Yoga Pose of the Month
Mountain Pose
Sanskrit: Tadasana
Image courtesy of Yoga
Tadasana is a great pose for grounding and opening up to our Root Chakra (found at the base of our spine). Our Root or Muladhara Chakra is red in color. This chakra is our Kundalini and Grounding chakra; our sense of safety, survival and security (i.e. financial stability). This is the chakra where our Kundalini rests. The Serpents that are coiled 3 and ½ times around. The Kundalini rises from here through our entire chakra system as we ascend to enlightenment.
In Tadasana, most commonly known as the Mountain Pose, you are aligning your body with good posture connected as you stand activated and grounding through the feet. You are really feeling the aliveness that you are, the energy in your body as you stand in this pose. There is a lot more going on than meets the eye in this asana. It's an amazing pose to do between poses. You really integrate and come back to the present moment. If you are worrying about the past or the future, you are not grounded. Getting back in Mountain pose assists you in getting back to the present moment by breathing and aligning and witnessing. This pose is also great for Sciatica.
Directions on how to come into the pose:
Simply come to the top of your mat (you can do this anywhere even standing in line at the grocery store!). Feet walking distance apart to improve your balance or if you prefer keep your feet close together. Stand upright. Really feel all corners of your feet grounding into the mat or floor. You can even take the action of lifting all of your toes up and slowly extend and lower your toes down to the ground. Good posture here. Drawn the navel in towards the spine. Shoulders back and down. To assist your shoulders you can also have your palms facing front rather than in towards your body. Close your eyes. Gaze can be straight forward or eyes closed. Challenge your balance as well as allow yourself to go inward with eyes closed. Reach your fingers down to the mat. Arms and legs are activated. Lower your tailbone down to the ground and lift up from the crown of your head to the sky. Center and lengthen. Hold and breathe. To lower your shoulders even more so you may open your palms facing forward. You'll feel the difference. You can see the action and the inaction in this pose. Feel this polarity and enjoy the alignment of your body, mind and spirit.
When not to do this pose or to modify/Contraindications:
If you have a headache, insomnia or low blood pressure it is said this pose may not be the best for you. Wait for these symptoms to subside by resting and doing whatever it is that assists you, then come into this pose when the timing is right.
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