June 2010
There is always a way out or through. You might feel backed into a corner some time in your life or several times in your life. It's here that surrender is totally key. There is always another option. Something we might not see. Forest for the trees, right. When we step into fear and logical thinking alone it makes it hard to see what's there in its entirety. There are several levels and layers to options that allow for something new to open up within you and whatever challenge you are going through.
" If a roadblock to my plans appeared, I found a way under, over, or straight through." ~ Sadie Nardini, www.yogajournal.com
Recently, we moved into our new place of living. Upon moving in we weren't so sure if we wanted to stay afterall. I will leave the details out here. But suffice it to say, the energies just did not mesh well. We have a one year lease. We saw no options here. So a feeling of being boxed in can ensue if you allow it. For a time I was allowing the energies to run me. I thought I was doing good, I had saged the house twice and have a daily energy practice of clearing the energies in the home. Still the sage seemed to only last about a day and I would need to go back and do it again. I had a phone call with my older wise sister and she reminded me that, "there is always a way out". There are always options if we can only step back and see them. We never have to feel like there is no way out. There is always peace in a situation if we can sit still and witness. Witness the situation, the answers may come, the options may arise or simply a peaceful awareness of sticking it out for a little while in a new revived kind of way.
Finally, I took my power back and claimed the space as ours. I stated that any residual energy needs to leave and I then filled it with Divine loving energies. After doing this, the effects were immediate: my baby slept through the night, it felt more peaceful and our colds (that seemed to last far too long) finally started to dissipate. Still what was needed was more of what I just did until the energies got used to me.
Because of the energies of the space it was hard for me to find my center, something I had grown to appreciate and treasure. Something I cultivated over time and suddenly was very hard for me to maintain. Instead of giving up, I called in another Feng Shui expert, Beth. I studied Black Hat Feng Shui and Beth studies Compass. This was very intriguing because what I had done (at least partially) in the space intuitively naturally aligned with what she stated was a great method for those areas of the home. There were many things that needed corrections and aligning. So after she left I immediately went to work. She reminded me that the space will need to adjust to our energies and will take time. Since our energies are radically different than what resided here before, it's a total shake up and things need time to settle. A daily clearing should happen, especially at night when it's time to go to sleep. She suggested, and I loved, to make it a nightly ritual with my baby to go around the space with my bells (Tingse Bells or Bali Bell) and to still sage often. The bells are great sound healing vibrations that immediately clear the space with their vibrations. I've started this with my lovely Bali Bell (from my Soul Coaching training with Denise Linn) and after only a few days the place felt soo much more...ours...better....sacred. I am now also saging daily at night. It is something I chose to do in order to cleanse our space. I also fill it the space with energy and light while I sage. (For those of you that don't know what Sage is: Sage is an ancient Shaman ritual that Native Americans used to do in order to clear negative and stagnant energies from spaces.) There are still things we need to work on but we are getting there and the space feels so much more "ours". We can feel good while we are here.
And now, I have (beginning on Saturday, June 26th: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse day) placed my home on an Energy Machine. It has been highly recommended to me from a trusted source who has seen definitive results. What this person said was that her 2-year-old grandson was waking up at night with possibly ghosts interruptions. And once the machine was placed on his house, he stopped waking up in the middle of the night. What the website describes this machine as is: "The Energy Machine is a Bio-resonance machine that has been powerfully adapted and enhanced. It is a "souped-up" version, conceived and created by alchemical chemist, Bill Kirkland." So I want to give this new strongly potent option of energy healing a go. If you'd like to find out more about this Energy Machine, please go here: www. bio-etherics.com. In a month I will let you know what I have witnessed, felt or been made aware of through this process and of how this has worked for the space we are residing in. Since I am already writing next month's article, you will find this feedback under my "What's New" section in July's edition.
So the lesson for me in this situation was that even though I couldn't have my way and do my first reaction to this situation (which was to leave) there was a way to make it so that we enjoy our little stay here in this space. Not to mention that there are many reason why we are there and one of the several reasons are to clear this space of old past patterns and residue. In the meant time, we *can* survive and thrive here. I had to let go for a while and step back. Then, for me, calling in a Feng Shui specialist and also an Energy expert to assist me to see the forest for the trees truly helped. Not only that, each of them assisted me in seeing the pattern I've creating by being in this space and giving me some resources to release it. The Feng Shui specialist also reminded me that I need to get back to my roots again with my book and Kundalini. I am making it a priority again as my Yoga Teacher Training winds down. A few things I never expected from this appointment. So I am truly grateful. Everything is always Divine.
By meditating, grounding, centering and surrendering the options available to us will naturally present themselves. Something will either occur to alleviate you of your challenge just by the mere act of letting go, or you will suddenly receive an intuition about another way to go about things. Something you never thought of and suddenly it's right there. And the option you see is pretty amazing and you wonder why you never thought of it before. And sometimes it's just simply shifting your point of view and although nothing externally has changed, everything has changed. Your perspective is more understand, peaceful and open.
Of course sometimes our beliefs get in the way sometimes and we didn't think something was an option for us, when really it was. Anything is possible. So don't discount all options. We do not have to let our beliefs and judgments get in the way of the Universe providing what we need or desire.
"Time spent doing what you want to do is never wasted because it generates energy that can fuel the rest of your life." ~ Daily Om
"Hey,... It's OK. Everything is fine. You've always been guided. Even now you are watched, and held, and adored. You've made great stuff happen, and you will make more great stuff happen. You've changed lives. You've changed your own. You've moved mountains and done the impossible. You've been scared and you overcame. You've been knocked down and you rose. And you've been lost, or so you thought, only to discover it was just the calm before another storm of creativity, love, and fun.
Humbled like the rest of 'em,
The Universe" ~ tut.com
Enjoy, live, laugh and love always!
Blessings to you on your path,
~Spiritual Cheerleader
Hi, nice post. Thanks. I work at trying to remember that my life is abundant with infinate possibility - if only I can avail myself to it. I believe it is true. It makes sense to me, but I am also prone to concretism and slowly "settin up" into a ridgid form.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the good thoughts!
Be well