Chair Pose
Sanskrit: Utkatasana
Photo courtesy of
Chair is a fantastic post to heat up our internal fire. It works wonders on our rear end and thighs, legs and arms. It also stimulates the digestive system and heart. In its full version the arms are by the ears. I do also love to do the Revolve twisting variation of Chairs and loving the hip opener variation too, where one leg crosses over like in recline pigeon. But I'm getting ahead of myself. :) Let me explain how to come into this pose while you view the visual to the right.
Directions on how to come into the pose:
Standing in Tadasana/Mountain pose, feet can be hip distance apart or close together. Better balance may be felt with feel hip distance apart. Inhale arms all the way up by your ears. Be mindful of good posture throughout.
Elongate the spine as you inhale. Exhale and begin to bend your knees pulling your tooshy behind you as if you are about to sit in a chair. Allowing your body to come into a 45 degree angle. Be sure that you can still see your toes. Never dump the weight in the low back. If you feel a tug in the low back, straighten your back as you tuck your pelvic under to alleviate any pressure. From here, your arms can be straight out in front of you or straight up beside your ears. Fingers can be close or wide stretching out strong.
Feel the opening in the heart and the lungs. Here be sure the weight is in the heels not the ball of the feet. This way you aren't falling forward. Here we can lift our toes up off the mat to really feel the weight where it should be.
Hold for 30 seconds to a minute. To come out, inhale as you straighten your knees. Exhale releasing your arms to your sides back into Mountain pose.
When not to do this pose or to modify/Contraindications: If you have a headache, low blood pressure or insomnia. Also, listen to your body. If your knees are hurting due to injury modify here and don't come as deep into the pose or at all if it's too much. Your body is wise and is always speaking to you. Honor the wisdom of your body.
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