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Dear Kerry,
Dear Maggie,
Dear Anonymous,
Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
Dear Maggie,
I am an Embalmer and have been
working within a mortuary setting for four years now. Recently I have
noticed unusual things happening such as loud unexplained noises,
hearing a voice when no one is home and i have also heard what seems to
be a group of dogs howling, when I went outside there was no noise at
all. My youngest son (11) has heard his name called when home alone
after school. I guess I'm just wondering if I use smudge sticks will
this calm things down. This is all new to me.
Thank you for any help you can give me.
~ Kerry
You have a unique job
where energies can get pretty interesting at times! But completely
normal. As long as there is nothing feeling negative or icky, then it is
probably the usual average ghost or spirit passing by.
Is the mortuary in your home
or are they separate? In either case yes, smudging sage will help you
remove negative energies and stagnant emotions that have been lingering.
They may not necessarily rid you of ghosts or entities if there is more
work to do within yourself. You may be hearing things because you are
becoming more open to the Other Side aka Heaven and the land of
in-between where ghosts reside before crossing over. Kids are naturally
more open to these occurrences until someone says "it's not real" and the
child starts to believe it's fake so will usually suppress the gift of
hearing, seeing or feeling. However, right now we are also in a time of
more and more people awakening and the veil seems to be thinning. So
more and more people are experiencing spiritual awakenings, spiritual
experiences and paranormal happenings. Very exciting and for some can be
scary at first. There are several things you can do to alleviate
negative attraction.
Work on the Self:
By the Universal Law of Attraction we attract that which we are inside. Cultivate higher vibrations by living an awakened, positive, uplifting life filled with gratitude, truth, integrity and love. Work on removing negative thinking towards others and yourself. Actually do the internal work that is required. If you have issues, repetitive unwanted and unnecessary patterns, see them for what they are, process the emotions behind them and work through the issues. The less you resist or repress internal issues the easier it becomes to process them and release them from your being. Peace is more accessible. The more you uplift your vibrations the less you will attract lower unwanted vibrations (such as nasty ghosts or entities).
By the Universal Law of Attraction we attract that which we are inside. Cultivate higher vibrations by living an awakened, positive, uplifting life filled with gratitude, truth, integrity and love. Work on removing negative thinking towards others and yourself. Actually do the internal work that is required. If you have issues, repetitive unwanted and unnecessary patterns, see them for what they are, process the emotions behind them and work through the issues. The less you resist or repress internal issues the easier it becomes to process them and release them from your being. Peace is more accessible. The more you uplift your vibrations the less you will attract lower unwanted vibrations (such as nasty ghosts or entities).
There are, however, "nice"
ghosts that also contact sensitive folks in order to cross over. But
sensitive folks can even help the "not-so-nice" ghosts to cross as well.
If this is not your desired "path" and doesn't feel right to you then
you may want to state your strong intention that you cannot help ghosts
and that they need to cross over to the other side or find another
sensitive who's passion it is to help them. They sense those who are
able to communicate and are more open. They can seek them out. Sometimes
ghosts are just lost and unsure of what's happening and are just trying
to make contact with anyone who will listen. (See my ghost articles here for more facts and information on ghosts and entities. Check under the 'Ghosts' subject. Also, read this article from my recently published book, Divine Embrace, about entities and what to do to rid yourself of them if you have attracted them.)
If you are hearing them, you
are becoming more sensitive to their presence and can decide if this is
a path for you. If not, you can state your intention (if you choose to
do so) stating that at least your home space always stays free and clear
of these unwanted guests and experiences. We all need a place of peace after all.
If you choose this as a
possible path to explore, doing the internal work is priority, as well
as getting into a regular meditation practice. The more messages you
receive the easier it will be to figure out what they mean to you and
those who the ghosts are wanting to connect with and/or to cross them
over. There are many paths to take with making contact and crossing
ghosts over to the Other Side. You can explore local metaphysical shops,
online avenues for these such topics, as well as meditation, shamanism
and psychic development to get deeper into this subject.
When at work, or falling
asleep or in areas that seem to have lower vibrational energies,
surround yourself with a Bubble of Divine white light. Intend always
that nothing follows you home but the highest angelic vibration. This
bubble of Divine white light is your "protection". This bubble is simply
raising your vibrations to not be susceptible to lower unwanted
energies. Intend that this bubble only allow positive love and light to
flow near you and/or your son, etc. You can visualize it like that of
the bubble that surrounds the Good Witch of the North in Wizard of Oz or
something even more potently, powerfully beautiful. The more you feel
it, sense it and be it the stronger it is for you.
You may also ask the Angels
assist you in protection and raising your vibrations. Angels are miracle
works and can work with us more closely when we ask.
Work on the space:
Smudge sage and incense. (Click here for how to protect your space and how to use Sage or Insense to clear your home and body.) Keep your space and/or home physically clean and clear and also send beautiful energy to the space. Again visualize powerful energies clearing the space. Pink unconditional loving energy, blue sparkling Peaceful energy, Golden light energy and sealing it with God's snow-white light energy. Ask that the Angels, especially the protector Angel, ArchAngel Michael to protect your home/space. Ask that he remove all that does not belong and fill your home with his and God's Divine white light allowing only positive love and light to flow near. If you are an energy healer you can also use these energies to clear spaces and people (such as Reiki, Qi Gong, etc.).
Smudge sage and incense. (Click here for how to protect your space and how to use Sage or Insense to clear your home and body.) Keep your space and/or home physically clean and clear and also send beautiful energy to the space. Again visualize powerful energies clearing the space. Pink unconditional loving energy, blue sparkling Peaceful energy, Golden light energy and sealing it with God's snow-white light energy. Ask that the Angels, especially the protector Angel, ArchAngel Michael to protect your home/space. Ask that he remove all that does not belong and fill your home with his and God's Divine white light allowing only positive love and light to flow near. If you are an energy healer you can also use these energies to clear spaces and people (such as Reiki, Qi Gong, etc.).
I hope this helps! Please do
email me if I didn't get to the core of whatever other questions you
might have! And please let me know how you are doing now! I wish you
divine Peace. :)
My co-worker wants to know how you know you’re psychic.
~ Anonymous
Dear Anonymous,
The answer is simple and
complicated. We are ALL psychic. For many, this is dormant. And for some
it is more awake even from birth. But as we awaken our senses we will
notice we 'know' more than we "should". The beginning stages can
possibly be, for some, precognitive dreams, daytime visions, a knowing,
hearing things that are "not there" but truly are, seeing things out of
the corner of your eyes, getting strong feelings of something about to
happen and it does, feeling another's emotions or physical pain, etc.
These are all a part of our natural five senses but they call it a
"sixth sense" because it is our senses expanded. We are all waking up
and it's a matter of our personal choice and our personal destiny on how
quickly or slowly and how smoothly or rough we wake up and know that we
are all truly connected/One/part of God. Good stuff! :) Tiny answer to a
big question. Perhaps I can expand on that in this month's newsletter
on my site. Did you give her my website, it has articles on it that may
help too.
- Psychic Awarenes - My Beliefs
- Intuition & Psychic Abilities
- Meditation Guidance
- Children and Psychic Awareness
- Psychic Children
- Automatic Writing
- Numerology Fun
- Mediumship 101
- Mediumship Q&A
- What's your strong point?
- Psychic Awareness & Universe's Role
- Ethics & Charging for Services
- Disconnecting
And here is my free eBook from the Psychic Development Workshop I used to teach. May your journey into self always be blessed.
Blessings and happy seeking,
Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
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