May You Always Know the Peace that Dwells Within
my heart to yours, may you always be blessed this Thanksgiving and
forever. Love is infinite. There is always enough to go around. :)
Gift to You
I share this gift in gratitude this Thanksgiving: If
you register and place a down payment for any of my Reiki or IET
Certification courses (whether they are on the schedule or not) and
mention this email, you can received $25 off, now through November
30th, 2012. You may also choose to give this as a gift to
another you know will love these energy healing modalities and
receive the same discount for each person and for each class
registered. Send me an email
and if it's not already on the schedule we can work together and get
you certified. Enjoy!
Family & Friend Game
This Thanksgiving try something new. A friend of mine
from (Perry) shared a tradition he does with his family
and now I am sharing it with you! I did this with my family last
Thanksgiving and it was a huge hit with a few happy tears to boot!
Put everyone's name in a basket. Have each person pick one name (that
is not their own). Then go around the room, one at a time, and tell
the person you picked something that you like about them -- something
positive that this person exudes or something about them you are
grateful for. During the sharing portion everyone is quiet to hear
the positives and feel good energy floating around. It's amazing!
Even if you know what the person may say, it hits you in a deeply
powerful way. It's a beautiful and heart-centering feeling.
May You Always Know the Peace
that Dwells Within,
Empowering you through
Yoga, Healing & Workshops
Author of How I Found My True Inner Peace and Divine
Embrace ~ Now Available!
"Follow Your Bliss. It's
Your Spiritual Compass."
Maggie Anderson
Reiki Master Teacher
IET Master Instructor
Featured Classes
2, 2012
Dec. 8, 2012
Spiritual Compass
Dec. 9, 2012
(must be
cert.Reiki II)
I share this gift in gratitude this Thanksgiving: If you
register and place a down payment for any of my Reiki or IET
Certification courses (whether they are on the schedule or not) and mention
this email, you can received $25 off, now through November 30th, 2012.
You may also choose to give this as a gift to another you know
will love these energy healing modalities and receive the same discount
for each person and for each class registered. Enjoy!
Offer Expires: November 30, 2012