Give It Your All
There are times when stillness is where we are called to be. And we must always remember that we are perfect just as we are. But there is also something that is pulling us, driving us forward, pushing us to evolve. Our internal Divine guidance system calling us to take Divinely Inspired Action. Very cool, huh!
But we can ignore it. We have free will right. We can stuff it down with food, drugs, TV...just about anything if we so choose, whether consciously or unconsciously. But I'm here to say that once you take that leap it's much harder to be the "stuffer-downer" (that's my official name for it) than to be that person who listens to divine action when it calls and takes that leap when necessary.
Remember last month when I said "Forget everything. Come as you are." That's more true now than ever. COME AS YOU ARE. You *are* a Divine being with a unique expression to shine forth. You *are* Love living. So Live out loud! Give it your ALL! Don't just go through the motions and live unconsciously. See, feel and BE the life your are living. You *are* Powerful, beautiful, kind, graceful, sexy, sensual, alluring, mysterious, innocent, a leader, loving and Divine. You are this and more! Show us what you've got. We are hear to see and feel and love your expression as you are here to see and feel and love our expression as we do this together we are One. Namaste.
Don't lose that drive for life. For that connection. It's that drive, that excitement that holds your expansion. It's our Divine essence screaming to be heard. I see myself doing it. I see myself losing that connection by becoming conscious of the shift in my focus. For example, I see myself overeating and I even know it when I'm doing it. Then I know I am slightly unconscious again. I have to wake up and analyze why this is occurring. What is going on inside of me. What parts of my life are making me unhappy, anxious, worried or stressed out. What part am I drowning with food so that I don't have to face it. What part is food comforting me to replace that divine Connection with source. Where did I fall from grace and lose that connection? Then take the steps to come back. Live again. See what needs to be done and do it. Take action.
"Fitness to me isn't about a crunch or a push-up. It's about taking your power back. Physical fitness is transcendent because it forces you to finally face your issues."
~ Jillian Michaels
The Biggest Loser is one of my favorite shows. I watch these people go from an unconscious life to living life to their fullest and finding themselves under all that weight! And I can intimately relate because I did that too. (Before and after pictures above.) I shed over 90 pounds and found someone I didn't know was there and she was there all along. A powerful Goddess waiting to finally be seen. As I dropped layers of fat from my body I uncovered layers of myself emerging. And that is still occurring today. I found a mind, body and soul connection that I never had all the other times I yo-yo'd with my weight. I realized that it wasn't just physical or mental but spiritual as well. I found my connection to the Divine and that completed the puzzle for me. I had and have to do the work physically, mentally AND spiritually.
As I uncovered myself, I found out there was so much within me that not only needed to be expressed but that I actually desired to express it. I had to find my own self-esteem again and honor myself as a Divine being with my own unique expression that can be shared with anyone who is so drawn to me and my essence. I had to do the work. Every day we must do the work within ourselves consciously. And even still today, I see myself shying away from that powerful leader in me and occassionally growing unconscious. But now I am mostly conscious of it. So I must wake up and take action now. I work at living consciously every moment I can. I find myself coaching myself: "Talk about what really matters! Not the surface stuff. Don't hide." It's not just embracing your power but embracing love. It's opening up your heart and allowing others in as well as the self-love and acceptance that is so huge for this to even happen. And it's facing those challenges along the way and not allowing them to bring you back down to the low point but to work through them and be your unique Divine expression along the way.
"Be Yourself. Or else you'll miss your life." ~ Author Unknown
Drive *Your* Life
Steer your train of thought. This inevitably steers your way of BEING. You can steer it in a good positive fashion or a negative one; and better still a neutral witness state. It is your choice where you steer it. Your expression is needed. The One makes up the Whole. Find the power within. It's always there, always waiting for you to tap into it. It's an endless supply of power/love/energy. And it's not just finding the power within but finding the heart center. It's an opening up of your heart to love and be loved. This is powerful! It's self-acceptance.
"Take back the power of knowing Love." ~ Unknown
See that powerful person inside of you. You see it in others. It's there in YOU! Do the work within the Self. Honor all that comes up in the present moment. Surrender to yourself. Ask yourself:
* What part of you is not facing issues when they come up?
* What part of you is not expressing itself?
* What part is not having that conversation with whomever to face and solve an issue?
* What part of you is not living consciously?
* What part of you is resisting your feelings and not feeling them to the fullest when they occur?
It's time to get out your feelings to heal. Come fully into your Power! This is your road to realization. You admire powerful Leaders, Parents, Partners, Angels and Guides right?! This admiration for others and what you see in them IS IN YOU! Come into the full realization of this! Come into the light. Shine/share YOUR light! Enjoy life again. You can. You deserve it too! You are Divine expressing itself and that is what you are tapping into when you feel the full essence of your own energy. You are deserving and you are ready. You are a Powerful Warrior, Leader, Listener, Coach, Organizer, Assistant, Healer, Meditator, Writer, Musician, Caretaker, Teacher, Master, Soul and so much more. You are All That Is and it is the part of you that we are waiting for as a part of a complete expression of the Divine. If you are feeling less than or not worthy, that is an incorrect hypothesis. Because: You are. You always have been and you always will be. You are Divine. Feel the aliveness that you are and that exists in every moment. Reach for it and allow it to expand within you.
"Beloved one, you take your power by understanding who you are. You take your power by saying, “I am the deep breath of peace. I love mySelf—capital “S”—I love mySelf because I am the extension of all divinity, come forth to experience and to express, to play." ~ Jeshua Online Message of the Day,
Find Balance
So to summarize. Yes, just be. Be the true essence of you whether you are sitting watching the beautiful sunset or driving forth into a passionate writing session or whatever is driving you into expression. Find the balance between ease and effort. Challenge yourself to the edge, your edge. But honor the wisdom of your mind, body and Soul. Allow for rest if your body is screaming for it and listen for when your mind or body can go beyond it's previous limit. Reach for it. It's all up here in our minds. It's all in the mind and you can decide where you will go with your mind and body. In yoga we look for that balance and we take this awareness of the body, mind and soul off the mat and into our daily lives. As we listen we can hear where we need to relax and where we can give ourselves that extra challenge we are ready for. It's in our bodies and intuition. We know and the more we come into that awareness the more we can follow that guidance. The more we follow that guidance the more it will be present for us. It's a shift in awareness. A new level in conscious awareness.
Enjoy, live, laugh and love always!
Blessings to you on your path,
~Spiritual Cheerleader
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