Stop Listening!
Stop listening to the negative voices around you. Stop listening to the embedded negative voice within you. Stop listening to those around you that say there are no jobs, you can't have that, you can't do this, etc. Stop listening to the negative voices around you! Make that change. Shift your internal voice and listen to the positive uplifting divine self within! Remove yourself from negative people, situations and places whenever and wherever possible. Shut your ears off to negativity. Open your heart to possibility, positivity and options galore!
I implore you to take a challenge with me! Take a 21-day negativity fast with me! That's right. This fast isn't about food. It's about removing yourself from negativity for 21 beautiful days! Whenever something negative comes up or is said to you by someone else or especially by yourself to yourself, shift your thinking to that of a positive outcome or simply to the Light of the Divine within you. Shift your thinking for 21 days! You will start to notice a beautiful new vibrancy within you. As you think more uplifted and positive, your energy gets uplifted. You raise your vibrations to a new level! It takes the brain 21 days to change a habit. So take this challenge. Change the negative mind thoughts to positive ways of thinking and being. This is the beginning of removing your mind thoughts to connect more deeply to the Soul within you. Make that shift today.
Yes, challenging things will happen. Obstacles will occur but it's how we react to them that counts. It's how we think and move through these challenges. You will begin to embrace challenges as a way to show how much you have grown and are continuing to evolve! We can choose to get down and listen to negative thoughts and get in a downward spiral for more negativity and therefore, by the law of attraction, receive more negative experiences in our life to continue to feel that negative way. Or we can shift our thinking and way of feeling and being. We can become uplifted and move with life. Go with the flow of life and find the stillness within; that peaceful divine place that is always untouched. And move through life from here. As we move through life in this new divinely connected space we have raised our vibrations, we are uplifted, we are connected, and life is easier. Challenges are moved through faster and simpler. You grow at a faster divine rate and connect more deeply to everything, everyone and to the All That Is. Amazing!
Now there are two voices within us. It's helpful to discern between that negative voice, the ego, and from the Divine intuition that speaks to us often. The ego voice is usually negative, abrupt, fearful and worrisome. Always thinking about the past or the future and feels fearfully rushed. On the flip side, our Divine voice that sends us messages constantly is gentle, soothing, uplifting and filled with guidance. Never pushing us into anything, only suggested and giving sometimes subtle and other times loud guidance. Always a Divine connection is felt. Take a moment and hear your emotions and feel those feelings. These are messages being sent to you to listen to. Discern between the two voices and listen to the stillness within. Move from here.
It's time to stop listening to negativity and listen to our deepest Soul while working with the Universal Law of Attraction to make things work for us in an uplifting and Divinely connected way. We are all here for a purpose and our primary purpose is to find the connection that's always within us to God/Divine/Spirit. Our secondary purpose is to express the Divine through us in a way that we are Divine Inspired to do so. It's what you are driven to do and be. This is one way to keep us on our journey at an accelerated rate. :) Will you take the 21 day challenge with me?
May your Journey into Self always be blessed.
Blessings to you on your path,
~Spiritual Cheerleader
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