You have the power to change. You create change every day.
It's entirely up to you to continue through an unconscious world or to open up to avenues of possibilities.
It's imperative that we be open to change. Change is our only constant. In that openness all is possible. If we are closed minded to change, we close the doors that would have been opened for us. We lose the ability to see what opportunities and solutions would have been given to us. We are blocked.
However, if we are simply open to something more, even if we don't know what that is, especially if we don't know what that is, then the Universe can rush in to assist us. Solutions can be felt and known from within. Opportunities can more easily flow our way. And with ease we allow grace to envelope our being.
If we just create that vacuum within our being to be open for anything and listen, the Universe can rush in and help us be the best we can be. In that way, can be become more creative than ever before. We can tap into the deepest depths of our soul that we have yet to even know. We can profoundly shift our lives to something even more evolved. And we can not only allow but expect Miracles to come our way! Bring your awareness and consciousness to the expectation of miracles and uplifting change.
"Find the courage to seek out your big dream, regardless of what anyone else says or thinks." ~ Oprah
We do not have to sit in a situation that is unhealthy or energy draining anymore. We do not need to listen to others thoughts or opinions about *our* lives or decisions. It's up to us. It's up to us to CHOOSE to lift ourselves up. It's our time right now to choose a higher way of being. To listen to our hearts and move in that direction and that direction only. We can choose to be closed minded and guard our hearts or allow vulnerability to shine forth a new innocence and love for our life, our family & friends and fullfill us with our divine destinies. We truly CAN be the change we are looking for in this world. And we can start right now, with just a conscious decision to shift and uplift ourselves. The light is within US. It's always been there and now we are being asked more than ever to shine our lights.
So get creative. Take at least 10 minutes, just 10 minutes every day to focus on the light within you and listen. Just listen. Just feel. Feel the love in your heart. In this time creative ideas and solutions may come. You may choose to focus on something you'd like create. Feel the creativity in your bones and bring forth new possibilities. They are all within you.
Many blessings to you on your journey into self! :)
Blessings to you on your path,
~Spiritual Cheerleader
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
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