My passion is to inspire you to pursue your passions and assist you through your awakening in these Ascension times. Our beliefs are ever changing and evolving. It is time to Embrace our Destiny. I’d like to share my unique flowering of consciousness via this blog and also my website at Bliss, Maggie
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Open to Options
June 2010
There is always a way out or through. You might feel backed into a corner some time in your life or several times in your life. It's here that surrender is totally key. There is always another option. Something we might not see. Forest for the trees, right. When we step into fear and logical thinking alone it makes it hard to see what's there in its entirety. There are several levels and layers to options that allow for something new to open up within you and whatever challenge you are going through.
" If a roadblock to my plans appeared, I found a way under, over, or straight through." ~ Sadie Nardini,
Recently, we moved into our new place of living. Upon moving in we weren't so sure if we wanted to stay afterall. I will leave the details out here. But suffice it to say, the energies just did not mesh well. We have a one year lease. We saw no options here. So a feeling of being boxed in can ensue if you allow it. For a time I was allowing the energies to run me. I thought I was doing good, I had saged the house twice and have a daily energy practice of clearing the energies in the home. Still the sage seemed to only last about a day and I would need to go back and do it again. I had a phone call with my older wise sister and she reminded me that, "there is always a way out". There are always options if we can only step back and see them. We never have to feel like there is no way out. There is always peace in a situation if we can sit still and witness. Witness the situation, the answers may come, the options may arise or simply a peaceful awareness of sticking it out for a little while in a new revived kind of way.
Finally, I took my power back and claimed the space as ours. I stated that any residual energy needs to leave and I then filled it with Divine loving energies. After doing this, the effects were immediate: my baby slept through the night, it felt more peaceful and our colds (that seemed to last far too long) finally started to dissipate. Still what was needed was more of what I just did until the energies got used to me.
Because of the energies of the space it was hard for me to find my center, something I had grown to appreciate and treasure. Something I cultivated over time and suddenly was very hard for me to maintain. Instead of giving up, I called in another Feng Shui expert, Beth. I studied Black Hat Feng Shui and Beth studies Compass. This was very intriguing because what I had done (at least partially) in the space intuitively naturally aligned with what she stated was a great method for those areas of the home. There were many things that needed corrections and aligning. So after she left I immediately went to work. She reminded me that the space will need to adjust to our energies and will take time. Since our energies are radically different than what resided here before, it's a total shake up and things need time to settle. A daily clearing should happen, especially at night when it's time to go to sleep. She suggested, and I loved, to make it a nightly ritual with my baby to go around the space with my bells (Tingse Bells or Bali Bell) and to still sage often. The bells are great sound healing vibrations that immediately clear the space with their vibrations. I've started this with my lovely Bali Bell (from my Soul Coaching training with Denise Linn) and after only a few days the place felt soo much more...ours...better....sacred. I am now also saging daily at night. It is something I chose to do in order to cleanse our space. I also fill it the space with energy and light while I sage. (For those of you that don't know what Sage is: Sage is an ancient Shaman ritual that Native Americans used to do in order to clear negative and stagnant energies from spaces.) There are still things we need to work on but we are getting there and the space feels so much more "ours". We can feel good while we are here.
And now, I have (beginning on Saturday, June 26th: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse day) placed my home on an Energy Machine. It has been highly recommended to me from a trusted source who has seen definitive results. What this person said was that her 2-year-old grandson was waking up at night with possibly ghosts interruptions. And once the machine was placed on his house, he stopped waking up in the middle of the night. What the website describes this machine as is: "The Energy Machine is a Bio-resonance machine that has been powerfully adapted and enhanced. It is a "souped-up" version, conceived and created by alchemical chemist, Bill Kirkland." So I want to give this new strongly potent option of energy healing a go. If you'd like to find out more about this Energy Machine, please go here: www. In a month I will let you know what I have witnessed, felt or been made aware of through this process and of how this has worked for the space we are residing in. Since I am already writing next month's article, you will find this feedback under my "What's New" section in July's edition.
So the lesson for me in this situation was that even though I couldn't have my way and do my first reaction to this situation (which was to leave) there was a way to make it so that we enjoy our little stay here in this space. Not to mention that there are many reason why we are there and one of the several reasons are to clear this space of old past patterns and residue. In the meant time, we *can* survive and thrive here. I had to let go for a while and step back. Then, for me, calling in a Feng Shui specialist and also an Energy expert to assist me to see the forest for the trees truly helped. Not only that, each of them assisted me in seeing the pattern I've creating by being in this space and giving me some resources to release it. The Feng Shui specialist also reminded me that I need to get back to my roots again with my book and Kundalini. I am making it a priority again as my Yoga Teacher Training winds down. A few things I never expected from this appointment. So I am truly grateful. Everything is always Divine.
By meditating, grounding, centering and surrendering the options available to us will naturally present themselves. Something will either occur to alleviate you of your challenge just by the mere act of letting go, or you will suddenly receive an intuition about another way to go about things. Something you never thought of and suddenly it's right there. And the option you see is pretty amazing and you wonder why you never thought of it before. And sometimes it's just simply shifting your point of view and although nothing externally has changed, everything has changed. Your perspective is more understand, peaceful and open.
Of course sometimes our beliefs get in the way sometimes and we didn't think something was an option for us, when really it was. Anything is possible. So don't discount all options. We do not have to let our beliefs and judgments get in the way of the Universe providing what we need or desire.
"Time spent doing what you want to do is never wasted because it generates energy that can fuel the rest of your life." ~ Daily Om
"Hey,... It's OK. Everything is fine. You've always been guided. Even now you are watched, and held, and adored. You've made great stuff happen, and you will make more great stuff happen. You've changed lives. You've changed your own. You've moved mountains and done the impossible. You've been scared and you overcame. You've been knocked down and you rose. And you've been lost, or so you thought, only to discover it was just the calm before another storm of creativity, love, and fun.
Humbled like the rest of 'em,
The Universe" ~
Enjoy, live, laugh and love always!
Blessings to you on your path,
~Spiritual Cheerleader
What Does Alive Mean?
May 2010
Death is seen in two ways; physical death of the body and a metaphoric death of a situation or experience that changes to offer something new. We already know that when one door closes another opens. We know that if we lose our job, our home, a relationship or career, that these are examples of a death of sorts for our life. Death in the terms of change. We also go through mini-deaths while alive during a Kundalini awakening and/or the Ascension process. We evolve as we live in this physical life.
However, I do not want to talk at length about the symbolic death in this particular article. What I want to talk about is physical death. Death has been a huge synchronicity for me lately. It's not that people around me are dying as of late, but just that the concept, thought and talk of death has been around most recently. So I chose this to be the topic of discussion.
This is a hot topic for me. I feel very close to death. It seems to be a passion of mine. I am not sure if this is something everyone feels or maybe I'm one of a few. The Angel of Death fascinates me and really makes me feel connected. Isn't that a twist! I love to walk in most cemeteries. They are beautiful and peaceful. And just to note, the dead aren't usually there! There may be a few stragglers but for the most part the cemetery is the last place you will find the dead. They are living! Some are in the in-between and working on their stuff to cross over to the next dimension or their next evolution and most have crossed over and continue on living, creating and evolving.
Death reminds us to ask the question, "What are we?" And "What are we doing or being here?" From there profound realizations and conscious spiritual awareness can ensure. And it's definitely also near and dear to my heart because Death is the ultimate for all of us (here in this physical reality). It's the ultimate fear for many or the ultimate for this experience where we then move on to the "Other Side" or higher dimension and live some more. (Let's put aside the fact that I also believe that our minds are our creator's and we can manifest ourselves into ultimate health and become immortal. This could be for a select few who choose it. Though, however, life and death have a course to lead for us as well and the limited lifespan we have allow us to really live to the fullest till we can reach a higher way of being and living and evolving. My Husband and I hosted a radio show a few months back with someone who talks about just that. Go here for a listen. So back to our regularly scheduled article. :) )
To me, death is not the opposite of life. Living unconsciously is the opposite of life. When our physical bodies die, we still go on and live. I've had too many experiences and connections to know anything else but that this is fact for me. Knowing this allows me to go on and live even more fully. When I slip back into "unconscious" land, as will happen from time to time, I will get my reminders or I will force myself to remember and then I am back to living again!
Just the other day my 3-year-old daughter was asking some pretty profound questions that were hard for me to answer in a context she would understand. She asked me, "What does Alive mean?" And I said, "wow! that one is hard for me to explain to you." I did ramble on a bit about energy and how everything is always alive but am unsure how I could help her understand with her limited understanding and vocabulary.
So what does Alive mean? Before I dive into that beautiful question, I want to answer what death is (to me at this point in my evolution). We go through mini-deaths all the time. For those of us with four seasons, we watch the trees and flowers bloom and die every year. So this is a great way to explain how I view death. We do go on. We do not die. We are energy first and always. Our bodies make up our energy while we are living on this planet in this dimensional reality. Then there comes a time when we shed our physical bodies ( "die" ) and our energy leaves our body, expanding into the full soul's capacity that we are and we continue to evolve and live in a new way. Ascend if you will.
Most of us have experienced profound grief to the depths of our soul's at least once in our lives. If you haven't, you may wonder if you are the lucky one or not. That is a debate unto itself. Moving on. :) I've experienced a few deaths of loved ones in my life. The very first was the hardest on me and forever changed me and how I viewed the world. Isn't that always the way.
It took me ten years to realize he was contacting me from the Other Side. Or maybe he was finally ready to contact me because I was ready to hear him. Either way, when we are grieving it is often times very hard to see the signs our loved ones send from beyond the "grave". They are there. It's not usually wishful thinking, but we will tell ourselves that because we are deep in our grief.
And many others will try to downplay our signs because of their own limiting beliefs. You will know in your heart. There is no need for confirmation from another when your heart feels it rings true. When we get quiet we can finally listen.
Death can be hard whether you have all the faith in the world that life does go on after this one (and I do). We are human and we are going to miss those people that have moved on and our day-to-day contact with them. They've lived with us and shined their light on our lives for even a brief time. They are so honored on our paths and they remain in our hearts forever. But we must go through our grieving stages, no matter how fast or slow and allow the pain to recede naturally. No burying any emotions that come up, but rather allowing them to be there and allowing them to float up and out of us like a blossoming flower. The experience is always divine and always honored. We bless them as they have blessed us with their presence. You grieve...and you move on. They are still living and expanding where they are and we must do the same here till we meet again. We must go on. But it does take time. The pain does diminish in intensity, I promise you. But it will always be there...a part of the new you and your new expression. You will take this person or persons in your life and in your heart always and the wisdom from the entire experience makes up who you are now.
So allow for that time to heal. Really and truly be with it and allow the time to pass you by. But know, too, they are there. They are seeing you from their place of living now. And they always always send their love. Always a message from the deceased is that they are okay and they love you. That is always the first and last message they leave with. It's a message that would always come through for the times I have connected with the deceased.
So back to the question, what does Alive mean? Even when our physical bodies die, we are still alive! As I said, we are energy first and always. We are alive when we truly LIVE. We are really dead when we've given up and remain unconscious to really existing, really feeling and being life for whatever that Divine unique expression is to each and every one of us. When we are truly fully awake we are alive.
Many experiences occur to us and our bodies when we are not living. Our body is wise, we must listen to the wisdom of our bodies. It will send you signs every day. If you ignore the signs in your life, it manifests in the body. When we've given up or stopped hearing the signs our bodies are sending, our bodies will produce sickness to get us to wake up. One might say, if you aren't going to live, you might as well die (physically at least). But if the experience of being sick does it's job to wake us up to our truest passions, then the experience truly had it's divine effect! Experiences such as someone getting cancer and while laid up in bed realized they were living in anxiety and fear while working too hard at a job they really hated every day! That is not living, that is dying. That is being in a forever state of negativity. Now, this doesn't discount doing a job that is "okay" and also pursuing our passion on the side so that we are still expressing our truest selves. If we can't do what we love all the time, we can love what we are doing while we do it. So in this example, this person will begin to see their passions again and really wonder why they stopped pursuing them or living in them a bit; you know playing! So they may finally start to see the light again, receive signs that get them into their passion and make the positive changes in their life that life required of them when the sickness occurred. And after making these changes, they will notice the sickness dissipate, medicine will finally work or a miraculous healing and recovery commences! It's about living, not dying.
Now, again, there are other examples of those receiving illness that are divine supposed to receive it and possibly die from in, in order for them and those around them to learn lessons of death. Each experience is unique. But I've read about many experiences of those that when they begin to die, they finally begin to live. Every moment becomes sacred. Merely going to the bathroom is a sacred moment to enjoy if only one last time. As I read these "dying" experience I begin to bring myself back to those moments. Living those little moments to the fullest. Even taking a moment to breathe and relax is vital and necessary and so beautifully honored. What a blessing it is. As you enjoy each precious moment right in the present moment you live, you become most fully who you are, the Divine Being you've always been.
I feel. It's that simple. Our feelings are our compass in life. Many times there are good feeling of happiness and joy and love. So it is easy to sit with these feelings and allow them to inspire you to new heights. And other times there are the tough emotions that require more dedication in being with them and processing them healthily. Repressed emotions manifest into our physical body as ailments, stress, and anxiety. So it is prudent to be with these not-so-pleasant emotions as much as you are with the pleasant emotions.
We are not here to live in our comfort zone all of the time but to expand beyond that point. To feel everything we desire. We are also not hear to shun our feelings. Our emotions are guides for our well being. We must feel them to the fullest in order to release them and move into something even better and higher in resonance. Repressing our feelings if they are uncomfortable only buries them deep to come up later in a much louder format that is even more challenging to release. Living in the now means feeling your feelings as they come up. Really live it and feel it. Sometimes our bodies defense mechanisms require us to go into a numb state of mind in order to make it through a tough period. And that is normal. That is perfectly fine. But then over time we will start to feel again and the feelings must come up for release. The processing that happens is amazing as we allow whatever it is we feel to simply be there. Be present with it. No need to go off on a tangent or a rage fit (though sometimes that's fun if alone and if safe methods are used) but to simply sit with the feeling and allow it to be there. Then step into that witness state and take interest in this feeling you are feeling. Think "oh that's interesting, I wonder what that means." Simply neutral though. Only allowing it to exist and then amazingly without seemingly much effort much of the time it will dissipate. Of course in terms of grief, as I have mentioned, may take time. It's all a part of the process. Ponderings of insights will come up and you will have a new higher way of being from simply allowing the feeling to move through you instead of getting stuck inside of you. Does that
"Listening to a Feeling, hearing what it has to say without thought, without judgment or avoidance, will lead it to naturally dissipate, it's job done. It's just you trying to talk to yourself, after all. Listen, and you'll gain a very enlightening heads up about what's really going on. :)" ~ Dawn,
And sometimes the best part of feeling is just being with it. Being in the beautiful stillness of life. We are not always called to act but to simple enjoy the space between; love; stillness. This connection to stillness is always there in every moment for our grasping. Every moment. The good and the not-so-good. It is here we are in our truest essence. There is action in non-action. Bask in the glow of the Divine. I gain strength from this Divine connection. It is this connection that assists us in going forth and truly what we *are* afterall. And as I wrote in my January 2010 newsletter I am so grateful to feel. I feel. I am so grateful for feeling the Divine connection within me. It is this connection that allows me to go forth in this life as it is now. It is the driving force for my entire beingness. It is amazing. It is you and it is me. It is all of us and to feel that connection is a blessed gift.
My Husband, Don, had this to say for our baby, Bella's, inquiry: "Perhaps the best anology is to say that being alive is being as awake as you can possibly be and knowing that everyone around you loves you so much."
Overall, this saying is so true: They may not remember what you did but they will remember how you made them feel. So live!
Maybe I am writing this article now for a future experience to come. Maybe I will need to come back to these words I write and reread them from a new perspective in the future. It is my intention that I can be in a state of graceful gratitude as I move through life, living and death.
What would it take to make you happy?
This question will often go unanswered or occasionally addressed as if a wild dream never to be had. But if we simply take the time to really sit down with this question every day, at least once, you will see and entertain a reality that can be yours. As you do this you are placing your vibration in a frequency of pure happiness. What comes true to you is what will come to you as pure happiness. I'm not talking about money or things. But after you name off those obvious things that assist us in living comfortably, what is it that makes you happy. Really entertain this question. Really take the moments to answer it. Some won't even do this while reading this. Some will have too much to do, and think about all the mundane tasks that are in their day and take off running on those items. Before they know it, their day is gone and they are exhausted and heading off to bed. Take a moment. Take stock. Breathe. Allow yourself time to breathe and really listen to that voice inside you that shows you what makes you happy and peaceful every day. Listen and start to take some action steps. It's always there. So answer the question. What would it take to make you happy?
If I knew I were to die today, I would:
….Breathe more
Look at the sky more
Walk more Live more
Spend more time with kids
Do Yoga more
(...oh and quit my day job)
Worry less
Regret less
Forgive more
Love more
Be present with the divine beings in my life more–really see them and their divine essence more
Express my true self more
Be Still more
Become more fully Alive!
Be grateful for the blessings in my life more
So this is what I am trying to do, now! What would you do?
Enjoy, live, laugh and love always!
Blessings to you on your path,
~Spiritual Cheerleader
Death is seen in two ways; physical death of the body and a metaphoric death of a situation or experience that changes to offer something new. We already know that when one door closes another opens. We know that if we lose our job, our home, a relationship or career, that these are examples of a death of sorts for our life. Death in the terms of change. We also go through mini-deaths while alive during a Kundalini awakening and/or the Ascension process. We evolve as we live in this physical life.
However, I do not want to talk at length about the symbolic death in this particular article. What I want to talk about is physical death. Death has been a huge synchronicity for me lately. It's not that people around me are dying as of late, but just that the concept, thought and talk of death has been around most recently. So I chose this to be the topic of discussion.
This is a hot topic for me. I feel very close to death. It seems to be a passion of mine. I am not sure if this is something everyone feels or maybe I'm one of a few. The Angel of Death fascinates me and really makes me feel connected. Isn't that a twist! I love to walk in most cemeteries. They are beautiful and peaceful. And just to note, the dead aren't usually there! There may be a few stragglers but for the most part the cemetery is the last place you will find the dead. They are living! Some are in the in-between and working on their stuff to cross over to the next dimension or their next evolution and most have crossed over and continue on living, creating and evolving.
Death reminds us to ask the question, "What are we?" And "What are we doing or being here?" From there profound realizations and conscious spiritual awareness can ensure. And it's definitely also near and dear to my heart because Death is the ultimate for all of us (here in this physical reality). It's the ultimate fear for many or the ultimate for this experience where we then move on to the "Other Side" or higher dimension and live some more. (Let's put aside the fact that I also believe that our minds are our creator's and we can manifest ourselves into ultimate health and become immortal. This could be for a select few who choose it. Though, however, life and death have a course to lead for us as well and the limited lifespan we have allow us to really live to the fullest till we can reach a higher way of being and living and evolving. My Husband and I hosted a radio show a few months back with someone who talks about just that. Go here for a listen. So back to our regularly scheduled article. :) )
To me, death is not the opposite of life. Living unconsciously is the opposite of life. When our physical bodies die, we still go on and live. I've had too many experiences and connections to know anything else but that this is fact for me. Knowing this allows me to go on and live even more fully. When I slip back into "unconscious" land, as will happen from time to time, I will get my reminders or I will force myself to remember and then I am back to living again!
Just the other day my 3-year-old daughter was asking some pretty profound questions that were hard for me to answer in a context she would understand. She asked me, "What does Alive mean?" And I said, "wow! that one is hard for me to explain to you." I did ramble on a bit about energy and how everything is always alive but am unsure how I could help her understand with her limited understanding and vocabulary.
So what does Alive mean? Before I dive into that beautiful question, I want to answer what death is (to me at this point in my evolution). We go through mini-deaths all the time. For those of us with four seasons, we watch the trees and flowers bloom and die every year. So this is a great way to explain how I view death. We do go on. We do not die. We are energy first and always. Our bodies make up our energy while we are living on this planet in this dimensional reality. Then there comes a time when we shed our physical bodies ( "die" ) and our energy leaves our body, expanding into the full soul's capacity that we are and we continue to evolve and live in a new way. Ascend if you will.
Most of us have experienced profound grief to the depths of our soul's at least once in our lives. If you haven't, you may wonder if you are the lucky one or not. That is a debate unto itself. Moving on. :) I've experienced a few deaths of loved ones in my life. The very first was the hardest on me and forever changed me and how I viewed the world. Isn't that always the way.
It took me ten years to realize he was contacting me from the Other Side. Or maybe he was finally ready to contact me because I was ready to hear him. Either way, when we are grieving it is often times very hard to see the signs our loved ones send from beyond the "grave". They are there. It's not usually wishful thinking, but we will tell ourselves that because we are deep in our grief.
And many others will try to downplay our signs because of their own limiting beliefs. You will know in your heart. There is no need for confirmation from another when your heart feels it rings true. When we get quiet we can finally listen.
Death can be hard whether you have all the faith in the world that life does go on after this one (and I do). We are human and we are going to miss those people that have moved on and our day-to-day contact with them. They've lived with us and shined their light on our lives for even a brief time. They are so honored on our paths and they remain in our hearts forever. But we must go through our grieving stages, no matter how fast or slow and allow the pain to recede naturally. No burying any emotions that come up, but rather allowing them to be there and allowing them to float up and out of us like a blossoming flower. The experience is always divine and always honored. We bless them as they have blessed us with their presence. You grieve...and you move on. They are still living and expanding where they are and we must do the same here till we meet again. We must go on. But it does take time. The pain does diminish in intensity, I promise you. But it will always be there...a part of the new you and your new expression. You will take this person or persons in your life and in your heart always and the wisdom from the entire experience makes up who you are now.
So allow for that time to heal. Really and truly be with it and allow the time to pass you by. But know, too, they are there. They are seeing you from their place of living now. And they always always send their love. Always a message from the deceased is that they are okay and they love you. That is always the first and last message they leave with. It's a message that would always come through for the times I have connected with the deceased.
So back to the question, what does Alive mean? Even when our physical bodies die, we are still alive! As I said, we are energy first and always. We are alive when we truly LIVE. We are really dead when we've given up and remain unconscious to really existing, really feeling and being life for whatever that Divine unique expression is to each and every one of us. When we are truly fully awake we are alive.
Many experiences occur to us and our bodies when we are not living. Our body is wise, we must listen to the wisdom of our bodies. It will send you signs every day. If you ignore the signs in your life, it manifests in the body. When we've given up or stopped hearing the signs our bodies are sending, our bodies will produce sickness to get us to wake up. One might say, if you aren't going to live, you might as well die (physically at least). But if the experience of being sick does it's job to wake us up to our truest passions, then the experience truly had it's divine effect! Experiences such as someone getting cancer and while laid up in bed realized they were living in anxiety and fear while working too hard at a job they really hated every day! That is not living, that is dying. That is being in a forever state of negativity. Now, this doesn't discount doing a job that is "okay" and also pursuing our passion on the side so that we are still expressing our truest selves. If we can't do what we love all the time, we can love what we are doing while we do it. So in this example, this person will begin to see their passions again and really wonder why they stopped pursuing them or living in them a bit; you know playing! So they may finally start to see the light again, receive signs that get them into their passion and make the positive changes in their life that life required of them when the sickness occurred. And after making these changes, they will notice the sickness dissipate, medicine will finally work or a miraculous healing and recovery commences! It's about living, not dying.
Now, again, there are other examples of those receiving illness that are divine supposed to receive it and possibly die from in, in order for them and those around them to learn lessons of death. Each experience is unique. But I've read about many experiences of those that when they begin to die, they finally begin to live. Every moment becomes sacred. Merely going to the bathroom is a sacred moment to enjoy if only one last time. As I read these "dying" experience I begin to bring myself back to those moments. Living those little moments to the fullest. Even taking a moment to breathe and relax is vital and necessary and so beautifully honored. What a blessing it is. As you enjoy each precious moment right in the present moment you live, you become most fully who you are, the Divine Being you've always been.
I feel. It's that simple. Our feelings are our compass in life. Many times there are good feeling of happiness and joy and love. So it is easy to sit with these feelings and allow them to inspire you to new heights. And other times there are the tough emotions that require more dedication in being with them and processing them healthily. Repressed emotions manifest into our physical body as ailments, stress, and anxiety. So it is prudent to be with these not-so-pleasant emotions as much as you are with the pleasant emotions.
We are not here to live in our comfort zone all of the time but to expand beyond that point. To feel everything we desire. We are also not hear to shun our feelings. Our emotions are guides for our well being. We must feel them to the fullest in order to release them and move into something even better and higher in resonance. Repressing our feelings if they are uncomfortable only buries them deep to come up later in a much louder format that is even more challenging to release. Living in the now means feeling your feelings as they come up. Really live it and feel it. Sometimes our bodies defense mechanisms require us to go into a numb state of mind in order to make it through a tough period. And that is normal. That is perfectly fine. But then over time we will start to feel again and the feelings must come up for release. The processing that happens is amazing as we allow whatever it is we feel to simply be there. Be present with it. No need to go off on a tangent or a rage fit (though sometimes that's fun if alone and if safe methods are used) but to simply sit with the feeling and allow it to be there. Then step into that witness state and take interest in this feeling you are feeling. Think "oh that's interesting, I wonder what that means." Simply neutral though. Only allowing it to exist and then amazingly without seemingly much effort much of the time it will dissipate. Of course in terms of grief, as I have mentioned, may take time. It's all a part of the process. Ponderings of insights will come up and you will have a new higher way of being from simply allowing the feeling to move through you instead of getting stuck inside of you. Does that
"Listening to a Feeling, hearing what it has to say without thought, without judgment or avoidance, will lead it to naturally dissipate, it's job done. It's just you trying to talk to yourself, after all. Listen, and you'll gain a very enlightening heads up about what's really going on. :)" ~ Dawn,
And sometimes the best part of feeling is just being with it. Being in the beautiful stillness of life. We are not always called to act but to simple enjoy the space between; love; stillness. This connection to stillness is always there in every moment for our grasping. Every moment. The good and the not-so-good. It is here we are in our truest essence. There is action in non-action. Bask in the glow of the Divine. I gain strength from this Divine connection. It is this connection that assists us in going forth and truly what we *are* afterall. And as I wrote in my January 2010 newsletter I am so grateful to feel. I feel. I am so grateful for feeling the Divine connection within me. It is this connection that allows me to go forth in this life as it is now. It is the driving force for my entire beingness. It is amazing. It is you and it is me. It is all of us and to feel that connection is a blessed gift.
My Husband, Don, had this to say for our baby, Bella's, inquiry: "Perhaps the best anology is to say that being alive is being as awake as you can possibly be and knowing that everyone around you loves you so much."
Overall, this saying is so true: They may not remember what you did but they will remember how you made them feel. So live!
Maybe I am writing this article now for a future experience to come. Maybe I will need to come back to these words I write and reread them from a new perspective in the future. It is my intention that I can be in a state of graceful gratitude as I move through life, living and death.
What would it take to make you happy?
This question will often go unanswered or occasionally addressed as if a wild dream never to be had. But if we simply take the time to really sit down with this question every day, at least once, you will see and entertain a reality that can be yours. As you do this you are placing your vibration in a frequency of pure happiness. What comes true to you is what will come to you as pure happiness. I'm not talking about money or things. But after you name off those obvious things that assist us in living comfortably, what is it that makes you happy. Really entertain this question. Really take the moments to answer it. Some won't even do this while reading this. Some will have too much to do, and think about all the mundane tasks that are in their day and take off running on those items. Before they know it, their day is gone and they are exhausted and heading off to bed. Take a moment. Take stock. Breathe. Allow yourself time to breathe and really listen to that voice inside you that shows you what makes you happy and peaceful every day. Listen and start to take some action steps. It's always there. So answer the question. What would it take to make you happy?
If I knew I were to die today, I would:
….Breathe more
Look at the sky more
Walk more Live more
Spend more time with kids
Do Yoga more
(...oh and quit my day job)
Worry less
Regret less
Forgive more
Love more
Be present with the divine beings in my life more–really see them and their divine essence more
Express my true self more
Be Still more
Become more fully Alive!
Be grateful for the blessings in my life more
So this is what I am trying to do, now! What would you do?
Enjoy, live, laugh and love always!
Blessings to you on your path,
~Spiritual Cheerleader
The 2012 Shift: Galactic Alignment and Our Ascension
February 2010
Although we can never really know at the highest level what is occurring during this major shift, I can tell you that we all are feeling a shift at some level. A part of us knows changes are coming. We can feel it deep within us. We are awakening now, not later. Maybe by a certain timeframe we will all be awakening or awakened. Maybe that timeframe is 2012 and maybe it is not. But some of us are already awakening or are already awakened and some are in the process of awakening and some are about to embark on the journey. We will all get there in our own beautiful time. However, it is also fascinating to note what is happening on a galactic level to Mother Earth right now. To best explain, here is an excerpt from Simone Matthews of Universal Life Tools, Waves of Love:
“On the solstice of 21 December 2012 (Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere and Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere), our entire solar system will be in the Photon Band of Light, receiving direct energetic transmissions from Alcyone and from our Galactic Core of the Milky Way – The Waves of Love. “In addition, we are also coming to the end of the Grand Cycle of time, the end of another 225 million year cycle, 26,000 year cycle and 365 day cycle. Thus on this December solstice there is a grand alignment in our stellar skies of the Galactic Core of the Milky Way, with Alcyone, with our Sun and with Earth – marking the end of some significant cycles of time (or frequency’s of consciousness).
“The Greater Central Sun (Galactic Core) is directly pulsing electo-magnetic Wave of Love vibrations though our Central Sun (Alycone), through our Sun and into Earth…..bringing through very high pulsations or frequencies of light energy to Earth. “What this electo-magnetic energy is facilitating is a shift in consciousness, a divine shift of the level of awareness of humanity from an egoic 3D state of fear, to a consciousness …an 5D state of being.
"So how can you prepare for 2012 and the entrance into a 5th Dimensional existence? My advice is to slow down and begin to ‘feel’ again as spirit will provide us all with the answers. All too often we get caught up in such a physical existence of ‘hurriedness’ and ‘no-time’ that we have forgotten how to trust and allow. If we refuse to listen to spirit it is a kin to swimming up stream - life just gets harder and harder.” ~ Simone Matthews,
The energies have been building for some time and I’m sure will continue to do so! It feels as if the awakening is happening now, not 2012. It feels that by 2012 a major shift will have already occurred because we are getting there now in order to be in a new energy space by that timeframe. It takes time to make that leap. it’s not an overnight process. It seems as if the shift is occurring more and more, and in more people than ever before. The time is only now.
I have been feeling that the shift truly *is* only within. That, possibly, for those that are called to shift the land are those by karma or free will choice that may be clearing something within *themselves* tied to the land. So therefore assisting themselves more to elevate their vibrations or consciousness to this new reality. I feel that whenever we are clearing (often called healing) someone else we are assisting them (selfless service/karma) and clearing more of ourselves and again raising our vibrations to that higher reality. This speaks to the ancient Hawaiian clearing method, Ho’oponopono. You can find out more about Ho’oponopono on my website under the articles section. I feel the only thing that truly changes *is* ourselves to the higher vibration. And Mother Earth is raising Her frequency as well. So as a collective we are planning to raise our vibrations along with the planet. As a collective it works as the land and ourselves are cleared together. Or at least I feel this way today!
We know the strongest vibration wins. When thinking of men versus woman in regards to strong vibration, we know most men think they are strong because they are men so tend to have overbearing energy. This is due to their own upbringing and conditions of years past. And we, as women, were also taught our energy is to be "meek" and "submissive" throughout the ages. We are coming back from these stereotypical beliefs one step at a time. So it's not about being forceful. It's about being in our peaceful vibration and keeping *that* vibration strong. Sometimes action speaks and sometimes stillness speaks. Whether action is speaking to you or stillness it is a call within that will tell you in every moment which one feels right. With either one, the stillness remains. It is our ever constant connection as the Divine recognized. Did I just rant on and get off the subject or did you follow that!? :)
So much to ponder! Do we have parallel lives to transmute as well? Do we just merge with our other parallel selves? Is this what 2012 is all about? Are we actually transmuting all our parallel selves into the one highest vibration, rather than shifting one of ourselves into another higher vibration? Each could be right possibilities depending upon who you are talking to. Several experts will say we are transmuting all "lower" selves into the one as a part of our clearing out. This rings true to me. However, these questions can’t really be answered with 100% authenticity yet. It’s an individual answer that you may come to one day and switch back the next. It is of my belief right now that we are all choosing to move into a higher dimension or reality as a collective with Mother Earth. This is what feels right to me.
You know, in yoga it is said that when you focus on one item or subject in study, contemplation and meditation you will eventually merge with it and become one with it. Thereby, all knowledge of that item or subject will be known by you. It speaks to taking your time and not allowing distractions from your focus but to breathe into it. This is something that you can practice when it comes to finding the truth of this subject. You will feel it and know it within your entire being. Not only that, you will see the Universe answering your questions with synchronicities, people and places that will pop up to answer your questions about such a subject. This is a good practice to implement here. We are all One with the Universe after all. So it makes sense that all knowing is within us for the taking.
We are all One. That bridge of conscious realization of the Self, the Self as One. I like what a friend of mine said to me about how she is simply doing what feels good and following that guidance system. Following ones truth is at the core of our essence and what feels good is our core. What feels good to me is practicing feeling the energy within daily or several times a day and sometimes that happens when we study a subject such as this (becoming one with a subject and merging with it for the truth of it to emerge from that Oneness) and other times actually practicing the art of healing the self, others and the land. I know every time I've done a clearing of the land or body it feels wonderful and we do come away feeling lighter and freer; a higher resonance to our Source energy. Even more connected to what we truly are. Amazing!
It seems that we are having a collective experience with Mother Earth in order to (or rather the conclusion naturally being to) ascend to a new vibration. Like we are always evolving and expanding and contracting and expanding. As she ascends so do we, as we ascend so does she. A natural progression. Of course I won't know 100% for sure till I "get there". And really we never get anywhere, as we are already there. We are already one and just need to remove the blinders and blockages to see that. Become aware of it...a natural shift in “reality”.
And so with my soon-to-be-published book and matching workshop Divine EmbraceTM (yes I swear it's getting closer now!) it is my hope that you receive the Energy Awakening process that works best for you. Divine Embrace can assist you with the Ascension that is occurring for all of humanity to raise our vibrations and connect more fully. (Exercises are found in the book to assist you.) You can connect and open up more fully to the person that you already are.
It is a heart connection; a melding of one and all together. In this you raise your vibrations powerfully with the conscious decision to open up. You connect more clearly to All That Is. A very powerful connection. It is called Divine Embrace because you are embracing the Divine. Since you *are* the Divine, you are embracing and opening up to the Divine in you! We ignite that fire and watch each other soar!
Enjoy, live, laugh and love always!
Peace and Bliss be with you ,
~Spiritual Cheerleader
Although we can never really know at the highest level what is occurring during this major shift, I can tell you that we all are feeling a shift at some level. A part of us knows changes are coming. We can feel it deep within us. We are awakening now, not later. Maybe by a certain timeframe we will all be awakening or awakened. Maybe that timeframe is 2012 and maybe it is not. But some of us are already awakening or are already awakened and some are in the process of awakening and some are about to embark on the journey. We will all get there in our own beautiful time. However, it is also fascinating to note what is happening on a galactic level to Mother Earth right now. To best explain, here is an excerpt from Simone Matthews of Universal Life Tools, Waves of Love:
“On the solstice of 21 December 2012 (Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere and Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere), our entire solar system will be in the Photon Band of Light, receiving direct energetic transmissions from Alcyone and from our Galactic Core of the Milky Way – The Waves of Love. “In addition, we are also coming to the end of the Grand Cycle of time, the end of another 225 million year cycle, 26,000 year cycle and 365 day cycle. Thus on this December solstice there is a grand alignment in our stellar skies of the Galactic Core of the Milky Way, with Alcyone, with our Sun and with Earth – marking the end of some significant cycles of time (or frequency’s of consciousness).
“The Greater Central Sun (Galactic Core) is directly pulsing electo-magnetic Wave of Love vibrations though our Central Sun (Alycone), through our Sun and into Earth…..bringing through very high pulsations or frequencies of light energy to Earth. “What this electo-magnetic energy is facilitating is a shift in consciousness, a divine shift of the level of awareness of humanity from an egoic 3D state of fear, to a consciousness …an 5D state of being.
"So how can you prepare for 2012 and the entrance into a 5th Dimensional existence? My advice is to slow down and begin to ‘feel’ again as spirit will provide us all with the answers. All too often we get caught up in such a physical existence of ‘hurriedness’ and ‘no-time’ that we have forgotten how to trust and allow. If we refuse to listen to spirit it is a kin to swimming up stream - life just gets harder and harder.” ~ Simone Matthews,
The energies have been building for some time and I’m sure will continue to do so! It feels as if the awakening is happening now, not 2012. It feels that by 2012 a major shift will have already occurred because we are getting there now in order to be in a new energy space by that timeframe. It takes time to make that leap. it’s not an overnight process. It seems as if the shift is occurring more and more, and in more people than ever before. The time is only now.
I have been feeling that the shift truly *is* only within. That, possibly, for those that are called to shift the land are those by karma or free will choice that may be clearing something within *themselves* tied to the land. So therefore assisting themselves more to elevate their vibrations or consciousness to this new reality. I feel that whenever we are clearing (often called healing) someone else we are assisting them (selfless service/karma) and clearing more of ourselves and again raising our vibrations to that higher reality. This speaks to the ancient Hawaiian clearing method, Ho’oponopono. You can find out more about Ho’oponopono on my website under the articles section. I feel the only thing that truly changes *is* ourselves to the higher vibration. And Mother Earth is raising Her frequency as well. So as a collective we are planning to raise our vibrations along with the planet. As a collective it works as the land and ourselves are cleared together. Or at least I feel this way today!
We know the strongest vibration wins. When thinking of men versus woman in regards to strong vibration, we know most men think they are strong because they are men so tend to have overbearing energy. This is due to their own upbringing and conditions of years past. And we, as women, were also taught our energy is to be "meek" and "submissive" throughout the ages. We are coming back from these stereotypical beliefs one step at a time. So it's not about being forceful. It's about being in our peaceful vibration and keeping *that* vibration strong. Sometimes action speaks and sometimes stillness speaks. Whether action is speaking to you or stillness it is a call within that will tell you in every moment which one feels right. With either one, the stillness remains. It is our ever constant connection as the Divine recognized. Did I just rant on and get off the subject or did you follow that!? :)
So much to ponder! Do we have parallel lives to transmute as well? Do we just merge with our other parallel selves? Is this what 2012 is all about? Are we actually transmuting all our parallel selves into the one highest vibration, rather than shifting one of ourselves into another higher vibration? Each could be right possibilities depending upon who you are talking to. Several experts will say we are transmuting all "lower" selves into the one as a part of our clearing out. This rings true to me. However, these questions can’t really be answered with 100% authenticity yet. It’s an individual answer that you may come to one day and switch back the next. It is of my belief right now that we are all choosing to move into a higher dimension or reality as a collective with Mother Earth. This is what feels right to me.
You know, in yoga it is said that when you focus on one item or subject in study, contemplation and meditation you will eventually merge with it and become one with it. Thereby, all knowledge of that item or subject will be known by you. It speaks to taking your time and not allowing distractions from your focus but to breathe into it. This is something that you can practice when it comes to finding the truth of this subject. You will feel it and know it within your entire being. Not only that, you will see the Universe answering your questions with synchronicities, people and places that will pop up to answer your questions about such a subject. This is a good practice to implement here. We are all One with the Universe after all. So it makes sense that all knowing is within us for the taking.
We are all One. That bridge of conscious realization of the Self, the Self as One. I like what a friend of mine said to me about how she is simply doing what feels good and following that guidance system. Following ones truth is at the core of our essence and what feels good is our core. What feels good to me is practicing feeling the energy within daily or several times a day and sometimes that happens when we study a subject such as this (becoming one with a subject and merging with it for the truth of it to emerge from that Oneness) and other times actually practicing the art of healing the self, others and the land. I know every time I've done a clearing of the land or body it feels wonderful and we do come away feeling lighter and freer; a higher resonance to our Source energy. Even more connected to what we truly are. Amazing!
It seems that we are having a collective experience with Mother Earth in order to (or rather the conclusion naturally being to) ascend to a new vibration. Like we are always evolving and expanding and contracting and expanding. As she ascends so do we, as we ascend so does she. A natural progression. Of course I won't know 100% for sure till I "get there". And really we never get anywhere, as we are already there. We are already one and just need to remove the blinders and blockages to see that. Become aware of it...a natural shift in “reality”.
And so with my soon-to-be-published book and matching workshop Divine EmbraceTM (yes I swear it's getting closer now!) it is my hope that you receive the Energy Awakening process that works best for you. Divine Embrace can assist you with the Ascension that is occurring for all of humanity to raise our vibrations and connect more fully. (Exercises are found in the book to assist you.) You can connect and open up more fully to the person that you already are.
It is a heart connection; a melding of one and all together. In this you raise your vibrations powerfully with the conscious decision to open up. You connect more clearly to All That Is. A very powerful connection. It is called Divine Embrace because you are embracing the Divine. Since you *are* the Divine, you are embracing and opening up to the Divine in you! We ignite that fire and watch each other soar!
Enjoy, live, laugh and love always!
Peace and Bliss be with you ,
~Spiritual Cheerleader
Flow Like the River
April 2010
Go at your own pace. Like the river, or like the rapids. We'll all get there in our own time at our own pace. And when we get there we realize we were already there. It's the journey as much as it is the destination. Not to mention there is never a "destination" because we never "get there" as we are always there, here and now.
While out walking today during another gorgeous spring day here in Rhode Island, I became aware of an analogy for this space that we are all in, in our unique and divine selves at any given moment in time. I become aware of others on the path literally and as an analogy for the path we walk in life. Some folks are out there running, some are take a nice stroll and others are walking at a nice steady pace. But all of us are where we are. One is not better than the other. We are simply doing and honoring our bodies with whatever it needs whenever it needs it. For some it is a fast jog and others a nice balanced healing walk. All are beautifully healing and rejuvenating for the body, mind and spirit. None are better than the other. Each are honored methods for wellness and being. Whether we're going slow or fast, matters not. Walk, run, walk fast, or sitting in stillness matters not. And when you are sitting still, there is so much going on inside that may not be recognized by the passerby. Much work is processed when allowing your body to be in stillness. Doing any of these brings well-being to our body, mind and spirit anyway. Doing anything out in nature is extremely healing. Honor the space you are in wherever you are. Come to balance and well-being.
This same analogy work with in having a beginners stance in yoga, an advanced stand in yoga, or applying a gentle practice to yoga no matter your "level". We simply are where we are.
We can allow others their own pace and enjoy ours. Don't worry about what someone else is doing. They'll go at their own pace and you can go at your pace.
Remember to see people as divine. We'll all get there, and when you get there you'll know you already were/are there. Enjoy the flow. It's enjoying the ride, being in the divine connection during our journey that truly is our path.
When you see someone else doing something or being something that you desire to be or do. Don't let your low self-esteem get you in a bad place, or assist you in becoming more self-conscious or jealous or filled with hate and ego.
Honor them for their place and your for yours. Know that you are in the awareness of where they are. And when you are in the awareness of where they are, you are in that like-vibrational space. When you are aware of another's situation, you are noticing this vibrational experience, so you too are in that vibrational space and can bring yourself to that experience as well (if you so desire), rather than getting in a negative vibration with jealousy, hate or ego.
Know also that sometimes what you see others as doing or "Being" is not necessarily their truth. It is *your* truth. It is the mirror flashing back at you to listen in and hear what you are hearing. Say for example you feel another person is acting better than others. The other person in their space may not actually be feeling smug or better than another, but it may be something you are seeing. And that is not necessarily the real truth. If you are seeing it, it is for you to look at and work through.
If you are seeing a good thing in someone but suddenly low self-esteem kicks in so your ego translates the good thing in that someone to a not-so-true negative thing that you see so that you can feel better about yourself, then that is not true. You must look deep within yourself and hear your truest wisdom from within. Stop listening to the ego's lies and start hearing the truth from your heart. Your heart knows we are all on a divine path together and will all meet each other wherever we are.
Don't get stuck in the same negative thoughts and patterns. By listening to the ego traps, falling into the depths of negative thoughts and aiming venomous energy at another we are disconnecting from Source. Our Source is honest, forgiving and loving. Stern but gentle. Never lingering in disgust, unforgiveness or negativity. I'm not saying don't see what "is" and ignore the battle of a challenge that has come your way. I'm saying see the message for what it is and what it is that YOU need to work through and not to aim bitter, endless negative energy towards another. Allow your awareness to shine a light on the negative emotions and hear the messages they have for you. That is why the experience has come up for you! So you receive the message and take the action to process the issues within you. See that shadow inside yourself, honor its existence and process what you need to process. Then allow those emotions to flow out of you. When you become present with an emotion, it is honored and can more speedily process its way through you. Then you can move on to your next evolution. You can be in the witness state and simply come into the awareness of what the issues are as you watch from afar. Processing can occur naturally and the messages become clear. So breathe in slowly and deeply and allow the space to exist for what IS and let it flow through you like the river.
So instead of tapping into jealousy, low self-esteem or negativity. Check out of those negative emotions and check in to love, awareness, knowing that you are in that place and you are getting "there" in your own time, in your own place, at your own pace. Our paths are not in levels. Our paths are parallell. We walk together in the journey of life, no matter where we are in our lives.
We are each unique beings expressing that unique part of ourselves to make up the whole. So we will not always be the same but that is what makes life fun and interesting. Each of our own unique expressions *are* what makes up the whole. Together we are all One. Honor your truth and be your truest expression always. No one is above or below me or you. We are all on unique paths together, no matter where we are on the path. We are at the very core of ourselves Divine beings.
So here I am taking it easy when life calls for me to take it easy. And taking action when life calls for action. I'm living my yoga on and off the mat, honoring the polarities of action and stillness. Like Honey Roasted Cashews, the best of both worlds blended together. It's time to be our truth and flow like the river. Will you join me?
"May the sun bring you energy by day, may the moon softly restore you by night, may the rain wash away your worries, may the breeze blow new strength into your being. May you walk gently through the world, and know it's beauty all the days of your life."
~ Apache blessing
Enjoy, live, laugh and love always!
Brightest blessings and sparkly energy to you,
~Spiritual Cheerleader
What I Know For Sure (right now)
March 2010
Occasionally Oprah sends a section in her newsletter called "What I know for sure". So I thought I would send out a "What I know for sure (right now)" for this month's newsletter. You'll see with my first one why it's only "right now". :) Case in point, a great one from Oprah this month,"What I know for sure: Life is about an energy exchange. Everything and everybody is vibrating at different frequencies. And you get to choose the vibration you want to resonate with and how to manifest that choice through your actions." I totally resonate with this big time!
Now on to my list. I'm sure I could add hundreds of things to this list but for today I want to keep this list simple with the top ten things of what I know for sure right now:
1. Everything is always changing, nothing stays the same. Go with the flow of life.
Roll with the waves, the ups the downs, the in's the outs. You can stay in your center more and more as you consciously practice the Divine connection that is always there. We can live life to its fullests and feel the ups and downs while remaining in our peaceful center. The more you do this the easier it gets over time. Things will change but our center is always there for the grasping. So the more you can breathe in divine presence in every moment the easier the challenges will pass you by.
We can send out our intentions but mostly live right now, in this moment. I was not doing that recently but moreso in my intentions instead of living and feeling the aliveness that I am in every moment. It's always there. I just start to become "unconscious" the more I live in what "could be" and fall into the "ego" traps that are there. So little reminders come and if I ignore them, the whispers turn into screams, as I like to say. So listen. Here the call of what is right now. It's energy that is just under the surface of our external experiences. This reality if filled with beautiful experiences to enjoy and work through. But we CAN live in this beautiful experience and be in our inner peaceful center at the same time.
2. Nothing is ever ours. Everything is temporary. Enjoy what we have now. It will not always be. Live in the Present moment. Surrender everything!
3. We are all One. We are all connected, every human being, every tree, plant and flower. We are the source connection.
4. Everything is alive with energy. Everything. We can choose to manipulate it to our desires as our expression or simply enjoy it as it flows. A balance occurs with enjoying the energy as is and with allowing what is bursting out of you as divine guidance to flow as your expression of the energy.
Even our words have energy! It's not just about being positive but rather being conscious. We can use our negative energy to say no I don't want that. It's there as a guiding post to show us what is inside of us and what we need to bring into the light to transmute into what we really are becoming. Light beings. Become conscious.
5. Just do what you love. Divine Guidance call us, pulls us to our divine expression. We must express what we love and love what we express. What feels truly divine good is what is calling to you. So be happy.
6. Put our love into whatever it is we are doing! We can love what we do and we can do what we love. While we are on our way to our next expression we must enjoy the moment that is happening right now. So whatever it is that you are doing, put your loving energy into it. This will keep your conscious vibration singing high and that feeds your future experience as well!
7. Movement is key. Live in the flow. Energy is constantly moving and our mind, body and soul require this movement as well. You can force yourself to be unmoving, stubborn or lazy. Or you can choose to flow with life. Move your body and feel the rejuvenation received. It's so easy to become lazy and complacent; stagnant. But it takes extra energy to remain this way and stop the forces of energy from doing what they are naturally supposed to do and that is to move, change and evolve. As you move your body you will notice the toxins being released from your body. The signs of this are feeling ahhhh oh so good.Feeling rejuvenated, refreshed and invigated. As you hit your edge you will begin to notice that you can take it even further over time. We are never stagnant, always evolving, always changing. My movement of choice is yoga as well as aerobics of many forms. But there are so many out there to choose from. Pick your favorites as that is what you will continue to do. Remember to allow your mind and soul to expand as well. Our minds become habitual to thought patterns and emotions. We can stay stagnant in old beliefs, emotions and patterns or become conscious of our life. See what is happening in your life now. Ask yourself the important questions. Are you happy and feeling good now? If not, why? What is it that needs to move or change to make yourself more uplifted. Or what is it in our old limiting beliefs that need to be modified in order for the change to occur from within and be happy where you are now in that new conscious awareness. There's so much to say about this point but for now I will stop here and see what seeds have been planted for you.
8. Faith and Trust. Know we are always taken care of. Always. Everything happens for the highest and best good of our current vibration. This one is so simple and yet to pivotal to what holds it all together for me, especially during those challenging times. Having faith that all is as it should be gets me through. Using faith to assist me in seeing the good that comes out of *every* situation allows me to flow with life. Trust that you are in the flow. Allow grace to move you through the challenges and hold on to your faith that we are all One with Source.
9. By meditating you can get quiet enough to hear the still small voice within. In meditation you get closer to the vibration that we were before incarnating. And in doing this you bring a little piece of that back with you for a higher awareness. Your conscious evolves, changes and moves to new levels through meditation. Messages and knowings happen most assuredly easier when meditating and even when not meditating if you are in a regular meditating practice. Life flows with you because you are consciously connected with your dedicated meditation practice. The benefits are amazing.
Some days are harder than others so sometimes we forget or think we don't have the time. Totally understandable. We all get there and we all do it. Our ego-driven lives take over. But you may take note that on those days when we don't take that time for ourselves, even 5 minutes, that the day is rockier and more challenging to move through. You may feel less connected and little knowings will not more easily come your way like they do when you regularly meditate. You can even meditate while journaling at your desk. You can write and then close your eyes for a few moments and then write some more. Whatever it is that you can do, do it.
So take a few moments every day to come back to yourself with meditation. Come back to the Divine by getting quiet and being. You can do this in the sanctuary of your home, out in nature or even in the bathroom stall at work. I know I have to do this sometimes and it's really helpful. Get centered and move through your day with more ease, grace and love with connected through meditation.
10. We only have right now. Live in the moment of Now. Right now in this very second you can tap into your true peaceful still self. Right now in this very moment is all you have so you can make the most of only right now. The phrase "Live like you were dying" is so right on. We never know when our lives will end really. It could be any day, any moment or even today. Live right now as if the next second is your last. When you do this every single thing you do, every moment and every person you see becomes sacred. Denise Linn shared a moving newsletter in her Mumblings & Musings this month about a friend of hers diagnosed with cancer and the hospital being unable to continue her life support measures. They let her know that she had mere weeks to live. What her friend became when she heard this was beautiful and graceful. She began seeing every moment as a treasure. Every feeling. Even sitting on the toilet became a sacred moment to treasure. Every thing we feel, see and do is a gift. And by living like this EVERY DAY in EVERY MOMENT we truly expand our life to something so meaningful and loving. Life truly is a treasure and as you live in this very moment Now (and always) you really LIVE. Make that choice to be you and live Now, happy in faith and trust that all is Divine.
This month's newsletter is a rush job. I do apologize if there are any typos. Please see beyond any typos I may have missed. When I return from vacation I will do a sweep of the newsletter and make sure it flows without any typos as best I can. But even with any typos, the information is held within.
"You can say a lot by saying a little. You do not need to give away the whole kit-n-kaboodle." ~ Me
Enjoy, live, laugh and love always!
Peace and Bliss be with you ,
~Spiritual Cheerleader
Occasionally Oprah sends a section in her newsletter called "What I know for sure". So I thought I would send out a "What I know for sure (right now)" for this month's newsletter. You'll see with my first one why it's only "right now". :) Case in point, a great one from Oprah this month,"What I know for sure: Life is about an energy exchange. Everything and everybody is vibrating at different frequencies. And you get to choose the vibration you want to resonate with and how to manifest that choice through your actions." I totally resonate with this big time!
Now on to my list. I'm sure I could add hundreds of things to this list but for today I want to keep this list simple with the top ten things of what I know for sure right now:
1. Everything is always changing, nothing stays the same. Go with the flow of life.
Roll with the waves, the ups the downs, the in's the outs. You can stay in your center more and more as you consciously practice the Divine connection that is always there. We can live life to its fullests and feel the ups and downs while remaining in our peaceful center. The more you do this the easier it gets over time. Things will change but our center is always there for the grasping. So the more you can breathe in divine presence in every moment the easier the challenges will pass you by.
We can send out our intentions but mostly live right now, in this moment. I was not doing that recently but moreso in my intentions instead of living and feeling the aliveness that I am in every moment. It's always there. I just start to become "unconscious" the more I live in what "could be" and fall into the "ego" traps that are there. So little reminders come and if I ignore them, the whispers turn into screams, as I like to say. So listen. Here the call of what is right now. It's energy that is just under the surface of our external experiences. This reality if filled with beautiful experiences to enjoy and work through. But we CAN live in this beautiful experience and be in our inner peaceful center at the same time.
2. Nothing is ever ours. Everything is temporary. Enjoy what we have now. It will not always be. Live in the Present moment. Surrender everything!
3. We are all One. We are all connected, every human being, every tree, plant and flower. We are the source connection.
4. Everything is alive with energy. Everything. We can choose to manipulate it to our desires as our expression or simply enjoy it as it flows. A balance occurs with enjoying the energy as is and with allowing what is bursting out of you as divine guidance to flow as your expression of the energy.
Even our words have energy! It's not just about being positive but rather being conscious. We can use our negative energy to say no I don't want that. It's there as a guiding post to show us what is inside of us and what we need to bring into the light to transmute into what we really are becoming. Light beings. Become conscious.
5. Just do what you love. Divine Guidance call us, pulls us to our divine expression. We must express what we love and love what we express. What feels truly divine good is what is calling to you. So be happy.
6. Put our love into whatever it is we are doing! We can love what we do and we can do what we love. While we are on our way to our next expression we must enjoy the moment that is happening right now. So whatever it is that you are doing, put your loving energy into it. This will keep your conscious vibration singing high and that feeds your future experience as well!
7. Movement is key. Live in the flow. Energy is constantly moving and our mind, body and soul require this movement as well. You can force yourself to be unmoving, stubborn or lazy. Or you can choose to flow with life. Move your body and feel the rejuvenation received. It's so easy to become lazy and complacent; stagnant. But it takes extra energy to remain this way and stop the forces of energy from doing what they are naturally supposed to do and that is to move, change and evolve. As you move your body you will notice the toxins being released from your body. The signs of this are feeling ahhhh oh so good.Feeling rejuvenated, refreshed and invigated. As you hit your edge you will begin to notice that you can take it even further over time. We are never stagnant, always evolving, always changing. My movement of choice is yoga as well as aerobics of many forms. But there are so many out there to choose from. Pick your favorites as that is what you will continue to do. Remember to allow your mind and soul to expand as well. Our minds become habitual to thought patterns and emotions. We can stay stagnant in old beliefs, emotions and patterns or become conscious of our life. See what is happening in your life now. Ask yourself the important questions. Are you happy and feeling good now? If not, why? What is it that needs to move or change to make yourself more uplifted. Or what is it in our old limiting beliefs that need to be modified in order for the change to occur from within and be happy where you are now in that new conscious awareness. There's so much to say about this point but for now I will stop here and see what seeds have been planted for you.
8. Faith and Trust. Know we are always taken care of. Always. Everything happens for the highest and best good of our current vibration. This one is so simple and yet to pivotal to what holds it all together for me, especially during those challenging times. Having faith that all is as it should be gets me through. Using faith to assist me in seeing the good that comes out of *every* situation allows me to flow with life. Trust that you are in the flow. Allow grace to move you through the challenges and hold on to your faith that we are all One with Source.
9. By meditating you can get quiet enough to hear the still small voice within. In meditation you get closer to the vibration that we were before incarnating. And in doing this you bring a little piece of that back with you for a higher awareness. Your conscious evolves, changes and moves to new levels through meditation. Messages and knowings happen most assuredly easier when meditating and even when not meditating if you are in a regular meditating practice. Life flows with you because you are consciously connected with your dedicated meditation practice. The benefits are amazing.
Some days are harder than others so sometimes we forget or think we don't have the time. Totally understandable. We all get there and we all do it. Our ego-driven lives take over. But you may take note that on those days when we don't take that time for ourselves, even 5 minutes, that the day is rockier and more challenging to move through. You may feel less connected and little knowings will not more easily come your way like they do when you regularly meditate. You can even meditate while journaling at your desk. You can write and then close your eyes for a few moments and then write some more. Whatever it is that you can do, do it.
So take a few moments every day to come back to yourself with meditation. Come back to the Divine by getting quiet and being. You can do this in the sanctuary of your home, out in nature or even in the bathroom stall at work. I know I have to do this sometimes and it's really helpful. Get centered and move through your day with more ease, grace and love with connected through meditation.
10. We only have right now. Live in the moment of Now. Right now in this very second you can tap into your true peaceful still self. Right now in this very moment is all you have so you can make the most of only right now. The phrase "Live like you were dying" is so right on. We never know when our lives will end really. It could be any day, any moment or even today. Live right now as if the next second is your last. When you do this every single thing you do, every moment and every person you see becomes sacred. Denise Linn shared a moving newsletter in her Mumblings & Musings this month about a friend of hers diagnosed with cancer and the hospital being unable to continue her life support measures. They let her know that she had mere weeks to live. What her friend became when she heard this was beautiful and graceful. She began seeing every moment as a treasure. Every feeling. Even sitting on the toilet became a sacred moment to treasure. Every thing we feel, see and do is a gift. And by living like this EVERY DAY in EVERY MOMENT we truly expand our life to something so meaningful and loving. Life truly is a treasure and as you live in this very moment Now (and always) you really LIVE. Make that choice to be you and live Now, happy in faith and trust that all is Divine.
This month's newsletter is a rush job. I do apologize if there are any typos. Please see beyond any typos I may have missed. When I return from vacation I will do a sweep of the newsletter and make sure it flows without any typos as best I can. But even with any typos, the information is held within.
"You can say a lot by saying a little. You do not need to give away the whole kit-n-kaboodle." ~ Me
Enjoy, live, laugh and love always!
Peace and Bliss be with you ,
~Spiritual Cheerleader
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