Template Shifting
World Puja sends out periodic emails with a free newsletter that I just love. The energy is always palpable. The message timely and always with practical action steps that we can take right now. Their latest one is no different (click here).
It's about hitting the replay button on moments of unlove. It's about shifting our consciousness to a higher realm of being. And it's moved me to utilize this method going forward in my offerings as a Soul Coach and Energy Healer. It's a key component in the ways of shifting ourselves out of the lower vibratory energies that like to sneak their way in. It's been said in different ways and I've used different ideas of it, such as doing a meditation and visualizing a hurtful past memory as new, uplifted and different, turning out the way we would like.
But it's more than even this. It's about shifting our actions from one of unlove to love. So when we hit the replay button we are not simply changing or requesting to change something or our negative actions against someone into something we desire. We are actually changing a prior unloving action to a higher loving action by shifting into the love vibration from that point going forward. To a higher vibration for the highest and best good of all. Also, doing this shift with another person or group is more powerful because the energy is quadrupled; a synergy effect. How it works is if you've just done or said something unlovable, don't waste time. Don't wait. Make the shift right now. Ask for that replay button to shift your template. If it's with someone else, ask them, too, if you can start over and begin again to do it right with love. Doing it with another gives them permission to also raise their consciousness to a higher way of being. It's an amazing experience for everyone involved.
There are many things that happen internally that you can make the shift with. Like the time you knew you should have allowed that car to turn in front of you, taking the mere seconds to extend loving grace. Or like the time you felt horrible thoughts towards a co-worker for actions they may not even realize they are doing. You can stop right there in that second and say "wait a minute. I need to hit the replay button here. I want to come from a place of Love always." Go with grace, change your thoughts to love and know that the "Sun still shines on a closed mind". The light is always there even if they are clouded with their stuff/ego/issues, etc. Begin consciously again from this very point of awareness and start acting and being Loving again. Just shift back. No more guilt or negative feelings. Make that shift in that very moment. Don't wait. Forgive yourself immediate for everything and begin being kind, graceful, joyful and loving once again.
We are coming to an age of true light in this world and this year is more important than ever to shift our thoughts, words, actions and deeds to that of love for our highest and best good to be the best US we can be. We are growing and evolving into the graceful loving light beings we've always been. Use this tool and share it. Share the love.
Blessings and Happy Valentines day,
~Spiritual Cheerleader
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
your posts are very empowering!