Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Your Chakra Awakening Meditation is Available now! :)

Just In Time For Christmas!

Divine Embrace Chakra Awakening
Meditation CD

17 min.
You are peacefully led to your safe Sacred space where you  clear away blockages and transform your Chakra Energy Centers into pure crystaline Divine Vortices of energy that work FOR YOU. This meditation will revitalize and rejuvenate your Aura and Chakra centers and ultimately your Soul. Powerful transmissions of energy work on you and heal you as you regularly listen to this meditation. Beautiful background music engineered by my Husband, Don Anderson! :) You can listen while falling asleep or while awake. (Included inside the CD booklet is a beautfiul Chakra illustration with descriptions of the Seven Main Chakra Energy Centers.) Sample of Meditation can be found here.

Purchase Options
Click the purchase option below for your purchase.




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Please email me for details
Our Price: $13.95 (+ S&H)

Treat yourself today! You deserve it!

For more products by Maggie, go to her store here. Please share this with all you feel will resonate and who need an extra energy boost this Winter Season! I want to thank you so much for your support in any way that manifests for you and me! And thank you so much for helping other people understand they have within them the tools to be connected and create all they desire!

We're finally ready to create the life by our design! 
I'm so excited to share this new CD with all of you! Also, coming soon Create the Life You Desire Meditation! Stay tuned! :) I look forward to hearing from you! 


Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 2011 Newsletter - What's New

What's New
Maggie Anderson 
Merry early Christmas! It's that time of year again. We started this month out with Mercury in Retrograde and unusually warm weather for this time of year in New England. Love it! :) Mercury Retrograde is all about practicing your Re's. Re-evaluate your core beliefs, re-review past life issues and patterns, etc. We get our re-do's or do-over's! :) So we can make the best of it by taking this offered time to do just this. Mercury goes direct on December 13th just after the Full Moon on the 10th. 

Of course, this all happens right smack dab in the middle of Thanksgiving and Christmas (or Holiday Season). I had a fantastic Thanksgiving with my family this year. We did an awesome game. I had everyone pick a name out of a bowl and each of us went around the room and told that person (who's name we picked) what we were grateful for with them. It was moving, positive, uplifting and tear-jerky at times. Love it! :) Love you guys! If you didn't get to participate in this fun game, try it at Christmas! What better time than the present! And what a present that would be! ;)


My book has finally been published! :) Yay! The official book launch dates was 11-11-11! yay! :) If you want to find out more about How I Found My True Inner Peace just head on over to my book launch page. My Website Redesign also launched on 11-11-11! Finally! It's been a long time coming! Please head on over to Spiritual Compass to check it out! Please do send me your feedback. I'd love to hear what you think!


I offer a free Bliss Healing List for anyone who requests it. Every day I send healing energy with the intention of blissful healing connections to all who ask. If you sign up for my FREE newsletter you are automatically signed up! You can sign up for my newsletter and/or the bliss list via email or my Contact form. It's always FREE. Go to my Bliss List page to learn more and feel the healing vibes from this new page!. :)

Empowering you through Yoga, Healing &Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."

Dear Maggie Column - Dec. 2011

Dear Maggie
Click here to submit *your* question for the Dear Maggie Column
Dear Maggie,

I found you surfing the web last night "by accident" as alot of others have I'm sure. I was googling "Does the Universe give you signs". That's when I found your amazing website. Your website and deep insights really uplifted me. I fell asleep last night feeling hopeful and woke up in a good mood. 

I am a military wife and mother. I have an awesome husband of 4 years and a 17 year old daughter. I have a cinderella story life thanks to him. We recently moved from Tampa Fl to Port Jeff NY. We have been here 4 months. This is my second military move so moving is not something I am used to quite yet. Anyway I am having a very difficult time adjusting to my "new life in NY." I have basically cried almost every day for 4 months. I used to be a very happy spiritual person living the dream but now I feel lost confused and not sure what I am meant to do with my life. Although we only live in Fl for 3 years my heart aches for Florida. I feel like my destiny is still there and I just want to run away back to Florida but I do not have the financial means and also do not want to upset my family. I tell myself that if it is meant to be I will return to Florida in the future. I am almost 35. 

I am conflicted with should I focus on going back to school here or should my husband and I try to have a baby. Having my daughter so young I never finished college. I have an amazing 17 year old daughter from a previous relationship. Though I feel the universe is telling me it is time to have another baby I am on the fence about a few things. I also worry having a baby will hinder me returning to Florida if I decide to but I am constantly reminded I am not getting any younger and the time is now to have a baby.
I already am a very spiritual person. Dr. Wayne Dyer, James Redfield, Louise L Hay just some of my fav authors. I practice creative visualization, law of Attraction and have for years. I am journeling and I am Reiki Level 1 certified. So I am very familiar with positive affirmations, mediation e! tc..yet my heart aches and I feel stuck. Anyway I just wanted to ask you to add me to the bliss list. Also ask you if you have any insights for me and to thank you for what you do and for this amazing website. Thanks! Sorry if I gave to much information, lol.


Deb :)

Dear Deb,
Yes, of course I've added you to my bliss list! :) I'm so happy my website has brought you a little peace! That was my intention from the start. We are all connected.
It sounds like you are searching. It also sounds like you've got a lot of fires brewing and you're not sure which one to focus on. I've heard the saying, "When in doubt, do nothing". Seriously, it's a lot to think about. A new baby is a big deal. And you want to be settled if you are wanting another baby. However, it has to be YOUR wish. Sounds like you are doing a lot for OTHER people and sacrificing a whole bunch.
Moving out of an area you so totally resonate with and heartbreaking. I know since I've moved probably every two years of my life. Just when I thought we were settled and I was finally making friends, we were uprooted again. Though it has given me the new goal of finally setting down roots and sticking it out. Kinda nice to have that as my goal. :) Suffice it to say I can relate. However, you also know the spiritual side of things. Everything happens for a reason. Everything. It could be things have not totally presented themselves to you yet in the location you are now. We never know the entire story. It could be that you are to bring your spiritual fire to those nearest you who have not been exposed to it like you have. And it can also be that you are meant to stay for a while and enjoy family life, while growing on the inside and then having the goal to move back to Florida when the time is just absolutely perfectly Divine.

But you are screaming to move to Florida so firstly you must listen to your gut. Your intuition never steers you wrong. Were there warning signs prior to leaving Florida that you ignored? Your soul always knows the truth. So if you are meant to move have a discussion with your Husband, if you haven't. Let him know how you are feeling. Listen to his thoughts about the subject? Sometimes we must endure something we don't totally like to get us out of our comfort zone. It's what helps us grow so strong inside.
I feel that you can't debate another child if you are not feeling totally happy where you are and not feeling totally supported with your soul's inner yearnings. You must bring forth life on a foundation of stability and happiness. Fulfillment. If not, things will go amiss and be much more challenging. Right now you have the CHOICE. It's in these ascension times that we have the choice! We can choose what we DESIRE. We can then DECIDE we can and will do it and go for it! What is at your heart of hearts?

 Can you stick it out in New York, have a talk with your Husband and see if he will align with your goals to eventually move back to Florida? If he is willing to align with you and therefore vibrate together with you on a like goal, then you've got something beautiful to work with. If he doesn't have a desire to move or even discuss it, it's something you must think long and hard about. You already have a child to think about.
I've been in the same situation and got divorced when my son was eight months old. I was perfectly happy to have made this decision. One of the best decisions of my life was leaving an unhappy, sinking-pit-of-doom relationship. But that was my experience and my reality at the time. It made my life slightly more challenging at first but much more happy and thriving thereafter! You just KNOW and you take that action when your soul speaks to you.

Take a few minutes ALL TO YOURSELF. In a quiet space in your home during a quiet time take a few minutes to meditate on this. Really set the intention that the answers will come regarding your situation. Turn on the Reiki to yourself. Ask your guides and Angels to present the answers in a way that you would easily understand and with a powerful nudge from your intuition. Breathe and focus only on your breath for a few moments. Have calm music playing if that will assist you. When you've quieted your mind and feel that connection then ask one question at a time. Such as: Should I move? .....space in between....wait for it... Just allow it to come to you if it will. This knowing will present you with a new question. If the answer deep in your belly says stay you may want to ask if you are ready to have a baby yet.
Or just let the pregnancy happen when or if it is meant to without putting much worry or effort into it. When I started getting visions or "warnings" of a new child to come three years prior to even meeting my Husband, I made the intention right then. I said, "if this is to happen it happens with financial stability and that both my partner and I are happy about this baby and live life happily thriving while our child grows up". So far I got my wish and even got to name her what she wanted and kept sending to me even prior to her being conceived.

If during your meditation you are still not receiving a clear answer, then intend that this sends forth a strong request to receive answers in your dreams and waking life. Synchronicities will occur that will lead you in the right direction. An overheard conversation may provide clarity. A television program, movie or a passing car with a license plate that has an answer! You just never know. But only you can definitely hear the call of your Soul. 

Blessings and happy seeking,
Empowering you through Yoga, Healing &Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."

Spirit Will Meet You Where You're At - Dec. 2011

Inspire You Article
Spirit Will Meet You Where You're At
Holy Spirit - White Dove 
Here's something fascinating I started recognizing all over again this week. It's amazing to ponder this!

You don't have to be out of your ego to receive blessings. You don't have to be in the heavens and be a major saint to all those you come in contact with to start (although that helps, teehee). No! Spirit meets you where you ARE NOW! You can receive blessings in your life now while you work towards a higher vibration. Spirit or God knows where you are and you are provided with all you need. You are always taken care of, as long as you believe and don't push those blessings away. You are always supported. Breathe into the awareness of this knowing.

God will meet you where you are at. If you think you are unworthy, you are not. If you think you don't deserve this, you're wrong. You do. You deserve to feel the Divine presence of God. Or what I like to call the Divine presence that goes beyond any description, beyond any explanation I could come up with.
If you feel like you are too deep in ego to have this connection. You are wrong. If you feel like you've done something so horrible there's no way forgiveness could be had or that God/Spirit would accept you. You are wrong. You ARE God the Divine. No matter what you've done to even the smaller things like snapping at your child or accidentally or even purposely cutting someone off while driving. No matter what you are feeling guilty about, you still deserve it. Anything you can think of that brings on your guilt and fear, nothing compares to the Divine love you deserve to receive and ARE receiving! God is STILL there and is still blessing you!

You deserve to receive help, to receive divine guidance, to receive blessings! You can receive. You DO. And it's time to start recognizing it.

Spirit comes to you! Your guidance and blessings overflow to you no matter where you are in this life. Spirit will get creative on the How's and the What's but you are still being met with pure life and love. Spirit always meets you where you are at!

The more you believe you deserve all the blessings, the more you will receive it. The more open you are to receive, the more you are in that abundant blessings flow. And the more you are in that flow and in that *knowing* you, by the Law of Attraction, will receive more expriences of these blessings. So keep it up!
Start fresh every day and do you best. That's all that is asked.

Enjoy, live, laugh, love always!

Blessings to you on your path.

Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."

Yoga Pose of the Month - Warrior II

Warrior II
Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana II

Photo of Maggie Anderson taken by Morayo Sayles
Warrior II - Maggie AndersonWarrior II is another great pose for feeling powerful and energized while opening up the hips, thighs, chest and shoulders. I love to feel the Power Within while immersing myself in this beautiful yoga pose. Warrior II has many other benefits, such as:
  • Strengthens and stretches the legs and ankles
  • Stretches the groins, chest and lungs, shoulders
  • Stimulates abdominal organs
  • Increases stamina
  • Relieves backaches, especially through second trimester of pregnancy
  • Therapeutic for carpal tunnel syndrome, flat feet, infertility, osteoporosis, and sciatica
Directions on how to come into the pose:
Stand in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) and take one giant step back with your right leg, allowing hips to open up. Point your left foot out to the side and turn your right foot slight in. Lower down by bending your left knee so that the knee is over the ankle. Extend your arms shoulder-height out nice and strong, palms down. Gaze or Drishti is over your left middle finger. Think good posture here, growing nice and tall. Torso is centered. Drop the shoulders down away from the ears. We can even flip our palms up here for a moment to assist the shoulders in dropping down. Push through the outside of the back foot. That front bent knee wants to fall inwards. Be mindful of this and keep the leg press back and feel as if you are in between two panes of glass. Tuck the pelvis in a bit to keep good alignment with the spine. Draw the belly in and strengthen your core. Great for relieving lower back pain. Feel your legs in the floor nice and grounded, good foundation. See if you can have your left thigh parallel to the floor. Take five deep breaths here or hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
To come out, release the arms down and straighten the left leg. Switch sides! Gotta have balance! :) Then release the arms down once again, straighten legs. Heel toe your way back in to Mountain pose, palms together for Namaste. Close your eyes and breathe deeply.
When not to do this pose or to modify / Contraindications:
Diarrhea, High blood pressure, or Neck problems: You do not need to turn your head to look over the front hand; instead continue to look straight ahead with both sides of the neck lengthened evenly.

Empowering you through Yoga, Healing & Workshops
"Follow Your Bliss. It's Your Spiritual Compass."