Monday, December 3, 2012

I Was Here ~ December 2012

Subject: I Was Here ~ December 2012

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Spiritual Compass Logo

December 2012 Newsletter
"Letting go is always easier than holding on.
And it's how the new stuff will find you.
You new stuff magnet."
   ~ The Universe
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Class Schedule
   IET Advanced 
Dec. 2, 2012   9:30-5p
Spiritual Compass 
Cumberland, RI

Reiki Master  Dec. 9, 2012
Spiritual Compass 
Cumberland, RI 
(must be cert.   Reiki II)

Warm Vinyasa Yoga
 Saturday's at
Humble Warrior
Walpole, MA

Vinyasa Yoga
Tuesday's at
N. Attleboro, MA

Vinyasa Yoga
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Members Only
Smithfield, RI

Email me for more info!

More classes are always being adding to the schedule! Click here for classes I offer. Check back soon. And email me if you'd like to see something on the schedule!

Move into your Empowered Bliss!

Soul Coaching for Deep Powerful Transformations

Coaching & Training for a Thinner Lighter Healther You


Energy Healing

Soul Journeys

"Maggie is an energetic healer truly in touch with her soul & her inner Goddess. She personally carries the energy of lightness & openness and this enables her clients to benefit from her considerable experience in energy healing. I have had the pleasure of participating reiki, reiki drumming, bell & feather clearing, soul journeys, and feel priviledged to have done so. The positive results that I have found are testament to her skills, her truth and her energetic integrity."
~ Helen Williams

What's New 

Merry Christmas! I'm already getting ready for the calm. The quiet that comes when winter is here. The stillness. The permission for us to be still for a while. The crisp air, the quiet walks with still trees and soon more snow falling oh so quietly. It makes you stop... listen... breathe... Allow calm to rest within you.
Whether it's winter where you are or not, you have permission to be still at any time. We need balance and a part of that balance is being still.
This reminds me of an Akashic reading I received several months ago at the beginning of summer. The reading gave me permission to relax, surrender and just breathe. It was exactly what my soul was screaming for. (Thank you Dawn for your beautiful empathic connection to the truth within!) I needed someone or something to stop me from thinking I needed to keep moving and working and doing. My creativity was probably about ready to run out. I was exhausted and needed to rest. A time to breathe was necessary. In the stillness comes creativity. Wintertime for us in the northern hemisphere creates the perfect opportunity for us to breathe, relax and renew.
Be still. Enjoy.
I wish you many blessings this Christmas. (Or whatever holiday you may be celebrating this month. :))
I hope you enjoy this month's Inspirational Article below, I Was Here and Dear Maggie's column: Synchronicities: Messages from our Soul.

As you already know I am a Yoga teacher a Humble Warrior and I also offer a few of my trainings (like IET and Reiki) here too! Please see the pink side bar on the left for dates and times. Humble Warrior is keeping its name and is expanding to a larger space in the center of Walpole, MA. Please come join us for the Grand re-opening of Humble Warrior the weekend of Saturday, December 15th & 16th at 85 West Street, 2nd Floor, Walpole, MA. ***All classes are FREE on December 15th!!!*** My class time remains the same from 9-10:15a.m. I hope to see you there. Come relax and renew. Breathe and enjoy.

HAVE YOU READ EITHER OF MY BOOKS?: How I Found My True Inner Peace or Divine Embrace   
Please leave a review on Amazon for us! Help spread the word, everyone can tap into their Soul and achieve true inner peace.

Leave a review for Divine Embrace


WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY - Testimonials

HIFMTIP Book Cover"Hi Maggie. Your first book has helped me so much to balance and shift my energies. I had some displaced anger and it helped me work through it. My life is so much better since reading your book. Looking forward to reading the second book. Thank you." ~ Jane  Click here to purchase your copy today
"Amazing class! This was the best yoga class I have taken in eight months!"~ Elizabeth

"Hi, My name is Shefali and I am a Reiki 2 practitioner. I was reading your article on synchonocities and coincidences. I was quite surprised by the coincidence that your article mentioned about 11:11 which is the time I always end up seeing. Also a very special moment is associated with this time. Now I know it means something. Just wanted to share with you my coincidence. Regards, Shefali"

"I thank you for what you wrote, It's been an amazing journey so far. I found comfort in reading them almost 7 months after my awakening. It's been a road alright. I am ever so grateful for finding your words of caution & comfort." ~ Contessa


I offer a free Bliss Healing List for anyone who requests it. Every day I send healing energy with the intention of blissful healing connections to all who ask. If you sign up for my FREE newsletter you are automatically signed up! You can sign up for my newsletter and/or the bliss list via email or my Contact form. It's always FREE. Go to my Bliss List page to learn more and feel the healing vibes from this new page!. :)

Yoga Pose of the Month
Lord of the Dance Pose aka Dancers Pose
Sanskrit: Natarajasana           
Photo of Maggie Anderson @ Moonstone Beach, Matunuck, RI
taken by Donald Anderson IV
Maggie Anderson in Dancers PoseDancers Pose
is an amazing balance pose with a nice back bend. To warm up to this pose, it's helpful to practice a few back bends, such as Half Bow and counter poses, such as Eagle Pose. As you flow, remember to hold your focus and connect with your breath. Practicing this awesome yoga pose stretches the shoulders, chest, thighs, groins and abdomen. It also strengthens the legs and ankles, as well as improves balance.
I'll tell you a secret. This is one of my favorite poses to practice in bathroom stalls. Whenever I need a stretch there is just enough room for me to do this pose. :)

Inspire You Article
I Was Here            

BeyonceI lived. I loved. I was here. (Inspired by
the beautiful light of Beyoncé and her amazing song: "I was here".)

We each are a part of the whole. The Universe is not complete without you. You are special and unique. We need YOUR uniqueness to complete us. We are not meant to all be the same. We are meant to dig deep, see our uniqueness, express it, share it, live it, love it and shine our light! We are meant to show that to others so that they, too, shine their light. Our lights shine brighter as we follow our true essence. Our soul.

I'll show you mine, if you show me yours. read full article... 

Dear Maggie Column
FloralClick here to submit *your* question
for the Dear Maggie Column

In this months column, read how synchronicities, those signs, are truly messages from our souls. 

It is my desire and intention always that you take away from my newsletter feelings of empowerment, aliveness, divine connection and peace. Click here to read the entire newsletter online. (The online version includes my favorite movie, video or link of the month.)

May You Always Know the Peace that Dwells Within.

Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."

Laugh uncontrollably, it clears the mind!
Gifts Certificates are available upon request!

Spiritual Compass | Online since 2000 | Cumberland | RI | 02864

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

May You Always Know the Peace that Dwells Within

May You Always Know the Peace that Dwells Within

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From my heart to yours, may you always be blessed this Thanksgiving and forever. Love is infinite. There is always enough to go around. :)

My Gift to You
I share this gift in gratitude this Thanksgiving: If you register and place a down payment for any of my Reiki or IET Certification courses (whether they are on the schedule or not) and mention this email, you can received $25 off, now through November 30th, 2012. You may also choose to give this as a gift to another you know will love these energy healing modalities and receive the same discount for each person and for each class registered. Send me an email and if it's not already on the schedule we can work together and get you certified. Enjoy!

Awesome Family & Friend Game

This Thanksgiving try something new. A friend of mine from (Perry) shared a tradition he does with his family and now I am sharing it with you! I did this with my family last Thanksgiving and it was a huge hit with a few happy tears to boot!

Put everyone's name in a basket. Have each person pick one name (that is not their own). Then go around the room, one at a time, and tell the person you picked something that you like about them -- something positive that this person exudes or something about them you are grateful for. During the sharing portion everyone is quiet to hear the positives and feel good energy floating around. It's amazing! Even if you know what the person may say, it hits you in a deeply powerful way. It's a beautiful and heart-centering feeling.

May You Always Know the Peace that Dwells Within,

Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
Author of How I Found My True Inner Peace and Divine Embrace ~ Now Available!
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."

Maggie Anderson
Reiki Master Teacher
IET Master Instructor
Featured Classes
 Dec. 2, 2012
Spiritual Compass
Cumberland, RI

Reiki II   
Dec. 8, 2012    
Spiritual Compass
Cumberland, RI 

Dec. 9, 2012    
Humble Warrior
Wrentham, MA   
(must be cert.Reiki II)

I share this gift in gratitude this Thanksgiving: If you register and place a down payment for any of my Reiki or IET Certification courses (whether they are on the schedule or not) and mention this email, you can received $25 off, now through November 30th, 2012. You may also choose to give this as a gift to another you know will love these energy healing modalities and receive the same discount for each person and for each class registered. Enjoy!

Offer Expires: November 30, 2012

Spiritual Compass | Online since 2000 | Cumberland | RI | 02864