You are more than the problems you create. You are more than your decisions and choices. You are more than your regrets. You are more than your joys. You are more than you think you are. You are more than you believe you are. The intensity and aliveness that which you are is incomprehensible to the mind.
You are a divine being capable of so much more than your mind tells you. Release the resistance of your mind and emotions. The more you release resistance the more you open up to the higher vibrational being that you are. Just know that you are more.
"Beloved ones, you are the power of the future. You are the ones envisioning the future, and the future does not exist except as you will mold it and shape it and envision it. You are the power of the future, and it will be as you decree it. The future has not been made yet." Jeshua Online,
All the experiences of our lives and most of what we can be aware of is just surface stuff! Go deeper. Feel more. Be more. Each moment holds more divine power than the surface awareness that we usually see. Each and every moment is holy. Each and every moment.
So come as you are. The full aliveness that which you are. Everyday starts new. Everyday starts fresh within you - the powerful being that you are. You are more than you think you are. Start anew. A clean slate. More than this, you can dive down deep and cultivate even more than you think you can. You can do this in every moment, just upon waking for the day. And you can do this right now! Don't wait for tomorrow. Start fresh right now. Breathe slow and deep. Feel refreshed.
Say you have a past regret. A mistake you might have made. Let's put aside the fact that this "mistake" helped you grow into the person you are now and assisted you in appreciating what you didn't back then to now. You are wiser. However, even this regret you hold too close to you now is not who you really are. You are forgiven because you are so much more than this. You can decide to remake yourself today. Live anew.
It's not about what you've done or what's been done to you. It's about your core essence and what you share of your true self now. It's about what you realize within yourself. Our first and primary goal in life is to realize our Divine True Selves. In that awareness we are FREE. In that awareness we can truly live. In that awareness we can truly give of ourselves as we are pulled to do so. In that awareness we can Be. Bliss is at our reach. It's up to us to realize we are more. We are light. We are Love.
Please check out the video by Tenth Avenue North, called "You Are More", that truly drives home the emotion of the essence of this message. And also, Firework by Katy Perry, an amazing song and uplifting video!!
Matt Kahn of asks, in his most recent video, this profound question: "When there is nothing to be aware of, is awareness still there?" Does awareness still exist. YES! And when you feel that answer from deep within an amazing connection occurs. A divine presence awakens. Always there, never not there.
Enjoy, live, laugh and love always!
Blessings to you on your path,
~Spiritual Cheerleader