April 2010
Go at your own pace. Like the river, or like the rapids. We'll all get there in our own time at our own pace. And when we get there we realize we were already there. It's the journey as much as it is the destination. Not to mention there is never a "destination" because we never "get there" as we are always there, here and now.
While out walking today during another gorgeous spring day here in Rhode Island, I became aware of an analogy for this space that we are all in, in our unique and divine selves at any given moment in time. I become aware of others on the path literally and as an analogy for the path we walk in life. Some folks are out there running, some are take a nice stroll and others are walking at a nice steady pace. But all of us are where we are. One is not better than the other. We are simply doing and honoring our bodies with whatever it needs whenever it needs it. For some it is a fast jog and others a nice balanced healing walk. All are beautifully healing and rejuvenating for the body, mind and spirit. None are better than the other. Each are honored methods for wellness and being. Whether we're going slow or fast, matters not. Walk, run, walk fast, or sitting in stillness matters not. And when you are sitting still, there is so much going on inside that may not be recognized by the passerby. Much work is processed when allowing your body to be in stillness. Doing any of these brings well-being to our body, mind and spirit anyway. Doing anything out in nature is extremely healing. Honor the space you are in wherever you are. Come to balance and well-being.
This same analogy work with in having a beginners stance in yoga, an advanced stand in yoga, or applying a gentle practice to yoga no matter your "level". We simply are where we are.
We can allow others their own pace and enjoy ours. Don't worry about what someone else is doing. They'll go at their own pace and you can go at your pace.
Remember to see people as divine. We'll all get there, and when you get there you'll know you already were/are there. Enjoy the flow. It's enjoying the ride, being in the divine connection during our journey that truly is our path.
When you see someone else doing something or being something that you desire to be or do. Don't let your low self-esteem get you in a bad place, or assist you in becoming more self-conscious or jealous or filled with hate and ego.
Honor them for their place and your for yours. Know that you are in the awareness of where they are. And when you are in the awareness of where they are, you are in that like-vibrational space. When you are aware of another's situation, you are noticing this vibrational experience, so you too are in that vibrational space and can bring yourself to that experience as well (if you so desire), rather than getting in a negative vibration with jealousy, hate or ego.
Know also that sometimes what you see others as doing or "Being" is not necessarily their truth. It is *your* truth. It is the mirror flashing back at you to listen in and hear what you are hearing. Say for example you feel another person is acting better than others. The other person in their space may not actually be feeling smug or better than another, but it may be something you are seeing. And that is not necessarily the real truth. If you are seeing it, it is for you to look at and work through.
If you are seeing a good thing in someone but suddenly low self-esteem kicks in so your ego translates the good thing in that someone to a not-so-true negative thing that you see so that you can feel better about yourself, then that is not true. You must look deep within yourself and hear your truest wisdom from within. Stop listening to the ego's lies and start hearing the truth from your heart. Your heart knows we are all on a divine path together and will all meet each other wherever we are.
Don't get stuck in the same negative thoughts and patterns. By listening to the ego traps, falling into the depths of negative thoughts and aiming venomous energy at another we are disconnecting from Source. Our Source is honest, forgiving and loving. Stern but gentle. Never lingering in disgust, unforgiveness or negativity. I'm not saying don't see what "is" and ignore the battle of a challenge that has come your way. I'm saying see the message for what it is and what it is that YOU need to work through and not to aim bitter, endless negative energy towards another. Allow your awareness to shine a light on the negative emotions and hear the messages they have for you. That is why the experience has come up for you! So you receive the message and take the action to process the issues within you. See that shadow inside yourself, honor its existence and process what you need to process. Then allow those emotions to flow out of you. When you become present with an emotion, it is honored and can more speedily process its way through you. Then you can move on to your next evolution. You can be in the witness state and simply come into the awareness of what the issues are as you watch from afar. Processing can occur naturally and the messages become clear. So breathe in slowly and deeply and allow the space to exist for what IS and let it flow through you like the river.
So instead of tapping into jealousy, low self-esteem or negativity. Check out of those negative emotions and check in to love, awareness, knowing that you are in that place and you are getting "there" in your own time, in your own place, at your own pace. Our paths are not in levels. Our paths are parallell. We walk together in the journey of life, no matter where we are in our lives.
We are each unique beings expressing that unique part of ourselves to make up the whole. So we will not always be the same but that is what makes life fun and interesting. Each of our own unique expressions *are* what makes up the whole. Together we are all One. Honor your truth and be your truest expression always. No one is above or below me or you. We are all on unique paths together, no matter where we are on the path. We are at the very core of ourselves Divine beings.
So here I am taking it easy when life calls for me to take it easy. And taking action when life calls for action. I'm living my yoga on and off the mat, honoring the polarities of action and stillness. Like Honey Roasted Cashews, the best of both worlds blended together. It's time to be our truth and flow like the river. Will you join me?
"May the sun bring you energy by day, may the moon softly restore you by night, may the rain wash away your worries, may the breeze blow new strength into your being. May you walk gently through the world, and know it's beauty all the days of your life."
~ Apache blessing
Enjoy, live, laugh and love always!
Brightest blessings and sparkly energy to you,
~Spiritual Cheerleader
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