A client of mine recently talked about an experience she had with her friend. Her friend didn't agree with something someone else did and called them ignorant. My client had something wonderful to say. She explained to her friend that she likes to think of people and their experiences like a tree. Every time a tree grows it builds another circle around. So she said, it's not that this person is ignorant. It's that their 'Circle of Wisdom' isn't at your 'Circle of Wisdom'. Now how cool is that! Sooo true.
The same goes for us in regards to something someone else may be more evolved in and we happen to not be as evolved in our way of thinking or being just yet. It may take years or one experience to get us there. You never know.
So let's take this one step further and expand our perspective or rather view of another's experience that we may be judging or disagreeing with. We can take a different vantage point and suddenly view a whole new world. Kind of like when you're driving your car and always taking the same route to yoga class (or wherever). Then you decide to go another way and notice that it's easier to see over the hedge at the end of one road. Not to mention there is a new beautiful view to look at from this new direction.
So it's helpful to think of things in different ways to know that others are coming from their own unique perspective. No one is ever wrong. We are all right with where our Circle of Wisdom is at any given moment. Then we learn. We evolve and see more. We are all aiming for the same mountain view in the end. Or rather all paths lead to the same.
Blessings to you on your path,
~Maggie, Spiritual Cheerleader
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