Friday, June 7, 2013

Energies Update and Yoga Is ~ June 2013

Energies Update and Yoga Is ~ June 2013

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June 2013 Newsletter
"Life Happens. Life in the Flow."
~ Karendayal    

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Class Schedule
June 30th 
 Spiritual Compass
Cumberland, RI

June 22nd
Spiritual Compass
Cumberland, RI

Warm Vinyasa Yoga
 Saturday's at
Humble Warrior
Walpole, MA

Vinyasa Yoga
Tuesday's at
N. Attleboro, MA

Vinyasa Yoga
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Members Only
Smithfield, RI

Email me for more info!

More classes are always being adding to the schedule! Click here for classes I offer. Check back soon. And email me if you'd like to see something on the schedule!

Move into your Empowered Bliss!

Soul Coaching for Deep Powerful Transformations

Coaching & Training for a Thinner Lighter Healther You


Energy Healing

Soul Journeys

"Maggie is an energetic healer truly in touch with her soul & her inner Goddess. She personally carries the energy of lightness & openness and this enables her clients to benefit from her considerable experience in energy healing. I have had the pleasure of participating reiki, reiki drumming, bell & feather clearing, soul journeys, and feel priviledged to have done so. The positive results that I have found are testament to her skills, her truth and her energetic integrity."
~ Helen Williams

What's New 

April flew by and May took us on  a wild ride! So that is why it's taken me till June to get my newsletter out to you all! Happy belated Mother's Day to all you Mom's out there and Happy Father's Day to the Dad's!
Our eclipse Trifecta for this season completed on May 24th. I could feel the shift on that day! Apparently, astrologically, this has assisted us in shifting gears into our next highest potential, letting go of what no longer serves us, and finding our center. For me, I could feel the layer finally ripping away from me on this day and my thoughts over some issues in my life seem to resolve themself! All the processing I've done over the years coming up for final release. This worked for what was ready to go. And I felt more clear than I had in a long time. 2013 in general, for most of us, has been a big shake up for many. June is sweeping in seemingly giving us a little breath of fresh air.

In addition to the processing, I was blessed with a medical issue (large ruptured ovarian cyst) a few weeks ago to, apparently, wake me up to slow down and BE. I had done it again. I fell into what I like to call "unconsious-land". I stopped paying attention to the whispers (little messages our soul sends us). So I was forced to hear the screams (in my body). This particular issue is rooted in my Sacral Chakra (manifestation and creation chakra) as well as my Power center. I needed to remember to stand in my Power and be the creative energy being I am.
There were so many messages but the biggest message for me was I needed to get straight what I am doing and what no longer serves me. One such example is I am no longer offering website services. I'll still be available for Graphics jobs like Brochures, Flyers and even PowerPoints. This frees me up for what I truly want to do, which is more yoga! And I am in the middle of adding audio to some yoga videos I have done and will soon be creating a new Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training of my very own offering. Yay! Creating a yoga teacher training is a huge undertaking so I have my hands full! But yoga is my passion, as you'll read more about in this month's inspired article below.
That being said, I have been modifying my class schedule to accommodate balance, reconnection with my family, playing and more BEing time. For the next few months, classes will be few and far between with my yoga classes still happening every week. So do come catch me on the mat!
I am learning to release my wishes instead of controlling them to limited ideas and beliefs. I had to release them to God and the Angels. I had to get back to the feminine side of myself and allow the Universe to provide for me. I have to trust I will always be taken care of and provided for. As do we all. I am safe and safe to be in my powerful self as well. As, Jackie Eaton, recently told me: The masculine will build a bridge to cross the river; the feminine will allow the rocks to come up and simply walk across to the other side. I am working on allowing my opportunities and blessings to come to me now. There is balance in action and allowing. I am working on surrender once again and on a more balanced schedule so that my BEing time is spent truly basking, enjoying and creating rather than in total exhaustion. I am a spiritual being having a human experience after all.
Now, I truly appreciate and tap into my diligent practices in yoga to bring me back to center and hold a more balanced way of being. I'm a work in progress! But I'll get there. And, for me, through yoga I know it's obtainable. I also know that more peace is felt while I reach my goals of ultimate peace and tranquility.
If you feel like you're going crazy with emotions from these past few crazy months, do read up on my "How do I survive being an Empath?"
to help you through and transmute those energies. It's all about riding the wave of life. Karendayal has a tagline that's become my mantra and fitting for this month, "Life happens. Life in the flow." 

It is my desire that you enjoy this month's
Inspirational Article below, Yoga Is and this months questions for my Dear Maggie's column: Psychic Medium Help and Reiki Healing.

Would you like to become a healer? I have set up a few dates for you to get certified to heal with Usui Reiki or Integrated Energy Therapy (IET - Healing with the Angels). To find out more about either, click their links and see the pink side bar on the left for dates and locations. If these dates do not work, shoot me an email and I will get new dates up on the calendar. Please note: All of these programs and certifications can be made available as one-on-one sessions.

How I Found My True Inner Peace or Divine Embrace 

Please leave a review on Amazon for us! Help spread the word, everyone can tap into their Soul and achieve true inner peace.

Leave a review for Divine Embrace


WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY - Testimonials

HIFMTIP Book Cover"Hi Maggie. Your first book has helped me so much to balance and shift my energies. I had some displaced anger and it helped me work through it. My life is so much better since reading your book. Looking forward to reading the second book. Thank you." ~ Jane  Click here to purchase your copy today
"Amazing class! This was the best yoga class I have taken in eight months!"~ Elizabeth

"Hi Maggie, You have been so helpful you have no idea! I will keep you posted on my progress. I was overwhelmed a week ago when my gift was brought to my attention, but I am embracing it better this week and think I am making good progress with meditation and opening up my inner self. Thank you kindly for responding. It is so appreciated." Warmest regards, Gina

"I thank you for what you wrote, It's been an amazing journey so far. I found comfort in reading them almost 7 months after my awakening. It's been a road alright. I am ever so grateful for finding your words of caution & comfort." ~ Contessa


I offer a free Bliss Healing List for anyone who requests it. Every day I send healing energy with the intention of blissful healing connections to all who ask. If you sign up for my FREE newsletter you are automatically signed up! You can sign up for my newsletter and/or the bliss list via email or my Contact form. It's always FREE. Go to my Bliss List page to learn more and feel the healing vibes from this new page!. :)

Yoga Pose of the Month
Humble Warrior (Bound Warrior) Pose
Sanskrit: Baddha Virabhadrasana     
Photo of Maggie Anderson @ Humble Warrior, Walpole, MA
taken by Maggie Anderson
Maggie in Humble WarriorHumble Warrior
is one of my most favorite poses! I do this pose in most of my Vinyasa Yoga Flow classes. I just love it. As you flow down and bow in reverence, you are also bowing to & honoring the Divine within. Go inward. Breathe deeply.

This is a great pose to tap into Ojjayi breathing (Ocean Breath) as you hold this pose for 5 long breaths. I love to visualize my breath as white light energy flowing to that front thigh that is being tapped into for strength and stability. As you tap into the power of your breath, your prana life force energy, it allows you to hold such poses longer and come into and out of poses with more ease and more grace.

Physically, this is an intense stretch for the hips, shoulders and chest. You are also strengthening the legs, thigh, quads and glutes as well. Love it!


Inspire You Article
Yoga Is
Maggie in three Yoga PosesYoga is not just my passion, but my life.
It's a big part of my calling.

Yoga is hard to explain in one word and yet so simple. Most people who know me know that I live yoga as much as I can! I teach yoga four times a week and practice even more than that (not just the physical asana practice but all forms - 8 limbs - of yoga). And even right now I have been guided to begin creating my very own 200-hr. Vinyasa Yoga Flow Teacher Training - my area of expertise. 

I started practicing yoga when I began my weight loss journey over 9 years ago. The more I practiced the more yoga I desired. I couldn't and still can't get enough. :)

Yoga is Namaste. Yoga is sublime. For many who begin yoga, it starts as a physical attraction to become more limber and feel more calm. The other "side effects" of yoga may slowly creep in on a person and before you know it they are not just obtaining their initial reason for practicing but they are BEING more connected; FEELING more free, kind, loving and loved. Life becomes more manageable. It can come at you in subtle ways or it might take ahold of you the very first time you practice. Yoga to me is magical and so very natural.

Dear Maggie Column
FloralClick here to submit *your* question
for the Dear Maggie Column

In this months 1st question, read a women's request for help with her new-found Psychic Mediumship abilities.

In this months 2nd question, read Maggie's guidance when Reiki Energy Healing pets, as well as clearing out any leftover or stagnant energies left over after a healing session.
It is my desire and intention always that you take away from my newsletter feelings of empowerment, aliveness, divine connection and peace. Click here to read the entire newsletter online. (The online version includes my favorite movie, video or link of the month.)

May You Always Know the Peace that Dwells Within.

Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."

Laugh uncontrollably, it clears the mind!
Gifts Certificates are available upon request!

Spiritual Compass | Online since 2000 | Cumberland | RI | 02864