Surrendering to Faith
with a Zen Parable
"There is not a stream of badness and a stream of goodness, or sickness or wellness. There is only a Stream of Well-being. The question that you're wanting to ask yourself is, "In this moment, am I letting it in or not? Am I allowing it or am I not?"
~ Abraham-Hicks.com
There is a Zen parable I would like to share in this month's Inspirations article. It is a story that has assisted me during a recent challenging occurrence. Someone close to me told a lie that I was saying unkind things about another person they love. Of which I never did or said anything of the sort. What's worse is, this someone is someone I love dearly. And because there is a case of a mental disability here, the most hurtful thing is that it's possible he believes what he has shared as true. So even though I know it's not true and others have accounted to my character and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it would never be true, there isn't much we can do but wait, hope and assist this person in working through their issue.
We don't know why or what brought on this fable or false reality story. It could be misconstruing a dream for reality. It could be a story to get attention. It could be that it did happen with someone else and because it's hard to see it from that person they put the blame on someone who can "take it" and know they will still love them. Or he is pushing that very person away for whatever reason. It could be that a totally unrelated stressful change or experience occurred and something was triggered in this person's brain to come up with some kind of coping mechanism through a story? Who knows. The possibilities are endless. And it could be that as my Husband said he kept hearing this phrase today, "There is no why. There only Is."
My heart breaks none-the-less. I know those that know me and my beliefs as well as my character know it's not true. It's one thing if I actually thought those untrue things this person said I said, but I don't even think those things. Anyone who knows me knows I strive to see the light in everyone and it's only more challenging with folks who are truly evil. Obviously this person is not even close to what was said about her and cares about her loved ones. The person who said these untrue things, I love dearly and that I want only the best for. I would never say or do anything to harm this person or anyone they love (or anyone for that matter). And even if, in the twisted reality where this came from, they still believe it, talking about it is a beginning for this to question and bring into their awareness that this story isn't real. And ultimately, the hope is there is a healing for this person. That those in authority will take note of this with him and work with this person and these occasional realities and see if this is stemming just from the stress of a new change (or changes) in their life. Either way, for this person to begin to figure out what they are really feeling and from where this came from is hopeful.
"The standard of success in life isn't the things. It isn't the money or the stuff. It is absolutely the amount of joy that you feel." ~ Abraham.Hicks.com
The above quote is where I am at. I know everything happens for a reason. So it is up to me to discern any lessons I gain from every experience as best I can. I know that things will happen. Waiting for the other shoe to drop when in a happy moment is a recipe for disaster. Worry is manifesting what you are worrying about. History of prior patterns if looked at as something that will occur again, will make it occur again if you believe it will. Life *will* happen. Challenges will occur. We must must must vent our frustrations/anger/worry/fear, etc. (by talking about it, writing about it, etc.) and then release it to the ether. Let go and shift towards light. There is light even in challenging moments. I see that and I recognize this. I see it even yesterday in the person these untrue comments were aimed at and in those around them. I see it in the person who spoke the lies. I see it in our neighbor's. It's always there. It never leaves. And I know that we can come at any challenge with this view, with this peace, this stillness and still feel the joy and peace that life brings us.
The gratitude I hold is something I work at consciously feeling every day. It's easy during good happy times. It's a bit harder during challenging moments like today. But I get there. I do my best to be in the moment of highest vibration to allow my body to continue its conscious ascension even during harder times as best I can. But I never ignore an issue. I process it, I vent, I feel, I release it, I see the light in the situation and even when I don't know the good "ending" or solution of it, I know it's there. It's always there and sometimes presents itself at a later time as well. Either way, for me, it is not about not feeling the happy moments to the fullest because you're too busy waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's about riding the waves and remaining in the peaceful center. Shining my light as best I can in every moment. I am not perfect and am truly growing and working at doing this consciously more each day in every moment. I'm not there yet but I am doing the best I can as consciously as I can.
For me, today the story I come to is of a Zen Master. This Zen Master lived in a Zen center within a community. There was a teenage girl who lived next door who ended up pregnant. Her parents were livid. They demanded she tell them who the father is. In fear of their wrath and for whatever reason she pointed her finger at the Zen Master. The family believed their upset daughter. The Zen Master was confronted. He did not deny or confirm their accusations. When they told him what their daughter said, he simply stated, "Is that so?" The parents left in a huff and told anyone they could to stay away from the Zen Master and his center. The Zen Master received ridicule and poor treatment from his neighbors after this. When the baby was born the parents went to the Zen Master and handed the baby over to him. They said, "You did this. You take care of him." So the Zen Master cared for and loved the baby as if he were his own for a full year. That baby received the best treatment any baby could. Around this time the daughter finally gave in to her guilt as it tore at her. She knew the truth. So she finally told her parents the truth, that this man was not the father of her baby. That it was, in fact, another teenage boy in her school. Her parents went to the Zen Master and apologized profusely for their mistake and they took the baby back for their daughter to raise.
One positive thing to take from this is that baby had beautiful divine care during his first year of life. Another positive, the daughter now knows the internal strength of truth and integrity on a deeper level. I'm sure she will instill something of this learning with her child. Another for the parents and judgmental neighbors of the town, they now know that judging when you truly don't have all the facts isn't wise. And that even when you think you know all the facts, you don't. You never will. Judging anyone based on any information just isn't wise. Even and especially judging oneself. Now there is discernment of situations that is required for living. But judging is not recommended. Judge not, lest ye be judged. I always come back to my favorite phrase: "It's not good. It's not bad. It just is."
Now, I know I might not have relayed this story in exactly how it was told to me, but the essence is there. And I also know that for me, I would have at least said that this was not true and maybe then simply accepted whatever it is they believed after that. Just as I did yesterday. For me, I had to say that this story was a lie, whether they believed it or not. So for me, this story is assisting me in having some faith. In knowing that, "this too shall pass". And in knowing that even if every one else may not know or, for some, may not believe me... I know. I know the truth and I know within myself the good person I am and try to emulate out to the world. I know that God knows, as God is within me and everyone. And in that knowing faith is cultivated and strong. I am also so very lucky and blessed to know that I have the support of my Husband and several others and their faith in me too. With my Husband we can hold this faith together and ride those waves. Where possible having another does help.
But I also know this is an internal process as well that I alone must come to peace with. There is a sense of a loss of power over this situation. I can only share my truth and pray that others will see the light. Even then I must surrender that wish. As I surrender it all to the Divine, a faith is instilled and although only slightly there yet, I feel it even now. The faith inside me is building.
Update: Recently, this person has confessed to lying about me. So they knew during the event and after that they were lying. There might have been some reason at the time that they decided to lie but they can't remember now that so much time has passed. Either way it is nice to know that they know they were lying and that they finally came forward with the truth. Whether this came forward or not, I held my faith and surrendered and that's where my inner peace continued. Though I am very happy to hear that they told the truth as well. :)
So my advice to all those out there dealing with situations of powerlessness or any challenging situation, do what you can within your power in truth and light and simply surrender. Cultivate faith that all is Divine. Everything is always as it should be. See the light in all people and situations. We are ascending through these challenges. So be the witness and see it and release it. Allow your inner stillness to come forth stronger in all situations. Have presence. This awareness is natural within us. It is always there and no one and nothing can take it away. It's is untouched by the outside world. It is your true essence. Embrace the stillness within and meet your true Self. :)
Enjoy, live, laugh and love always!
Blessings to you on your path,
~Spiritual Cheerleader