My passion is to inspire you to pursue your passions and assist you through your awakening in these Ascension times. Our beliefs are ever changing and evolving. It is time to Embrace our Destiny. I’d like to share my unique flowering of consciousness via this blog and also my website at Bliss, Maggie
Thursday, October 20, 2011
What's New ~ October 2011
What's New
HAPPY early HALLOWEEN!!! I say it every year but I'll say it again. I love halloween. I haven't seen as much by way of decorations yet, but the Autumn colors are in full bloom so I'm getting a natural nature fix either way. :) Did everyone enjoy another Full Moon this month that happed to be on another gateway day: 10-11-11.
It's official. My book, How I found My True Inner peace, will launch on 11-11-11! What a perfect day. 11-11-11 is another beautiful gateway day - or rather *the* gateway day! All 11's! I can't think of a better day to have my book launch. This is Book One of a two-part series. Book Two will launch 2-12-12. You'll be hearing more about my book launch very soon!
As I mentioned last month, I am adding a new yoga class to my schedule very soon! I will be teaching Vinyasa Flow Yoga at the YMCA in North Attleboro every other Sunday from 9:30-10:30, alternating with another superb Yoga Instructor. My official start date is November 6th. So check my class out if you are in the area!
If you would like to be a part of my book launch please shoot me an email. I would love to have you! I will send you the email that you will send to your email list on the morning of 11-11-11, as well as facebook & twitter comments. If you have a free bonus to offer as well I can include it with the launch. Great exposure to a larger audience!
UPCOMING CLASSES - What do YOU want to see!?
Submit your requestI offer a variety of classes for your enjoyment and empowerment! Please email me with any classes you'd like to see on the schedule or any new class ideas that I haven't offered that you'd like to learn more about (offered in-person and online). I love to expand as the need arises! I look foward to hearing from you all soon! Please check my calendar for the most up-to-date schedule!
Why not!?
Why not! Why not go for your dreams! Why not live in peace now while we reach our goals! Why not REMOVE the fear and anxiety of it all while we open up to our truest blessings and abundance. There's no reason for us to be filled with worry and fear (of whatever - not having enough money, not getting that raise, not getting that new goal we strived for). Instead ask yourself why haven't you given peace a chance. Why not see if you can just breathe right now and be peaceful. No matter what is going on around you! No matter what anyone else says, thinks or does! No matter what! I say it's in the being peaceful, happy and joy-filled NOW that is what gets you the goals that you strive for.
It's in the RELEASE of the pain, anxiety and fear that brings you what you truly desire. Desires like being comfortable, peaceful and also joyful, alive, happy, awake and giving your life a feeling of having meaning and purpose.
More often than not, our drive for more is out of fear and out of thinking we need to be working 90% of the time at a very exhausting rate. When really it's the opposite. If you could just work a little, have balance in life and then simply put the energy of what you desire out there and release it, let it go, you would be receiving more of that at a faster rate. Instead we tend to live in the fear of the opposite of what we desire so more of *that* is what we get instead. It's time we stop living in the energy in fear of... Instead live in the energy of that which we desire. Be happy and filled with gratitude for the abundant blessings we have now and more of *this* will be our constant.
We are all deserving and in the flow of whatever it is we resonate with. We are as abundant as we allow. No more excuses. I was at a wonderful workshop this past weekend with Jackie Eaton, of, where she talked about a client who kept giving her excuses why so many good things that are awaiting her "can't come". So Jackie stopped her and said, "Are you done making excuses for your limitations?" The client finally paused. Took a breath. And realized that's exactly what she was doing. She was DRIVING AWAY all the good that could come to her at ANY TIME! Phew! What a relief that is when you find that out! We can justify the good or justify the bad and we can just be in the neutral witness state of it all and just let it go. Let go and let God, as they say. :)
It WILL be handed to you on a silver platter. Maybe not the way you envisioned but that's where the fun of it all comes in. That's where we leave it all up to the mystery! See what the Universe has in store for you! Don't let your gifts and blessings pass you by because you don't think you deserve it or haven't "worked hard enough" for it. We are deserving of abundant blessings now! And when we receive those blessings that is when we can share more of them with others to complete the circle! :) We all want to share with others and it's easier to share when we are abundant ourselves. It's so easy to give give give and never receive because we think we don't "deserve" it. And on the flip side it's so easy to receive and grab hold of whatever it is we receiving, thinking we won't have enough and therefore block the flow of our very own blessings. So stop giving without receiving. Stop receiving without giving. Trust and allow the flow. A win win!
And because abundant in financial prosperity is a big one for many of us, I want to share an easy though POWERFUL visualization I do every day for financial abundance:
Center yourself. Call in any guides, angels and your God/Source to assist you with being in the flow of abundance and financial prosperity. Take a few deep breaths. Relax. Begin to visualize gold coins flowing down from the sky coming into your energy field (aura) and falling all around you. See these golden coins accumulate around you. Feel them. Actually feel, see and hear the coins clanking into your awareness and aura. Allow as many as you'd like fill your hands. Then begin to see this flow not just falling all around you, but flowing from left to right (our left is our receiving and our right is our giving), see this as you being in the FLOW of Financial prosperity, receiving and giving. The gold coins still flow to you and all around you in this visual. Feel this and be in this space. If you'd like to take it up a notch, see yourself giving the month to all those you can think of and more, knowing there is plenty to give and still even more in your savings and even more to flow after that. Feel and know there is a limitless amount for you and everyone! Enjoy feeling the energy of these blessings.
I want to leave you with the perfect quote from Steve Jobs to drive home the point of having FAITH in your path and knowing, reaching and being only the best most alive, awake and present person you can be in every moment:
"You can't connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well worn path."
~ Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Address, 2005
Enjoy, live, laugh, love always!
Blessings to you on your path,
Maggie ~ Spiritual Cheerleader
Yoga Pose of the Month for October 2011
Sanskrit: Bakasana
Photo of Maggie Anderson taken by Morayo Sayles
Crow (or Crane) is a great pose for strengthening the arms and the core. This pose challenges your balance and you want to be sure you head into the pose in just the right way and in the right time for you. You might not get right into this pose on your first shot. I know I didn't. It took a few years of practicing till I could have the abs and arm strength as well as the determined focus on my mind and body awareness for the supreme balance that comes with working in Crow Pose. I love that I can do it now and know that doing this pose shows off my hard work. But coming into this pose now, I enjoy more of the mind-body connection and ultimate meditation that occurs. I can really feel myself going deep. I feel my mind release if only for a moment and utter peace can be felt. :)
Directions on how to come into the pose:
This pose is sometimes easier to watch someone flowing into the pose first and for first timers it's best to have a teacher nearby to be sure you are not flowing into this pose improperly and therefore possibly cause an injury. That being said, first being in Tadasana (Mountain pose). With feet only a few inches apart, bend down into a squat position. Separate your knees wider than your hips. Hands pressed firmly down on the mat in front of you about shoulder distance apart, elbows slightly bend. Position your shins just behind your upper arms and knees almost nestled into your armpits and/or beginning to rest on your upper arm. As you lift up onto the balls of your feet, slide the upper arms down as low onto the shins as possible, leaning forward even more. Weight shifts to the upper arms even more. Rounding of the back may occur to assist you in positioning yourself here and then a lengthening of the spine thereafter. Continue to shift the weight forward and see if you can begin to lift one foot off the floor and then maybe both. Keep head in a neutral position looking down or gazing slightly up. If this isn't challenging enough, see if you can straighten your arms even more.
Hold for 20 seconds to one minute. Slowly lower to come out and back into squat position. Roll out your wrists here to release the tension. Lot's of pressure on the wrist in Crow pose.
When not to do this pose or to modify/Contraindications: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or any wrist issues, Pregnancy
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