Create the Life You Desire Meditation Great for manifesting our 2012 resolutions!
Narrator Maggie Anderson
Maggie Anderson
is a yoga and spiritual teacher and healer.
She is passionate
about yoga, living
life consciously in
the light, as well
as empowering you
with tools that help
you get and stay
Inpired. To learn more
about her work and
sign up for her free
newsletter, please visit
her website at:
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Create the Life Your Desire
Meditation CD 41 min. Create
The Life You Desire Meditation assists you in dissolving limiting
beliefs, receiving daily miracles in your life and breaking through to
new levels of being! Experience the magic and mystery of the Universe!
It's no secret that we have it within us to attain our every desire
for love, career, abundance, joy and spiritual connection! This
meditation will revitalize and rejuvenate your soul while easily
assisting you in manifesting from your Divine self! Aiding you in
achieving ultimate relaxation and higher vibrations. Through
nightly listening, your subconscious will accept the knowledge it
receives as true and give you the blast-off energy in creating
something better; to choose a positive focus even amidst challenging
life experiences. Powerful transformations can and will occur as you
regularly listen to this meditation. You can listen while falling
asleep or while awake for Clarity, Peace and Serenity. As you
dissolve negative beliefs they are replaced with self-empowering truths
about your self! You'll start attracting people, ideas and
opportunities that support you in making your dreams a reality. (Included inside the CD booklet is a powerful visualization gift to Receive Financial Prosperity Now.) Sample of Meditation can be found here.
Purchase Options
Click the purchase option below for your purchase.
Our Price: $13.95 (+ S&H)
Treat yourself today! You deserve it!
For more products by Maggie, go to her store here. Please share this with all you feel will resonate and who would like to jump start this new year, 2012! I want to thank you so much for your support
in any way that manifests for you and me! And thank you so much for
helping other people understand they have within them the tools to be
connected and create all they desire!
Let's create the life we desire now! I'm so excited to share this new CD with all of you! I look forward to hearing from you!
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."
* If ordering via
Paypal or Snail Mail and are overseas, there will be additional shipping
charges ($4.95 US, additional charges for International orders). Contact me for further details.
Spiritual Compass | Online since 2000 | Cumberland | RI | 02864
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