by Maggie Anderson
I find it truly symbolic for me that just last year I purchased a new vehicle, a Ford Focus. The names of our vehicles usually give us a vibrational match to what we are needing to learn or continue working with. So I have been seeing "Focus" as a message for me to truly zero in on my goals and intentions and add *my* energy to these endeavors. To me, the idea of focus brings with it the idea of living totally awake and truly honing in on the most potent of energies for a desired result. It makes me want to beam light powerfully at my goals. (Which I do on occasion, don't you?) :)
We affect the energy around us all the time. Just by our focus. We focus and light builds on the area of focus. This can be a body part or an intention of an experience. We can assist the experience with our focus; our energy; our light! Or not. It's our free will choice.
Yes, we do answer to a higher power. The ultimate Source of All That Is. It is there that things occur or not occur and at what level. It is the wise highest energy that knows all and knows what path we are to take to lead to our individual destiny. Our individual plan we set up prior to coming here.
But it is our own desires and what brings us the most joy and happiness that is where we are meant to *focus* our energies. When we do this with our energetic effort we add so much more to the project or intention than if we just went through the motions and took a lazy complacent stance about it happening or not happening. We must put our own energy totally INTO IT. There is an element of allowing "what will be to be", as a mode of surrender to the Divine. But there is our light that manifests the goal or intention. So let go of the end result happening, but allow it to grow and blossom before you by sending it love and light and beautiful joy-filled energy. The more you love it the better it will manifest and the more potent and powerful the experience will be!
It is helpful to not split our focus either. This splits our energy. When we have so many things we want to accomplish and have sent energy in too many directions, we are scattered and spreading our energies too thin. So take some time to focus only on one goal at a time.
Focus like a laser beam on your goal or intention! For example, if you have an ache or pain (or even if you don't) focus your beam of light (your attention) on that body part. Fill it with beautiful light. Imagine it. Our imagination is where our creative lies and where our connection to our highest potential can flow in. So send light. Focus on that body part feeling better and/or looking better. You can do this for weight loss as well. That's what I did to shed over 90 pounds. (This along with eating less and listening to my body by exercising.) You may feel tingles, cold spots or most common is feeling heat energy. You are a natural born healer. :) You can do this to an experience or relationship that you would like to have a positive outcome for the highest and best good of all, too. Think light, think light, think light. Think love. Focus love and light. :)
You can also choose to aim your focus negatively. We do it all the time. Someone makes us mad at work or at home or cuts us off while we are driving, etc. The list goes on. We aim our beam of "madness" at the person, as if that's going to make it all better! Instead we can fume, let it out positively and aim laser beams of light at whomever it was that upset us. We can choose to be in a place of forgiveness, not necessarily for them to begin with, but mostly for US. For our well-being. And once in this new place of forgiveness we can move from here. Our laser beam focus can be used for good once again! :) We already know that what we send out comes back to us three-fold, so why not make it uplifting and loving as much as possible. We can let out our tension in positive ways, like exercise, running, walking and even screaming at the top of our lungs in our car (when no one is around) and even breathing nice and deep. Whatever works right! :)
So remember, it is still our free will choice to get there and we must take action and be in the "game" of living LIGHTLY. Focus light. Share light where we can. And harm none. Love, Live, Laugh always.
May your Journey into Self always be blessed.
Blessings to you on your path,
~Spiritual Cheerleader