
My passion is to inspire you to pursue your passions and assist you through your awakening in these Ascension times. Our beliefs are ever changing and evolving. It is time to Embrace our Destiny. I’d like to share my unique flowering of consciousness via this blog and also my website at www.SpiritualCompassConnection.com. Bliss, Maggie
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Find Your Grace Note ~ June 2012
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
May 2012 - Dear Maggie Column (two questions)
Click here to submit *your* question for the Dear Maggie Column
Dear Kerry,
Dear Maggie,
Dear Anonymous,
Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
Dear Maggie,
I am an Embalmer and have been
working within a mortuary setting for four years now. Recently I have
noticed unusual things happening such as loud unexplained noises,
hearing a voice when no one is home and i have also heard what seems to
be a group of dogs howling, when I went outside there was no noise at
all. My youngest son (11) has heard his name called when home alone
after school. I guess I'm just wondering if I use smudge sticks will
this calm things down. This is all new to me.
Thank you for any help you can give me.
~ Kerry
You have a unique job
where energies can get pretty interesting at times! But completely
normal. As long as there is nothing feeling negative or icky, then it is
probably the usual average ghost or spirit passing by.
Is the mortuary in your home
or are they separate? In either case yes, smudging sage will help you
remove negative energies and stagnant emotions that have been lingering.
They may not necessarily rid you of ghosts or entities if there is more
work to do within yourself. You may be hearing things because you are
becoming more open to the Other Side aka Heaven and the land of
in-between where ghosts reside before crossing over. Kids are naturally
more open to these occurrences until someone says "it's not real" and the
child starts to believe it's fake so will usually suppress the gift of
hearing, seeing or feeling. However, right now we are also in a time of
more and more people awakening and the veil seems to be thinning. So
more and more people are experiencing spiritual awakenings, spiritual
experiences and paranormal happenings. Very exciting and for some can be
scary at first. There are several things you can do to alleviate
negative attraction.
Work on the Self:
By the Universal Law of Attraction we attract that which we are inside. Cultivate higher vibrations by living an awakened, positive, uplifting life filled with gratitude, truth, integrity and love. Work on removing negative thinking towards others and yourself. Actually do the internal work that is required. If you have issues, repetitive unwanted and unnecessary patterns, see them for what they are, process the emotions behind them and work through the issues. The less you resist or repress internal issues the easier it becomes to process them and release them from your being. Peace is more accessible. The more you uplift your vibrations the less you will attract lower unwanted vibrations (such as nasty ghosts or entities).
By the Universal Law of Attraction we attract that which we are inside. Cultivate higher vibrations by living an awakened, positive, uplifting life filled with gratitude, truth, integrity and love. Work on removing negative thinking towards others and yourself. Actually do the internal work that is required. If you have issues, repetitive unwanted and unnecessary patterns, see them for what they are, process the emotions behind them and work through the issues. The less you resist or repress internal issues the easier it becomes to process them and release them from your being. Peace is more accessible. The more you uplift your vibrations the less you will attract lower unwanted vibrations (such as nasty ghosts or entities).
There are, however, "nice"
ghosts that also contact sensitive folks in order to cross over. But
sensitive folks can even help the "not-so-nice" ghosts to cross as well.
If this is not your desired "path" and doesn't feel right to you then
you may want to state your strong intention that you cannot help ghosts
and that they need to cross over to the other side or find another
sensitive who's passion it is to help them. They sense those who are
able to communicate and are more open. They can seek them out. Sometimes
ghosts are just lost and unsure of what's happening and are just trying
to make contact with anyone who will listen. (See my ghost articles here for more facts and information on ghosts and entities. Check under the 'Ghosts' subject. Also, read this article from my recently published book, Divine Embrace, about entities and what to do to rid yourself of them if you have attracted them.)
If you are hearing them, you
are becoming more sensitive to their presence and can decide if this is
a path for you. If not, you can state your intention (if you choose to
do so) stating that at least your home space always stays free and clear
of these unwanted guests and experiences. We all need a place of peace after all.
If you choose this as a
possible path to explore, doing the internal work is priority, as well
as getting into a regular meditation practice. The more messages you
receive the easier it will be to figure out what they mean to you and
those who the ghosts are wanting to connect with and/or to cross them
over. There are many paths to take with making contact and crossing
ghosts over to the Other Side. You can explore local metaphysical shops,
online avenues for these such topics, as well as meditation, shamanism
and psychic development to get deeper into this subject.
When at work, or falling
asleep or in areas that seem to have lower vibrational energies,
surround yourself with a Bubble of Divine white light. Intend always
that nothing follows you home but the highest angelic vibration. This
bubble of Divine white light is your "protection". This bubble is simply
raising your vibrations to not be susceptible to lower unwanted
energies. Intend that this bubble only allow positive love and light to
flow near you and/or your son, etc. You can visualize it like that of
the bubble that surrounds the Good Witch of the North in Wizard of Oz or
something even more potently, powerfully beautiful. The more you feel
it, sense it and be it the stronger it is for you.
You may also ask the Angels
assist you in protection and raising your vibrations. Angels are miracle
works and can work with us more closely when we ask.
Work on the space:
Smudge sage and incense. (Click here for how to protect your space and how to use Sage or Insense to clear your home and body.) Keep your space and/or home physically clean and clear and also send beautiful energy to the space. Again visualize powerful energies clearing the space. Pink unconditional loving energy, blue sparkling Peaceful energy, Golden light energy and sealing it with God's snow-white light energy. Ask that the Angels, especially the protector Angel, ArchAngel Michael to protect your home/space. Ask that he remove all that does not belong and fill your home with his and God's Divine white light allowing only positive love and light to flow near. If you are an energy healer you can also use these energies to clear spaces and people (such as Reiki, Qi Gong, etc.).
Smudge sage and incense. (Click here for how to protect your space and how to use Sage or Insense to clear your home and body.) Keep your space and/or home physically clean and clear and also send beautiful energy to the space. Again visualize powerful energies clearing the space. Pink unconditional loving energy, blue sparkling Peaceful energy, Golden light energy and sealing it with God's snow-white light energy. Ask that the Angels, especially the protector Angel, ArchAngel Michael to protect your home/space. Ask that he remove all that does not belong and fill your home with his and God's Divine white light allowing only positive love and light to flow near. If you are an energy healer you can also use these energies to clear spaces and people (such as Reiki, Qi Gong, etc.).
I hope this helps! Please do
email me if I didn't get to the core of whatever other questions you
might have! And please let me know how you are doing now! I wish you
divine Peace. :)
My co-worker wants to know how you know you’re psychic.
~ Anonymous
Dear Anonymous,
The answer is simple and
complicated. We are ALL psychic. For many, this is dormant. And for some
it is more awake even from birth. But as we awaken our senses we will
notice we 'know' more than we "should". The beginning stages can
possibly be, for some, precognitive dreams, daytime visions, a knowing,
hearing things that are "not there" but truly are, seeing things out of
the corner of your eyes, getting strong feelings of something about to
happen and it does, feeling another's emotions or physical pain, etc.
These are all a part of our natural five senses but they call it a
"sixth sense" because it is our senses expanded. We are all waking up
and it's a matter of our personal choice and our personal destiny on how
quickly or slowly and how smoothly or rough we wake up and know that we
are all truly connected/One/part of God. Good stuff! :) Tiny answer to a
big question. Perhaps I can expand on that in this month's newsletter
on my site. Did you give her my website, it has articles on it that may
help too.
- Psychic Awarenes - My Beliefs
- Intuition & Psychic Abilities
- Meditation Guidance
- Children and Psychic Awareness
- Psychic Children
- Automatic Writing
- Numerology Fun
- Mediumship 101
- Mediumship Q&A
- What's your strong point?
- Psychic Awareness & Universe's Role
- Ethics & Charging for Services
- Disconnecting
And here is my free eBook from the Psychic Development Workshop I used to teach. May your journey into self always be blessed.
Blessings and happy seeking,
Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
May 2012 Inspire You Article - Comfort Zone vs. Change
Comfort Zone vs. Change
I received an article from my manager this week to read for our staff meeting. In the article (find it here)
it states five different types of sales representatives. And it further
states that the Challenger type is better at making sales than the
Relationship Builder sales rep. The Challenger takes on a bit of all
five characteristics but can go further into knowing the complexities of
the product and the sale while taking into consideration the highest
goal for the client and his own company. He can then make a sale by
challenging the client further out of their comfort zone, pushing
buttons ever so perfectly in the right way to get the client to see the
potential; the positive solution that will work if they take the right
action - this right action recommended by them.
Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
Take this lesson into real
life now. I read this article all the way through and it makes total
sense to me. You can't make a shift in your life if you are comfortable
and stay in your comfort zone. Change is the only way to continue to
evolve and shift to anew. To change you must challenge what IS and work
towards the "better" way, the goal at hand, see the true deeper issues,
actually be authentic with yourself and truthful about said issues. The
be willing to change and actually TAKE that ACTION that is required.
Love it!
So we can allow ourselves
the awareness that challenging experiences are actually a blessing in
disguise for positive uplifting change. Since change is our only
constant, embracing what IS, is key in every moment. The more we can see
these challenges as opportunities to have a more uplifted, fulfilling
and *connected* life, the better we can move through these challenges
with more ease, efficiency and expediently.
In the very moment, ask
yourself what is the true solution to this issue. Take note of your very
own authentic reactions, actions, thoughts and emotions. Be totally
honest with yourself withOUT guilt. Guilt is a hinderance to succeed
here. Just allow yourself your humanity. Then be totally honest with
yourself. Be your authentic self. See the goal you desire, feel the
uplifted state it can and does bring, see the actions you need to take
in order for this to occur and take action. Action is not always going
to be taken here, perhaps non-action is what is required. Each situation
is unique. My point is take that action or non-action when it comes up.
For example, we are
constantly receiving messages from our intuition. If we don't listen to
those messages as whispers they will soon come as "screams" either by
striking experiences and harder challenges and/or it will fall into our
body as medical issues. Our body is always speaking to us so it is
helpful to always listen to the wisdom the body provides. Many of us can
easily connect with our intuition through the art of presence that can
be cultivated through meditation and yoga.
Here is another thought to keep in mind, "Although financial adversity can cause challenges in our lives, it is also a gateway
to awareness and spiritual growth." ~ Eckhart Tolle
Denise Linn, founder of Soul Coaching
and well-known Feng Shui expert, was in the local grocery store
recently and ran into one of her neighbors. This woman was pleasant
enough. She went into the current financial crisis and how sad she was
for so many that are having a hard time with their businesses and/or
finding job, her included. Then she politely asked Denise how her
business was doing. Denise is not into lying and had no thought of such a
thing, so she told the truth. Denise told her that her business was
doing quite well and she was very humbly grateful. The woman immediately
did an about-face and stormed out of the grocery store. Goodness!
This woman was so much into
playing the victim and so comfortable staying with the masses in their
victimhood that she was astounded that Denise wouldn't comfort to her
comfort zone and agree with the "bad financial" times by staying her
business was not doing well. We do not want to manifest something or be a
part of something that we are not, just to make someone else feel
better in the zone they are in! So it's not always about staying in your
comfort zone, many time we get into others' comfort zones to make them
feel better insead of standing in our unique vibration and allowing our
truest expression to be seen. Our light can help others. So by getting
that woman to thinking about a "better way" she, perhaps, went home to
ponder her blunt and rude behavior and hopefully saw that if Denise Linn
is thriving, so can she! So, too, can we all. It's a mind set.
Let's shift our perspective
and we will be there for ourselves! One positive person is more powerful
than 1,000 negative people! Let's make that change.
I wish you uplifting positive changes,
~ Spiritual Cheerleader
~ Spiritual Cheerleader
Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
May 2012 Yoga Pose of the Month
May 2012 - Yoga Pose of the Month
Bound Angle Pose (aka Butterfly Pose)
Sanskrit: Baddha Konasana
Photo courtesy of Connor O'Hara
Bound Angle Pose (aka
Butterfly pose and even known as Cobbler Pose) is a great inner thigh
stretch and hip opener. I love it! Not only that, it is a very calming
gentle pose that allows you to just breathe and be there. Lowering your
head while keep your neck in good alignment with the spine is a great
way to go inside for a moment, release and let go. I love to press my
elbows into the inner thighs to give them an extra stretch as well. The
beautiful benefits of this pose are:
Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
Bound Angle Pose (aka Butterfly Pose)
Sanskrit: Baddha Konasana
Photo courtesy of Connor O'Hara
- Stimulates abdominal organs, ovaries and prostate gland, bladder, and kidneys
- Stimulates the heart and improves general circulation
- Stretches the inner thighs, groins, and knees
- Helps relieve mild depression, anxiety, and fatigue
- Soothes menstrual discomfort and sciatica
- Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause
- Therapeutic for flat feet, high blood pressure, infertility, and asthma
- Consistent practice of this pose until late into pregnancy is said to help ease childbirth
- Traditional texts say that Baddha Konasana destroys disease and gets rid of fatigue
Directions on how to come into the pose:
If your hips or groin are tight, you may sit on a blanket. Place the soles of your feet together, bringing the heels of your feet in towards your groin as much as works for you while splaying the knees out, spine straight, hands can hold your toes or take your thumbs to the inside on the balls of the feet to open them up a little, keeping the outsides of the feet planted into the ground. Try your best not to force the knees to the ground but lead with the action of the pose to open naturally. Hold for a few minutes (1-5 minutes is great for this pose).
If your hips or groin are tight, you may sit on a blanket. Place the soles of your feet together, bringing the heels of your feet in towards your groin as much as works for you while splaying the knees out, spine straight, hands can hold your toes or take your thumbs to the inside on the balls of the feet to open them up a little, keeping the outsides of the feet planted into the ground. Try your best not to force the knees to the ground but lead with the action of the pose to open naturally. Hold for a few minutes (1-5 minutes is great for this pose).
This is a great stand alone pose, as well as a great resting pose for Boat pose. We can come into this pose throughout the Boat pose variations to rest, recenter and align ourselves.
To come out bring your knees
into each other. I like to rock for a moment on my tailbone after this
pose and then we can straighten the legs to release.
When not to do this pose or to modify / Contraindications:
If you have groin or knee injury only practice this pose with blanket support under the outer thighs.
If you have groin or knee injury only practice this pose with blanket support under the outer thighs.
Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
May 2012 - What's New Update
What's New
What a crazy month!
In a good way. I was so busy in April that I didn't get to send out my
newsletter message until now. So I had to let go of my expectation that
sometimes it's okay if I miss that month's newsletter and start fresh
the following month. This month's messages is all about challenge and
change! And a great message it is. April was jam-packed for me with
several birthday's including my own! I am also now a Master Instructor of IET (Integrated
Energy Therapy), a beautiful healing modality with the Angels that also
utilizes acupressure. I love it and now I can teach it to you so you
can practice it on yourself and others. Available now are: IET Basic,
IET Intermediate and IET Advanced, as well as several classes such as
Healing with the Angels, IET for Pets and IET for Kids! Love it! You can
read more about this beautiful healing modality here.
I had a fantastic time in Plymouth getting attuned and learning how to
share this beautiful healing method with an awesome group of women
(group photo below). :)
Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
Happy May flowers to you all and I hope you enjoy this month's newsletter, as always! Don't forget to check out my new classes and new yoga class times (to the left in pink) as well! And a special Happy Mother's day this month to all you beautiful Mom's out there. :)
In case you missed the email, my second book, Divine Embrace, is finally published. yay! So now you have the complete series (How I Found My True Inner Peace and Divine Embrace) available for purchase. You have several purchase options, either through their publishing vendor, Amazon or paypal. How I Found My True Inner Peace is also available on Kindle and soon Divine Embrace will be too! :) I recently received an email from someone who read How I Found My True Inner Peace and she had this to say to me: "Hi Maggie. Your first
book has helped me so much to balance and shift my energies. I had some displaced
anger and it helped me work through it. My life is so much better since reading your
book. Looking forward to reading the second book. Thank you.” Click here to purchase your copy today.
WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY - Testimonials
"Amazing class! This was the best yoga class I have taken in eight months!”
~ Elizabeth
~ Elizabeth
"I have no words to thank you for
your guidance and love what you put in responding to my emails... I
forwarded to my brother... I hope and have faith that his life is gettin
better..... Thank you and God Bless you!!!!” ~ Florence
"I thank you for what you wrote,
It's been an amazing journey so far. I found comfort in reading them
almost 7 months after my awakening. It's been a road alright. I am ever
so grateful for finding your words of caution & comfort."
~ Contessa
~ Contessa
I offer a free Bliss Healing List
for anyone who requests it. Every day I send healing energy with the
intention of blissful healing connections to all who ask. If you sign up
for my FREE newsletter you are automatically signed up! You can sign up for my newsletter and/or the bliss list via email or my Contact form. It's always FREE. Go to my Bliss List page to learn more and feel the healing vibes from this new page!. :)
Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
March 2012 - Dear Maggie Column
Click here to submit *your* question for the Dear Maggie Column
Dear Florence,
Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
Dear Maggie,
CONGRATULATIONS for your SECOND book! I come to you for some guidance and help for my brother, who recently awakened Kundalini energy and is going thru all sorts of experiences. Would you please talk to me, so I can talk to him? He speaks German and Romanian only. He started to have hot, very hot hands/palms. Kundalini was activated thru a dream. He told me he had a dream about a snake talking to him in french - (he doesn't speak this language) and since then a series of things started to happen. WHY and How was Kundlini activated? He is going thru some very rough times... although satisfied with his evolution, his life style changed a lot. But one of the most significant is the very hot hands/palms... which is not constant but very often during the day. What is this and what can he do with it? C an it be directed onto himself and others for healing ? I suggested he takes Reiki classes to become certified, at least he will have some guidance of how to use this energy. I hope I gave him some good direction. What do you suggest?
CONGRATULATIONS for your SECOND book! I come to you for some guidance and help for my brother, who recently awakened Kundalini energy and is going thru all sorts of experiences. Would you please talk to me, so I can talk to him? He speaks German and Romanian only. He started to have hot, very hot hands/palms. Kundalini was activated thru a dream. He told me he had a dream about a snake talking to him in french - (he doesn't speak this language) and since then a series of things started to happen. WHY and How was Kundlini activated? He is going thru some very rough times... although satisfied with his evolution, his life style changed a lot. But one of the most significant is the very hot hands/palms... which is not constant but very often during the day. What is this and what can he do with it? C an it be directed onto himself and others for healing ? I suggested he takes Reiki classes to become certified, at least he will have some guidance of how to use this energy. I hope I gave him some good direction. What do you suggest?
Also, is kundalini going to be
activated for the rest of his life? or it could stop anytime.. these are
more my questions to understand... Kindly please explain to me - when
you can - how all this affects ones life, what exactly Kundalini is, and
what can he do next.
With Immense appreciation,
Thank you so much for the congrats! :) I'm excited that it's finally out there for all who
resonate and can be assisted by it!
Synchronistically, your question is addressed at length in my newly published book, Divine Embrace!
:) But to answer it in a brief way, I do have a few articles right on my website about
Kundalini and a few questions answered, found in my articles section: www.spiritualcompassconnection.com/articles.html (direct links to these
articles are also below). If you cut and paste them into Google's Language Translator,
you shouldn't have to retype them into German or Romanian for the most part:
- Kundalini Pathway
- Things That May Awaken Kundalini
- Kundalini: It's not what you think, or is it?
- Kundalini Symptoms
- Success through Kundalini Symptoms
- Entity Attachments
- Q&A: Entities in my Aura
- Q&A: Blue Light - Blue Pearl of Consciousness
The first article above "Kundalini Pathway" will tell you what Kundalini is. And
"Success through Kundalini Symptoms" is another great one to read first as well!
Kundalini will bring experiences to us to help us work through our blockages and old
past patterns to cleanse the body physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally on
the deepest energetic level.
Kundalini can be activated in
several ways or methods or even when we do nothing at all, rather it is
just our "time" to work with an activated Kundalini. The second link
(above) answers your question about what awakens Kundalini. Initially
our Kundalini is active during our birth into this world and then, for
most, it lies dormant until it is awakened or awakens later in life. I
love that your brother's Kundalini was awakened in a dream. For me, I
was awakened in the middle of the night to an amazing and surpising
spinal sweep of a blue electrical charge up my spine. Of course, I love
my sleep so after my fascination wore off I went back to slumber till
the morning. It happens uniquely for everyone.
Snakes are soooo common when your Kundalini awakens. They represent the
Kundalini itself and the spinal sweep that commonly fires up the spine
initially or often for some. It is a Kundalini synchronicity or even
Totem, if you will. Dragons, Tigers and Spiders are also very common to
come to you in dreams and waking life. They bring messages to you as
well as a confirmation of your path to enlightenment. :)
Once your Kundalini is activated,
yes, you are *always* activated. There will be times of ups and downs,
ebbs and flows, challenges and ease with times or nothingness and void.
There will be so many things going on all at once and nothing at all. He
may experience a few "Dark Nights", also known as the Dark Night of the
Soul. I talk a lot about this in my book. It's the ego/shadow self
work. It WILL Pass. Surrender, surrender, surrender.
Hot hands are definitely one of the many symptoms and in the hands is found our
natural ability to heal ourselves and others. We do have Chakras
in the hands as well (it's just not mentioned as one of the main seven
Chakras). This could be Kundalini's first goal with
your brother; a tapping in of his natural healing abilities. Or he may
just be receiving it as a symptom, as the Kundalini will go through our
entire biological and melecular structure, nervous system; basically our
entire body - physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.
The Kundalini may or may not be
activating the natural healer within him or it could be a symptom all
for himself to work with. If he is truly guided, learning a healing
modality will be a great benefit. Especially, if he has no way of
knowing what to do and would like that guidance. Some Kundalini masters
do not like Reiki
as this is considered separate from the Kundalini. Our Kundalini is not
Reiki, per say, as it is energy from the Divine Universe (love) that
flows through your crown chakras and out your hands to heal yourself and
others. Kundalini energy is coming from *within* your own Divine spark
and out to heal others at it sees fit and as it may guide you the
activated Kundalini person. It is a unique quandry for the individual to
decide. It's like the chicken and the egg syndrome. Which came first?
Kundalini energy is the Divine Source as well, as we are all made up of
God/Goddess/Divine. We are God living and experiencing as God. I love
utilizing both healing modalities, personally. :) They seem to work
together nicely for me.
and symptoms happen in our body at random. It's different for
EVERYONE. Once Kundalini is active within a person, She will transform
the person on all levels for however long it takes. There are common
Ascension symptoms, but the transformation process is unique for each
individual. Ascension symptoms will affect ANYONE around you and in your
life because you are raising your frequency, your vibration (through
working on yourself, receiving energy awakening, attunements, etc.).
Soon you will notice that whoever does not resonate with the "new" you
and your raised vibrations will either have to MATCH your vibration by
aligning with you energetically or they will leave (or you will leave).
You'll notice certain people of lower vibrations will naturally fall
away from your life. You and they do not match anymore in vibration and
when they leave, you are open to and receiving new people that better
align with the new vibration/person you are. This happens OFTEN
throughout our entire lives, with friends, relationships, co-workers,
jobs, etc. Ascension is a FUN process as we start to become aware of it
and see the awesome changes that occur. As long as we are awake enough
to see the lessons, go through them and release them it goes faster in
that sense.
The third link above will give you a list of symptoms. In my book, Divine Embrace, I
discuss these and more at length. But this is a very good starter to find out what is
most common during the K awakening. Our body is changing; evolving; becoming the
angelic light being we have always been. Kundalini is the catalyst for that change. It's
amazing and can be pretty scary at times and mostly only if we "fear" what's
happening. As long as we surrender, surrender, surrender to what is, the Kundalini will
do her work. It's our Divine essence at work. Completely intelligent to itself and will do
what we need when we need it on its own schedule, not ours, for the most part.
are things we can do and work with around the Kundalini so that we can
make the
symptoms more smooth, less severe or happen only during better times
frames rather
than innopportune times, like during school or work. We can provide the
Kundalini a
time we promise to set aside and meditate or allow kriyas (a possible
symptom) to take over our body and
then usually this timeframe will work as long as we stick to our promise
and our schedule. But I am getting ahead of myself here. :) Check out
the link above about Success Through Symptoms for more.
Please shoot me an email with any other questions or if anything else comes up
that is confusing! Glad to help in any way I can! :) I wish you and your brother smooth
fulfilling awakenings!
Blessings and happy seeking,
Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
March 2012 Inspire You Article - Abundance through Peace
Abundance through Peace
In Peace you can find all you need. In that moment of pure bliss, tranquility, serenity
and peace you resonate closely with the Divine. You are relaxed, less stressed and
free flowing as well as freely receiving and giving naturally (el-natur-al, as I like to say
Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
This quote from Stewart Pearce, creater of the Angels of Atlantis cards, says it
perfectly, "It is from the state of serenity that you can always feel the abundance of
the Source providing for you - as it always will."
It makes total sense to me! Whenever I can get out of my head and out of my emotions, I
am free. Whenever I can just step back, breathe and BE in the present moment, a
blissful peace comes over me. And in that moment I know I have all I could ever need or want and am fully supported always.
It is especially crucial to get in this state of presence
during challenging experiences. Literally right in the moment of the challenge, the
exasperation, frustration, anger, fear, etc. Right at that moment, step back, breathe
and be.
It's a daily practice of mine to get into this state immediately upon waking up, as it
sets me up for the day. Once in this peaceful state of being, either in bed, by the
window watching the dawn sky wake up, sungazing, etc., I am then most easily able
to feel the serene security inside me. I feel the safety and the knowing that the Divine God is
always and has always and will always support me in EVERY WAY. My shoulders drop, my body relaxes and I am free.
I then create my
intention for abundance tapping into visualizations, Ascended Masters and the
Angels. I literally feel the energy of my abundance flowing. (I share these methods in my Angels In Training Boot Camp program.) It's amazing and there is
so much to go around. There is plenty for everyone and then some! There is no
drought of abundance in all good things for us, when we can get peaceful, surrender
the ego mind, have faith and trust, then let it flow.
So, here are only a few of the many things we can do to get peaceful and achieve
abundant flow in all things wonderful, beautiful and uplifting:
- Witness your emotions before you react. Bare witness, by stepping back. Just take
an "aerial" view of what is happening without getting involved. Slow deep breaths will
truly make all the difference to gain this perspective and get present. Remembering
you are a Divine being having a spiritual experience. Find the lessons. Ask yourself or
Greater Self, without attachment, what you can learn from this experience and what a
solution could be. Then breathe, accept what is right now and move forward. You can
be free of these outbursts by getting present with what is happening, surrending to
what is and the outcome and knowing you are safe, secure and always fully
- Meditate: Create a consistent practice of stilling the mind. Remember what is
important; let go of what isn't. I have recorded a couple meditations that assist you in
clearing your energies and manifesting what you desire. If you desire an energy and
chakra clearing, Divine Embrace Chakra Awakening Meditation is for you. To work
further on mind clearing and manifesting abundance and all good things you desire,
my Create the Life You Desire Meditation CD will be perfect for you as well. And there
are a ton more online that you may resonate with. Or simply listen to music without
words or nothing at all. My favorite is to listen to the birds singing in the early morning
hours. Love it! :)
- Chant: Chanting
is great for getting out of the mind. A simple "Om" (Aaaa-uuuu-mmmmm)
over and over again is perfect. This is the divine sound of all of
creation. Feel the
sound resonance fill you up with the Source energy. I share several
mantras that may intrigue you as well in my recently published book, Divine Embrace.
- Breathe: Your breath is your prana life force energy so tapping into even simply deep
full breaths will assist you in getting present and peaceful! Other breathing techniques
are discussed at length in my book, How I Found My True Inner Peace.
- Tap into your Joy! When you are happy and joyful you are in total alignment with the
Divine. You have permission to feel good! You deserve to be filled with joy, peace,
bliss and serenity always! Allow this to flow into your life. Do work that makes you
feel happy and fulfilled. Create hobbies that tap into your imagination and allow you to
just let go and have fun! Be Playful!
- When you feel something icky inside, shift your perspective. Or shift whatever the
current situation is. Sometimes it's our perspective alone that is off. We are seeing
something through our filters; our rosefilled glasses if you will. And when we can gain
a new perspective or step back into a witness state, we can see the forest for the
trees. Take a higher view of what is happening. Or simply know that we can't possibly
know the full amount of the intricacies of the Universe and its plan. Know that
everything is Divine. This too shall pass. But this too is a Divine lesson to make us
stronger. Kelly Clarkson's song rings in my head, "What doesn't kill you, makes you
stronger!" It's true!
- Read books and watch movies that help you feel good and tap into the Divine Source
of peace. In my book How I Found My True Inner Peace, it's all about finding true
inner peace! All of the ideas above are expanded upon. And through that you find all
you ever needed and wanted. It's always been there and always will be. I recently
received a note from someone who read my book. She said, "Hi Maggie. Your first
book has helped me so much to balance and shift my energies. I had some displaced
anger and it helped me work through it. My life is so much better since reading your
book. Looking forward to reading the second book. Thank you."
You are fully supported always. Remember that! Take heart in that. Have faith in this
knowing. Abundance is yours!
Many Abundant Blessings to you on your path,
~ Spiritual Cheerleader
~ Spiritual Cheerleader
Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
March 2012 Yoga Pose of the Month
Boat Pose
Sanskrit: Paripurna Navasana
Photo courtesy of Yogajournal.com
Boat pose
is the perfect pose for warming up the core as well as working on our
posture. It can be modified for less strain or if your working towards a
strong core or already have one you can power up this pose. There are
many variations to help you progress through this pose. So it's all
about getting out of your ego. It's not about what someone else is
doing. It's about where you are in your body and listening to that. If
you can't get into this pose with a long straight spine then you've gone
too far into it too fast. Work your way up with balance. Let go and
allow your body to generate strength over time. To hold this pose,
tapping into our breath is key. Since breath is our prana life force
energy at work, it truly energizes you to hold this longer, focus on
alignment and come into and out of this pose (and all poses) with grace.
Our core is our foundation to all movement, so it's helpful to keep it
healthy and strong. Working with Boat pose allows us to do just that.
Directions on how to come into the pose:
I like to start Boat pose first by coming into the Butterfly (or Cobbler) Pose as shown on the left. Next month I will dive deeper into this pose. :) Simply put, you place the soles of your feet together, knees splaying out, spine straight, hands can hold your toes or take your thumbs to the inside on the balls of the feet to open them up a little. This is our resting pose. We will come into this pose throughout the Boat pose variations to rest, recenter and align ourselves.
Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
Sanskrit: Paripurna Navasana
Photo courtesy of Yogajournal.com
I like to start Boat pose first by coming into the Butterfly (or Cobbler) Pose as shown on the left. Next month I will dive deeper into this pose. :) Simply put, you place the soles of your feet together, knees splaying out, spine straight, hands can hold your toes or take your thumbs to the inside on the balls of the feet to open them up a little. This is our resting pose. We will come into this pose throughout the Boat pose variations to rest, recenter and align ourselves.
From this position, let's
straighten our legs a little with knees bent and close together. Feet on
the floor. Bring hands behind you about 4 inches or so with fingers
pointing towards the feet. Then inhale, extending the spine, thinking
good posture, exhale and let's lean back with our upper body, keeping
our back in good straight alignment. From here, inhale and on your
exhale lift the legs up off the floor so they are parallel to the floor,
knees still bent. Already you will start to feel the core heating up
and working. Be sure your back is not rounding. You'll be sitting
centered on what yogajournal.com calls the "tripod" of your two sitting
bones and your tailbone.
Begin now and stretch your
arms out alongside your legs, parallel to the floor. Breathe deeply.
Strong core. If holding arms out is too much yet, you may hold the backs
of your thighs or place the hands back down behind you till you grow
stronger, and I promise you that if you continue to work with this pose,
you *will* grow stronger. Tip the chin down slightly towards the chest,
in order to lift the bottom of the skull lightly away from the neck.
You have the option to splay out your arms shoulder height, extending
both away from your body and each other. This is a bit more challenging.
The extra variation to
challenge the legs and core more, is to straighten the legs up to the
sky at the angle as shown above (about 45 degrees), again while keeping a
nice straight spine.
next option is holding hands together in front slightly above your legs
in temple mudra hands (fingers clasped and index fingers pointing
pressed together). When taking this variation, you may also want to
pulse with your breathe. You may take an inhale as you extend the legs
straight out and leaning further back with your upper body, back still
straight, exhale bend your knees and come back in with your upper body.
Inhaling as you flow out, and exhaling as you flow in. This is a
beautiful practice with the breath.
Each of these variations can
be worked up to holding for 10-20 seconds at first in hold variations
and working your way up from there, with breaks in the Butterfly pose I
spoke about at the beginning. Your breaks can be 3 to 5 rounds of
breathing. Then go again for three or four different variations to see
what you resonate with most. And change it up each day or week that you
practice this pose.
To come out completely, slide yourself back into Butterly pose, breathe, relax and close your eyes.
When not to do this pose or to modify / Contraindications:
Some possible reasons to rethink doing this pose may or may not be: Asthma, Diarrhea, Headache, Heart Problems, Insomnia, Low blood pressure, Menstruation, Pregnancy. I say may or may not because for some of these, this pose can probably help a little. Use your own judgment and intuition. If you have a neck injury sit with your back near a wall to perform this pose. As you tilt your torso back rest the back of your head on the wall.
Some possible reasons to rethink doing this pose may or may not be: Asthma, Diarrhea, Headache, Heart Problems, Insomnia, Low blood pressure, Menstruation, Pregnancy. I say may or may not because for some of these, this pose can probably help a little. Use your own judgment and intuition. If you have a neck injury sit with your back near a wall to perform this pose. As you tilt your torso back rest the back of your head on the wall.
Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
March 2012 - What's New Update
I love Spring time!!!
It comes right around my birthday to boot. It is said that right
around our birthday things come to us with more ease, transitions occur,
life brings
forth more blessings and beneficial occurrences to assist us in aligning
more properly
in our path; our Divine destiny. This seems to also be the case for this
year of 2012. Just this morning I was taken over by the beautiful
morning waking up. The sky just turning light in dawn. The promise of
trees leaves
growing from Winter to Springtime here in the Northern Hemisphere. The
birds waking
up and singing their beautiful songs. I took it upon myself to truly
listen to the different
singing birds. My favorite is the Mourning Dove and so many more I can't
name. But
it's the combination of hearing them all just like a Divine chorus. I
was overwhelmed
with gratitude and appreciation for this moment. The graceful presence
of the Earth
waking up in its Divine natural state.
Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
The Angels even graced me with their presence today and this week. They sent me
pretty white feathers all over the place and in random places they wouldn't be, like in
my bedroom on top of my clothes at the end of my bed. They showed me dimes in
random places. Dimes are a sign of abundance and blessings from the Angels. Today
while I was just in the process of my abundance intention, I stood up after watching
the sky and took the blanket I had over my legs with me to the bathroom. As I was
thinking on my intention suddenly a dime flew out of the blanket clanking on the floor.
I was so amazed and happy at this magical sign! There was no way a dime could
have been sitting in that blanket as I took it from my bed, to the living room and then
through the kitchen to the bathroom. It was a miracle just for me to remind me that
they do exist, to believe in the unexpected blessings and the Angels. And also to
share this with all of you that the Angels are assisting us when we ask (for blessings
and whatever we need)! Ask and they will do their Divine best to help you achieve your
It is this little magical reminder for me that my new program "Angels in Training
Boot Camp" is perfect in its Divinely timed offering and a great way to assist all of you
in getting in touch with your Angels and your own Angelic awakening! :)
Happy Spring to you all and
I hope you enjoy this month's newsletter. It's a teeny bit later in the
month but it's perfectly Divine as always. Don't forget to check out my
new classes and new class yoga times (to the left in pink) as well!
In case you missed the email, my second book, Divine Embrace, is finally published. yay! So now you have the complete series (How I Found My True Inner Peace and Divine Embrace) available for purchase. You have several purchase options, either through their publishing vendor, Amazon or paypal. How I Found My True Inner Peace is also available on Kindle and soon Divine Embrace will be too! :) I recently received an email from someone who read How I Found My True Inner Peace and she had this to say to me: "Hi Maggie. Your first
book has helped me so much to balance and shift my energies. I had some displaced
anger and it helped me work through it. My life is so much better since reading your
book. Looking forward to reading the second book. Thank you.” Click here to purchase your copy today.
"Amazing class! This was the best yoga class I have taken in eight months!”
~ Elizabeth
~ Elizabeth
"I thank you for what you wrote,
It's been an amazing journey so far. I found comfort in reading them
almost 7 months after my awakening. It's been a road alright. I am ever
so greatful for finding your words of caution & comfort."
~ Contessa
~ Contessa
Regarding December 2011 Newsletter:
"Hello BEautiful Girl! LOVED your newsletter. Love the game. Going to play it at Christmas. What a great idea. I have been going through major emotional turmoil since the summer and when I am in a DOWN time, I am a bit of a hermit. But, the good news is I am through the darkest of the dark, thank God and I am getting clear messages again. I LOVED your quote at the top. That has been ME for the last 6 months. I do want to purchase your book so I will get over to your new site. Hopefully, I will get to actually meet you some time. You are very uplifting Ms. Maggie Anderson!" ~ XOXO Shari
"Hello BEautiful Girl! LOVED your newsletter. Love the game. Going to play it at Christmas. What a great idea. I have been going through major emotional turmoil since the summer and when I am in a DOWN time, I am a bit of a hermit. But, the good news is I am through the darkest of the dark, thank God and I am getting clear messages again. I LOVED your quote at the top. That has been ME for the last 6 months. I do want to purchase your book so I will get over to your new site. Hopefully, I will get to actually meet you some time. You are very uplifting Ms. Maggie Anderson!" ~ XOXO Shari
I offer a free Bliss Healing List
for anyone who requests it. Every day I send healing energy with the
intention of blissful healing connections to all who ask. If you sign up
for my FREE newsletter you are automatically signed up! You can sign up for my newsletter and/or the bliss list via email or my Contact form. It's always FREE. Go to my Bliss List page to learn more and feel the healing vibes from this new page!. :)
Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
February 2012 Inspire You Article - Entity Attachments & Annoying Ghosts
Entity Attachments & Annoying Ghosts
month's article combines my "Dear Maggie" column and monthly article
(as I mentioned above). The requests have been coming up strongly during
the past month and a half. I've received request after request (emails
and phone calls), just in the past month, regarding Entities and Ghosts
that are being a nuisance and asking how to remove these unwanted
attachments. It seems that the energies this year, for many of us, are
truly getting deep down and bringing all the ick and darkness to the
surface from within us and around us. This includes those nasty little
critters. They are coming up for final release and transmutation to
light. To put it simply, these attachments usually occur when we are out
of alignment with our Divine Light and Love. It's time to get
empowered, live life more awake and conscious, as well as take charge of
our lives. I am including a few of the story requests I've received to
show you examples of what has been recently occurring for some folks.
Then I will share with you tools that have worked for me.
My response: There
are levels of entities in other dimensions.
Some are higher in vibration but still have a ways to go if they are
“attaching” themselves to you. Ghosts are those that have crossed over
from a life here and haven't yet crossed to the "Other Side". They are
in the in-between land and we can still receive messages from them here.
Ghosts will take the same personality they had when living and have a
limited view of what is going. If crossed over they have a better
greater view of what is occurring for all involved and know that all is
always as it should be. Ghosts can also attach themselves to people just
as Entities. Ghosts can even be in such a downward spiral and fear that
their features will eventually fall away and they risk becoming an
entity of a lower vibration that is basically a leech for energy. I've
included links at the end of this article to assist you further with
strictly Ghost issues.
Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
those of you who don't have much time, scroll all the way down to the
end of this article for the tools I share with you to help you work
through and remove these challenging experiences.)
Submission #1: "I
would like to know if you could help that a problem that my wife is
suffering with - her abusive ex - and by abusive i mean really
physically and mental abusive to the point that she is lucky to be
"Her ex recently
committed suicide and she is being tortured by his energy that has been
left - she has been able to see the energy left by people who leave
this world since she was a little girl, some of these energies have
stayed with her - but they of a caring nature - this energy reminds her
of the suffering that he caused her and she is re-living the terrible
things that he done to her - it is too difficult for her to show this
energy any form of kindness - she has tried to show the form the way to
the light but it is refusing to go - she has done this successfully many
times, but as this is such a deep and hurtful memory for her she is
having real difficulties.
"The energy is
strong - to the point that what she sees is an actual solid body walking
around the house - not like the images that is usual for her. If you
can help in any way - your help or guidance would be extremely
Kind regards, Rich”
Kind regards, Rich”
Submission #2: "I
live in a flat of an old house that has been converted into flats, and
since being here for six years I have seen, and heard ghosts. The latest
happening was this morning - when I returned from the long back garden
path, and got to near the back door, I heard a gurgling sound and a
voice say, "I'm going to get you". I knew it wasn't the neighbor in the
basement flat that did that. Well when I went out this afternoon, helped
by someone because of the steep and high stone steps and no handrail to
hold onto, I literally screamed in fear of falling.
"The guy who
had hold of me comforted me and said I won't fall. I then still with him
holding me, managed to walk down the eight steps but slightly shaking.
Is that the ghost doing that to me because it doesn't like me living in
what was its flat before the flat was renovated? I guess the man that
had this flat before I -died in a fall during the renovations as he and
his wife strongly opposed the flat being renovated. I reckon he died
here, and his wife still lives along the crescent at number 9, I was
How can I rid that ghost?
I look forward to your reply.
Kind regards, Charlotte"
Kind regards, Charlotte"
Submission #3: "I
am a psychic and a medium. I don't really give readings unless for
family and friends. I can hear, smell, and see quite well in my mind's
eye. I am having a problem in clearing out a young ghost named Michael
and a man named Patrick. There are two other entities called Sandra,
George, and Ingram around me as well.
"They keep on
responding to every thought, daydream or pray that I have. I have asked
them all to go to the light and they all say no. I have even tried to
close off my chakra that receives messages, but to no avail. Michael
shows itself to me. It has said I am his mother. It calls me Mommy. I
have asked it to go to the light. And it won't. I have burnt out my
house with sage, put camphor by the front door, burn incense, sprayed
holy water and used sea salt. I have already been dealing with other
ghosts who have gone over and said thank-you, never to be heard of
"However, these
entities named Michael and Patrick who won't leave me alone! They just
keep on saying my beautiful name. Michael touches my hand when it is on
the mouse while I am typing, touches my leg under the desk, walks in
between myself and the computer and through me. I can't take it anymore.
It is affecting my health. And for the last year, a man named Patrick
kept on visiting me, trying to have intercourse with me in my dreams,
although I have pushed him off and woke up every time. When I go to
sleep every night, I can feel him at my bedside waiting for me to fall
asleep to enter it. When I voiced my anger at him, he got really angry
and he then started to touch me as if to scare me. Constantly! And then
he has tried to change his identity, his face, in the dreams, to people
that are my known enemies in my present life. Even if it is a woman's
face (like my sister-in-laws) it will still have a man's body
(Patrick's) below.
"I have asked it
to go into the light and he won't. He refuses. I have told him that I
am going to move, and he says that he will follow me. Can they follow
me? Please help me. Even when I am in the car, Michael touches my hand
while it is on the gear shift and then says his name. He even says his
name just before I fall asleep, or if I am just sitting and watching
television. Sorry for the long letter. But, I am at my wits end! I even
called on Archangel Michael-who usually always comes when I call, but he
won't do anything! I have visualized my Spirit Guide who I know is a
Native Indian man (he came to me as a young woman, or when I can't sleep
if I have a migraine) and appealed to him, but he is not doing
"I am stressed
out. I am becoming more suicidal. I have Lupus, Sjogren's Syndrome,
Fibromyalgia and high blood pressure. I am trying to heal. I am a sane
woman, who is a single mother trying to raise a child. I have to go on
disability and I accept that. I am a fighter. I am trying to be
positive, but even when I ignore, they all won't stop. I even hear them
in the grocery store. I have called my relatives who have passed on,
especially an uncle who is very stern and protective and although it was
quiet for a night, he himself says that they won't leave. I am looking
for advice. Since, I moved out of my parent's home with my child, the
first apartment nothing, my second apartment I started to hear them a
little, but now in this apartment-it is non-stop!
Please advise me.
All the best, C"
All the best, C"
Here's the deal-e-o.
Ghosts, entity attachments, etc. have been around for forever. But now,
it's different, like I mentioned. During this ascension time, the
vibrations of the planet and ourselves are rising AND the veils are
thinning. So we are even more so able to see and sense ghosts, entities
and even our current human connections at a new level. More ghosts and
entity issues are coming up only because more people are waking up and
finally sensing what has been there all along. Which is a good thing
because now it's time to get empowered, fueled with knowledge and know
you are no longer a victim of your circumstances in any shape or form!
We create our reality. You are a light being.
The nitty gritty here:
A lower vibrational (or negative) entity attachment may happen if you
are low in vibration, depressed or are in an area that imprinted a
focused amount of lower vibrational energy. An imprint is where a high
voltage of energy (low or high) from a strong experience occurs. So
maybe a car accident or a location where someone committed suicide and
on the positive flip side where hundreds came in a state of peaceful
prayer. The other reason an entity attachment can occur is if we come to
a Kundalini awakening. Entity's will come simply if we are new to our
awakening and are still learning to stay in our power and higher
vibrations. Sometimes it will occur even if we are not new to our
awakening and are simply very open and forget to keep our boundaries up
(aka your vibrations high in love and light). No big deal, just an
experience to remind us to stay in our uplifting powerful frequencies.
Like I've stated previously,
we may have been in or are still in a negative state of being with
negative thoughts and emotions. This happens as we open up psychically,
if we are not prepared properly, we may unknowingly attract a being or
beings that are of lower astral energies. This happens for one of
several reasons:
- One, we have not properly prepared our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies to elevate our vibrations by working through personal issues and negative thought patterns.
- Two, we have not properly learned and worked with “protecting” our energies and surroundings with visualizations as well as closing down our psychic channels when necessary.
- The third reason is we are seeking them out. Perhaps an interest in the paranormal gets our fancy and we research about the good and not-so-good entities out there. Perhaps we are in a low place and fantasies take over where we seek out entities leaving us, again, in an even lower vibrational state being even more vulnerable to attack.
- The final reason, I've mentioned already, is due to your (Kundalini) awakening. As your light shines bright you are a beacon of light that some entity's are attracted. We must do our best to stay out of fear and in light and love as well as, yes, forgiveness.
an entity attachment, depending upon your level of evolution, they may
attach and have such a strong hold on you that they can cause you mental
and emotional stress, fatigue and spread their negativity through you
to your surroundings. Be discerning and do not be tricked. Entities can
be tricksters. Entities, especially, like to attach themselves
to those who have addictions, like alcoholism, drug addiction, sex
addiction, etc. They will enhance an already dire situation for that
person making it even harder to come out of the addiction. But it *is*
Some signs of being attacked are:
- Feelings of obsession towards another person (most of the time this is the person doing the attacking if in human form - known as a psychic or energy vampire - and other times it's the entity's facade of what they want us to see so we don't guess where they are up to with our energy);
- Feeling woozy or lightheaded;
- Hard to think clearly;
- Energy pulls from our solar plexus or other Chakras;
- Negative thoughts coming out of the blue in higher intensity;
- Negative thoughts we were already having being enhanced with fierce intensity,
- Low energy levels, etc.
If we
don't properly work through all personal issues and stay in our power
and light, they can more easily influence us negatively. In a way, these
entities are doing us favor because they are showing us where we are
vibrationally. Then we can bring our awareness up and rid ourselves of
them and further issues by doing the work.
It is important to know of
another scenario where entities may attack. When doing energy work on
another, energy is being released from the person receiving the healing.
This energy and these blockages that are being released will look for a
new home. (As Eckhart Tolle also explains in his book A New Earth regarding
the pain body.) So if you, as an energy healer or facilitator of a
transformational class, don't properly clear your space and your Aura
before and especially after a treatment or class you may be in for an
entity attachment or psychic vampire issue. Perhaps you are down
yourself and are working through a blockage on top of just finishing up
an energy class where you didn't do a clearing afterwards. The entity
may see this as an opening and strike for their attack. I know from
personal experience that if you don't clear your space with sage and/or
some sort of energy visualization to uplift your energy, icky energy
will try to find a new home. So if you aren't to the level of being
transparent and allowing energy to flow through you and out where the
entity has nothing to grab on to, then it might try to attack you
personally. Stay in your love and light. Stay alert and conscious! The
clearing is about cultivating higher vibrations and allowing only
positive love and light flow near.
An attack can happen in our
sleep as well. It may come in the form of a dream. The entity may attack
us physically in the spiritual realm. They may not show their “real”
face but project a pretend face to us to make us think we are safe when
we are not. We will wake up feeling entrenched in gross energy, our
Chakras (especially our power center/Power Chakra and Sacral Chakra)
will feel like energy is being sucked from it. Because it is or was! It
can feel almost physical and physically draining. Obsessive thoughts may
occur. As I said, this is one sign that we are or were being attacked
psychically or energetically by an entity. There will be an energy
surrounding our body that is filled with anxiety – fear. At first we
might pretend it's not real. But energy doesn't lie. Eventually, when
the cloud that surrounds our brain from this attack begins to clear we
will get the feeling that we have been attacked. An entity was or is
attached to us.
Then the work begins
to clear it away. Remember though just by finally realizing and knowing
this is what is occurring shines a light on the little critter(s) and
they usually run far away and hide. But do the work. Send them love,
light and forgiveness!
for the most part, exist only if you are of the vibration that they
exist. If you believe they are there or are afraid of their existence
then you will manifest them in your life somehow. If you are still
believing you are a victim of your circumstances and give your power
away with that belief. You have aimed your focus on them. You can change
this! What you focus on expands. However, if we come into the knowing
that Fear is actually False Evidence Appearing Real and only love and
light exist we set ourselves up for more uplifting experiences. Turn your gaze to love and light only.
Bring and cultivate your vibrations to light and love and send love.
These critters will be removed from your existence after the lesson of
love and light is learned. Perhaps “removed” isn't the right word.
Rather they are transformed via your perspective. They are not to be
feared but understood in the lessons they bring.
As we recognize their existence in our life, take the witness stance; a neutral learning view of the situation. Ask, “What part of me created this in my existence and what do I need to learn from this creation/entity?” Ask
them directly. Answers will come. Some part of us agreed to allow them
into our life. A mutual agreement was made. Some part of us needed to
learn something from them. Everything is perfectly Divine.
A recent personal entity
attack comes to mind to share here. This entity had made itself look
like someone I trusted in order to take advantage of me in my
"dreamlike" state. Fun! However, I finally realized it was my energy and
what I attracted that made this “agreement” to have an entity
attachment occur. When I realized I created this entity experience and
agreement I began focusing on the light. I asked what my lessons were
and they were very blatantly in my face. The negative thoughts I was
having for a few weeks or more (regarding a personal experience) had
cultivated into a negative energy (entity) experience. I received the
message and knew I needed to gain more momentum in positive uplifting
thoughts and emotions regarding the other (living) folks involved in
this experience; an internal process to uplift my vibrations. I thanked
the entity profusely for its help, its message and time. I sent it love
and light and said it's time for them to go now, now that I understood
and have made a significant shift with the experience I had been
thinking negatively about. Their message was received. Once I did that I
saw the entity turn into a brilliant brightly lit Angel. Wings sprouted
from its back and I smiled with tears in my eyes. I watching the
entity/angel leave knowing I was forever changed in regards to my views
of entities. They won't all turn into "Angels" but they are the
messengers we need to wake us up!
You can get your power back. Remember they are in another realm. You have
the power. You can simply send these entities your LOVE. Unconditional
love is something they shy away from very fast. You can also state with
CONVICTION that they BE GONE forever. You can call in reinforcements of
individuals who are experienced in ridding your body and home of
negative entities. They may attempt to cross them over to the Other Side
as well. I've had years of study and experience working with the
paranormal and there are many ways. There is not just one way to do
this. However, the fastest simplest way to do this when you just need
your light back and you need it now, is to simply say “GO AWAY NOW and
NEVER COME BACK” or you can also include “In the Name of God” or whoever
is your higher power. You can call on ArchAngel Michael and other
Angels for assistance as well. They MUST leave. Believe in yourself and
your power and they will go. When our Guides and Angels are remaining
silent it's a sign that the work must come from within first and
foremost. Know they are still there either way and you are safe. It is
all completely Divine.
I always recommend (at least a monthly) clearing of the home with sage
that rids your home of negative energies. But you can also do a
clearing sooner if there was spike in negative emotions or anytime you
feel it is necessary. And as always my favorite is to also visualize
Golden light and God's White Light energy surrounding the home or person
in need. Truly feel this as you visualize the sparkly shine of pure
light energy. You are remembering that you are light and always have
been. By doing this you integrate more of your light body within
yourself. You can do these visuals as well to rid yourself of negative
entities by visualizing them away. Visualizations are powerful. You can
call in and visualize ArchAngel Michael with his protective sword
shooing them away with Divine Love, Divine Power and Divine protection.
Be creative in the moment and do what works best for you always.
Cultivate higher vibrations of love and light always.
Remember, most
importantly, to keep yourself clean and clear energetically and, for the
most part, no longer attract entity attachments:
- It's not about pushing away the experience but accepting it, finding the answers behind it and moving forward in the light through the experience. Surrender, surrender, surrender! Live in the present moment. Stop trying to reach to a future point. Give up trying to resist what is happening. Surrender and accept and embrace it. Find the answers in working with the Divine Light that you truly already are.
- Practice cleaning your Aura and Chakras daily. You can do this with a meditation CD or just by your intention with visualizations and feeling the energy working. My Chakra Meditation CD on my store page is a perfect option for clearing both your aura and your chakras.
- Maintain the highest connection to your Divine Source or God. Truly look within and act only from the highest God Source, with truth, integrity and love towards yourself and others. It's very important to include yourself on the receiving end of this love too!!! Ask your Divine Source to keep you in line with only the highest love and light. :)
- Remember, you can always call in your Angels, ArchAngels and Ascended Masters of only the highest Divine vibration to God/Source anytime you need or want to. I call on ArchAngel Michael daily to cleanse my home and aura! ArchAngel Michael is the protector Angel and can be in many places at once. So call on him and he is there to assist, powerfully and lovingly. For example: “I call on ArchAngel Michael and your band of Angels today to please come forth and remove all that does not belong from my home and me now, filling and sealing my home and my aura throughout and within with yours and God's pure powerful loving white light, transmuting all into Divine white, allowing only positive love and light to flow near.”
- Ask what the message is for you from the entity (if there is a message, as I detailed above).
- Ground yourself often! Remove any stagnant energy from your body by staying grounding, sending energy into the Earth and even doing a visualization of being a Tree. Let go of all that is not unconditionally love (such as unforgiveness, jealousy, hate, negative thinking, etc.)
- To be energetically protected and cultivate higher vibrations it is best to maintain a healthy body with exercise, yoga, walking and eating the right good food for your body, as well as having good heigene. A shower every day will remove a LOT of stagnant ick that may be lingering in your body. A shower is great for cleansing the Aura. You can even visualize the show as golden light energy!
- Think positive thoughts!
- Do whatever works for you that you are drawn to, in order to cultivate higher vibrations, uplifting way of being and feeling as well as drawing the stronger powerful light being inside of you out. Get empowered!
Please also, go here for related articles and go to my articles page for all:
- Ghost Facts
- Ghosts vs. Spirits
- Signs They are Near
- Why Spirits remain Earthbound
- How to get rid of Ghosts
- Energy Vampires
- Protection (your Aura, home, etc.)
- Shaking
I wish you light, love and peace deep in your heart!
Blessings to you on your path.
Bliss, Maggie
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
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