you. And you honor the Light in me. Together, we are One. Namaste.”
It's open up time. You gotta be authentic. You can't expect to have a relationship with someone and have the desire to connect more deeply with someone, but not be more authentic and more deep yourself with them. If you refuse to open up, you're not going to get that deeper connection you seek. It's just not gonna happen. You're gonna get what you give.
Start giving and opening up. Share authentically with others. If someone actually starts that ‘giving’ and sharing for you, take that permission. That's the Universe giving you an opening. There are going to be people you just can't open up to. You try and it won't work. Or you shouldn't try because of the position they are in their life (co-workers, bosses you might not be allowed to have that connection with, etc.). But the flip side is, even in those situations with those people: life is too short. If you have the desire to open up. Open up. There is a reason for everything. It is perfectly Divine. Happy connecting.
May you always know the peace that dwells within,
~ Maggie, Spiritual Cheerleader
Dear Maggie
Click here to submit *your* question for the Dear Maggie Column

flowerDear Maggie,
I am a 17 year old boy. For a few months now, I have felt completely lost. The only real way to explain it is that there is an empty void inside of me. I did not realize how lost I really am up until recently. My whole life, I knew I was different from the other kids. They were interested in things I was never interested in and I was always the weirdo. I just see things differently I guess. An abundant number of coincidences have been occurring since I started feeling lost. These are a few things that have been happening to me lately: I frequently see 11:11 when I look at a digital clock, I feel as if I have a purpose and I am capable of acquiring my dreams, but I don’t know how to, I will think of something briefly, then something related to it will happen, I have these extremely bizarre dreams every night, I am on a losing streak in the sport I compete in (wrestling) and I do not know why, and I don’t even know what I want in life anymore because everything has been so confusing lately. I am so lost and looking for some guidance.
I have been meditating and I believe I have almost left my body while doing so, several times, although I cannot really control my inner body (I apologize if I am not making any sense, but it is the best I can explain over the computer) . I think I leave my body almost every night. The “dreams” I have been having have led me to a bizarre fascination with extraterrestrials. The dream that caused this spark of fascination happened like this: A being that appeared to be a diversely colored elephant was all of the sudden standing in front of me. It had the posture of a human and had translucent tusks with what looked like kaleidoscope plasma similar to a lava lamp taking up the volume inside the tusks. This being touched my shoulder, causing what I can describe as a feeling of universal love and a message came through saying “come with me”. At this point I began walking up a metallic slope to get to what looked like a space ship. Once I had entered the ship, an overwhelming light came over me and the next thing I knew, I was overlooking a horizon and the being touched my shoulder again. It told me to pursue my dreams. It said that I am going to be greatly successful and that I am different from others because I very special and have an important mission. It also told me to always love and keep watch for false truths and always keep the environment clean; protect it.
Is this just a narcissistic wild dream that my imaginative subconscious has created? If so, am I selfish for having a dream like that? My gut tells me that it was a real experience and all the “coincidences” to follow are also real. They sometimes happen to me up to 7 or 8 times in a day. I feel as if someone is trying to contact me and tell me something, but there is something missing inside of me that is preventing me from receiving the message. How do I completely awaken myself?
Thank you again very much for allowing me to express these selfish thoughts to you and I apologize for straying off topic. I appreciate your empathetic guidance.
~ C

Dear C,
Thanks for your email. You might like to know your feelings are very similar to the majority of your high school friends. They might not show it but they feel similar as well. Some of them might not even know on the surface but some day they may awaken to that insight. For you, you are ahead of the game, in that you are awakening. You’re realizing there’s more to life at a deeper level than what all of us are “doing”. There is doing and expressing and then there’s BEing.
When I was in high school (which by the way feels like it was just yesterday to me), I felt exactly as you did. To boot, I wasn’t in any groups or sports either. Nothing was in sight that awakened a passion inside me. My parents are old school and to them if you were surviving, then that’s enough. So they didn’t know how to tell me to chase after something that excites ME. They didn’t help me look for MY passion. So I never went to college and floated through clerical jobs till around 2000 when I finally found my spark. I had a fascination with the paranormal and began a small website surrounded by those with similar interests online.
Prior to this, I did receive tons of synchronicities from my deceased friend, Michael. That's story is found here in my September 2007 newsletter and on my Signs & Synchronicities page. Synchronicities are a very common first sign of awakening. When we begin to finally notice these numbers the Universe has been trying to send to us in order to help us reconnect, we begin the process of awakening. And 11:11 is a gateway number. You are opening up.
Anyhoo, I began meditating. My first meditation proved to me I could see visions easily. We all have those extra senses that show up more easily to us than others. Like a medium will probably have their spiritual ears more open to hearing spirit, etc. After that I was attuned to Reiki (an energy healing modality). I became a teacher of several healing modalities. I processed life experiences at the same time, lost 90 pounds, realized I loved to design and becoming a graphic designer and I then fell in love yoga and became a yoga instructor. I sometimes wonder if I was exposed to the spiritual world sooner, would I have found that deeper connection sooner. Perhaps. But I know, for me, everything happened in Divine timing. Exactly as it should have.
For me, having that spiritual connection was everything. It filled the void I didn’t know I had within me. So many other things came up through experiences that proved to me this spiritual world exists. It’s mysterious and magical and makes my world more alive.
This awakening is different for so many of us. For you, perhaps you are not passionate about wrestling. Or perhaps you are symbolically wrestling with something inside you that makes going through each match more challenging. Do you know what your dreams are? What it is you’d like to offer.
We all have two main things in life we are meant to do here. One is to remember we are spiritual beings having a human experience. The second is to express whatever is Divinely called to us. It’s that thing (or things) that call you to do whether you get paid for it or not. And as we flow through life, this can change often but the very core of it is the same. It’s your offering. What makes you happy and blissful and joy-filled it yours to DO and/or BE. For some it’s simply BEING in that peaceful state. Since we are all energy and our energy spreads through the world. So simply being peaceful will assist the planet in lifting its vibrations to match it. And sometimes our soul is calling us to DO something. You will know when and feel it deeply within you. Your bliss is your spiritual compass.
I think it’s pretty fantastic and amazing that you are asking these introspective questions of yourself as such an early age. It can take some a lifetime and some never get there in their life.
Do you meditate? If not, this is a powerful, yet very simple way to begin a gentle connection to your deeper/higher self and the Divine. I highly recommend it daily for at least 5 minutes. Doesn’t have to be long. There are free guided meditations on youtube or you can simply play soothing music and focus on breathing. I enjoy watching the sun rise in the morning for a few minutes of quiet peace.
Astral projection is usually what it’s called when your soul leaves your body. It’s also called “Out of body Experience” (OOB or OOBE). This tends to happen to us every night as we sleep but we usually are not consciously aware of it. The act of astral projection will also create more awakening within us. Some people can do this while awake but most of the time it happens just as we are falling asleep or just as we are waking up. This can happen consciously when we can master lucid dreaming (conscious that we are dreaming). Once you are aware you are dreaming, then you can control where you soul goes either in the dream or out of your body.
We will dream as a way to release things from our subconscious from the day-to-day events. But our heart knows when these dreams become more than messages from our subconscious but rather messages from our higher selves and/or Spirit Guides or Angels. Seems like one of your main guides right now is an “alien”. Many of us have had lives on other planets as well, so sometimes we consider these guides “aliens” but really they are our kindred spirits (friends on the Other Side). You made a plan to have this being be one of your guides and bring you messages when you needed to hear it the most. Now is a perfect time.
As you awaken, you will receive other signs and symptoms. I list out several online under “Kundalini Symptoms” and you can read more in-depth in my books. I have so much info online that it’s totally up to you. Seems like you are in the beginning stages.
Mostly, we look towards enlightenment and leading a true and honest life. Remember the saying: “Before enlightenment, we chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, we chop wood and carry water.” This is a reminder that we still live the same life as we choose to create it, but we live it more alive than ever.
Life is as you create it from inside. We each have the power to create the life we desire. It’s magic and yet we ALL have that ability. We ALL do it. We just don’t all know we do it. So why not do it consciously. I think I’m beginning to ramble a bit. Hope I’m making sense!
The messages you received in your dream resonate as truth to me. Each thing you hear, you will know deep inside that it is true or not to you. Your Soul ALWAYS knows the truth. Sounds like you are being guided by an amazing being as well. :) Also, the description you give of it is familiar to me for some reason. I’m going to ponder this and see if something comes up or reminds me where I’ve heard of this being before? I know for me, I saw a blue alien being once with longer arms and legs than a human and very flow-like/fluid movements. We have Angels, aliens and humans as guides and sometimes it’s just energy guiding us. Life is a mystery. :)
To completely awaken is to become enlightened. This is a lifetime process or several lifetimes. Rarely, some will come into this life already fully enlightened (like Jesus, Buddha, etc.). It will just be there. Other times it happens during our lifetime. Many feel this is the era for all of us to awaken, enlighten and ascend permanently to the higher dimensions. Anything is possible. Meditation is the fastest, safest way. However, you can have too much meditation. The trick to enlightenment is balance and finding that inner peace amongst the chaos of this world. I’m still trying to figure it all out myself. Some days I feel I’m there and then other days make me feel very far away. It’s humbling and it’s all perfectly as it should be.
To trigger your Kundalini there are breathwork exercises, meditations, yoga (even massages, traumatic events and intense study will trigger it). My site is back up! Here are some articles on Kundalini that might intrigue you:
I’ve met a few folks who meditate for hours a day and bring on a strong Kundalini awakening that also brings on more severe symptoms in their body. Was it that they meditated too much? Perhaps. Or maybe they were meant to take it on at a “faster” rate for whatever reason. However, you don’t want to push too hard. Kundalini and awakening are all about SURRENDER. Releasing. Letting go. Allowing what IS and doing your best to align to the highest Divine guidance and connection that is within you. The timing of awakening to enlightenment depends on how you look at it. And then you decide how fast you go.
I choose balanced awakening. I don’t want to take on TOO much TOO fast or I won’t be able to process in the proper way. Some people (rare but happens) go crazy if they awaken too fast. So ponder the balance within you and decide what feels best. Listen to your internal guidance. It’s always there, always guiding. Gentle and steady. :)
I hope this has helped!! Please do keep in touch and let me know if I can help further. I wish you a balanced awakening.

It is my desire and intention always that you take away from my newsletter feelings of empowerment, aliveness, divine connection and peace. May You Always Know the Peace that Dwells Within.

Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass.”
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If you are guided and would like to schedule a workshop or would like more information,
please contact me anytime via email, phone (508) 369-9967 or my Contact form!

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