Eagle Pose
Sanskrit: Garudasana
Image courtesy of my Husband, Don Anderson.
Taken in the beautiful WWI Park in Plainville, MA.
Eagle pose is great for opening up the back, working with the shoulders and really strengthening the legs, knees and ankles. Can relieve cramps of the legs. Many benefits are held in this balance pose. As you hold you feel your strength. Find peace and quiet the mind. Everything is inside and your power is expanded upon while you maintain this pose.
Directions on how to come into the pose:
Stand in the powerful Mountain Pose. Feet walking distance apart. Straight, activated arms and legs, good posture. From here begin to bend your left knee and bring your right thigh over right left knee. From here you can keep it modified as you sit back and place your foot on the floor or you can bind your right foot around the lower left calf as you see here in the image to the right. Balancing on the left foot. Then while sitting back in this position, you can wrap your right arm under the left arm and bind your wrists so palms are touching. If binding is a challenge and for those with wrist issues you may simple allow your forearms to come together with palms facing each other. Now from here take your bound arms and allow the elbows to stretch out away from your body and lift up. Shoulders are over your hips here. Hold here and breathe. Challenge yourself by sitting lower. Challenge yourself even more by coming into a bound foward fold, nice and slow and gracefully rising back up in this position. Another challenge is to simply close eyes and maintain good balance. Come out and switch sides after a few breaths. Do this a few times on each side. The more you practice this you will be able to maintain good balance in this pose for a good few minutes or longer. :)
When not to do this pose or to modify/Contraindications:
Those with knee issues may find this pose challenging. To start use the modification I've offered above. The more you practice this and other yoga poses you will strengthen your knees again and be able to eventually come into this full pose. Don't rush yourself. Just honor the wisdom of your body always.